
  • 网络standard cosmological model;Standard model of cosmology;FRW
  1. 在众多宇宙模型中由弗里德曼、罗伯特和沃克等人建立的标准宇宙模型是最重要的宇宙模型。

    In many models of the universe , the Standard Cosmological Model established by Freedman , Robert and Walker is a most important one .

  2. 观测结果验证了我们已经建立了的标准宇宙模型的同时,也给我们提出了新的挑战。

    Observations have verified the standard cosmological model on one hand , but on the other hand , they also make us face some new problems .

  3. 非标准宇宙模型新动向

    Recent Developments in Non-standard Cosmological Models

  4. 宇宙一大书本,人生一大学堂。标准宇宙模型是指宇宙始于极端温高密状态的热大爆炸理论。

    The so called " Standard Cosmological Model " means the relativistic Hot Big , Bang theory , in which our expanding universe has been evolving from an extremely hot and dense state .

  5. 接着我们综述了现代宇宙学的标准模型-Friedmann宇宙模型。

    Furthermore , we review the standard model of modern cosmology ― Friedmann model .

  6. 标准宇宙的三维投影模型

    Standard Universe Model of Three & Dimensional Projective Geometry