
  • 网络Resin tube;CIPP;GPA;XPA;XPU
  1. 在给排水管道工程中推广应用玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂管

    Application of Glass-Fiber-Reinfored Thermosetting-Resin Pipe in Water Supply and Sewerage Pipeline Engineering

  2. 新型树脂根管充填材料的制备及其稳定性评价

    Preparation and stability assessment of a new resin root canal filling material

  3. 新型双甲基丙烯酸酯树脂根管封闭剂的制备与理化特性评价

    Synthesis and Evaluation of Physiochemical Properties of A Novel Dimethacrylates-based Root Canal Sealer

  4. 常规环氧树脂滤砂管甲醛和甲苯严重超标,对生产和施工人员及环境有一定的伤害,因此在环氧树脂滤砂管的基础上开发了GD环保型滤砂管。

    The conventional ethoxyline sand-screening pipe is harmful to both the operators and the environment because of containing excessive formaldehyde and toluene .

  5. 可变锥度镍钛锉在树脂弯曲根管中成形效果的观察

    Shaping Ability of Multi-taper Nickel-titanium Files in Simulated Resin Curved Root Canal

  6. 30个树脂模型根管未显示出两组在扩大、成形方面的差别;

    Thirty resin block canal models did not show any significant difference between the groups either in enlarging or in shaping root canals .

  7. 采用热固型共聚磺化酚醛树脂在多孔Al2O3管外侧经涂覆、固化、离子交换和热解的方法制备了一种载镍炭分子筛膜。

    A nickel containing carbon molecular sieve membrane ( Ni-CMSM ) was prepared by pyrolysis of a Ni-exchanged sulfonated phenolic resin precursor membrane , which was supported on porous Al_2O_3 tube .

  8. 根据接触消毒作用原理,研制了碘树脂个人饮水消毒管(长174mm,重24g)。

    A kind of personal drinking water disinfection tube containing iodine resin was developed on the basis of principles of contact disinfection . The tube is 174 mm long , 14 ~ 16 mm in outer diameter and 24g in weight .

  9. 树脂涂层在原油管输中的防结蜡研究

    Study on using resin coatings for inhibiting wax deposition in pipeline transportation of crude oil

  10. 介绍用于生产不饱和聚酯树脂的电热蛇管加热器的制作要求及其使用方法。

    The paper is about the requirements of making electrocaloric coller , the heating vessel in the production of unsaturated polyester resin and about its usefulness .

  11. 树脂包覆牙胶与双重聚合亲水性甲基丙烯酸酯树脂根管封闭剂的疗效观察

    Clinical Evaluation of Resin-Coated Gutta-Percha Cones and a Dual-Cured , Hydrophilic Methacrylate Resin-Based Root Canal Sealer