
  • 网络Campus greening;campus landscaping
  1. 浙江工业大学校园绿化总体规划的初步构思

    Overall design of campus landscaping for Zhejiang University of Technology

  2. 论现代校园绿化

    On Modern Campus Landscaping

  3. 基于移动GIS和整合SBAS信号的GPS校园绿化调查

    Integration of Mobile GIS and GPS Using the Signal of SBAS for Surveying Landscape on Campus

  4. 北京联合大学化工学院校园绿化设计

    The Environmental Planning of Chemical Engineering College of Beijing Union University

  5. 西北工业大学金叶信息学院校园绿化设计

    The Landscape Design of Gold Leaf College of North-West Industrial University

  6. 海南医学院新校园绿化规划设计

    Landscape Planning and Design for the New Campus of Hainan Medical College

  7. 甘肃农业大学兰州校园绿化规划

    The Afforestation of the New Campus of Gansu Agricultural University

  8. 高校校园绿化与城市生物多样性保护

    Campus Greening in Universities and Protection of Biodiversity in Cities

  9. 沈阳大学北校区校园绿化木本植物检索表

    Index of Woody Species in North Campus of Shenyang University

  10. 完善校园绿化主要功能的针对性和整体协调的统一性;

    To refine the function of campus forest and integrate the ecosystem ;

  11. 浅谈校园绿化景观的功能及植物配置

    Superficial Discussion on Function and Plant Distribution of Greening Landscape in Campus

  12. 高校校园绿化建设问题探讨

    Discussion About The Landscape Construction Of The University Campus

  13. 高校校园绿化调整与改造的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of Campus Greening Adjustment and Transformation in Colleges and Universities

  14. 大学校园绿化探析

    Study on Landscape Greening of College and University Campuses

  15. 信阳农专校园绿化树种调查研究

    Investigation and Study on Gardening Tree Categories in Campus of Xinyang Agricultural College

  16. 华南海滨城市大学校园绿化建设研究

    Study on Construction of University Campus Greening in Coastal Cities of South China

  17. 校园绿化两个棘手问题的解决

    Solutions to two thorny Problems on Campus Afforestation

  18. 论校园绿化的育人功能

    On functions of campus afforestation on cultivating talents

  19. 校园绿化资源与学生综合素质培养

    Natural Resources of Campus Virescence and Quality-oriented Training

  20. 湖南长沙高校校园绿化及植物多样性现状调查与分析

    Analysis of Greening and Species Diversity of Campus Communities in Changsha of Hunan Province

  21. 校园绿化的教育功能及其管理

    The education fumction and managing afforested in Campus

  22. 长江大学校园绿化研究

    Study on Virescence of Yangtze University Campus

  23. 着重探讨了高校校园绿化与城市生物多样性保护的关系;

    The relationship between campus greening and the protection of biodiversity in cities was discussed .

  24. 黑龙江省四所高校校园绿化树种的调查及应用

    The Investigation and Application on Greening Tree Species in Four University Campus of Heilongjiang Province

  25. 高校校园绿化养护管理的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on the Maintenance and Management of Making Campus Green in Colleges and Universities

  26. 论校园绿化与景观照明

    On Campus Greening and Landscape Lighting

  27. 廊坊市高等院校校园绿化现状及其分析

    State quo and Analysis of Making the Campus of Colleges and Universities Green in Langfang City

  28. 在校园绿化过程中,大树的移栽和草坪的套种是两个棘手问题。

    In campus afforestation , the two thorny problems are big trees transplanting and lawns interplanting .

  29. 校园绿化与植物学教学

    Campus Afforestation and Botany Teaching

  30. 校园绿化设计原则研究

    On Campus Afforest Design Principle