
róu ruǎn
  • soft;flexible;supple;lithe;delicacy;easily bent
柔软 [róu ruǎn]
  • (1) [soft;lithe]∶软和;不坚硬

  • 柔软的垫子

  • 柔软的体操

  • (2) [supple]∶[织物] 质地柔韧、柔顺

  • 质地柔软的皮革

柔软[róu ruǎn]
  1. 他握住了她柔软的手臂。

    His fingers closed around the soft flesh of her arm .

  2. 保湿霜有助于保持皮肤柔软有弹性。

    Moisturizing cream helps to keep your skin soft and supple .

  3. 经常使用护发剂来使你的头发柔软而且易于梳理。

    Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable .

  4. 将水果煮至柔软,但不要煮成糊状。

    Cook until the fruit is soft but not mushy .

  5. 苔藓柔软,摸起来像绒毛。

    The moss was soft and furry to the touch .

  6. 草柔软而有弹性。

    The grass was soft and springy .

  7. 弗蕾迪说话轻声细气,穿着柔软的天鹅绒拖鞋蹑手蹑脚地四处走动。

    Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers

  8. 我摩挲着小牛耳朵里面柔软的凹槽。

    I rubbed the velvety grooves inside the calf 's ears .

  9. 该皮革柔软而结实,足以用上数年。

    The leather is supple and sturdy enough to last for years

  10. 这种面膜能使你的皮肤变得柔软细嫩。

    This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple .

  11. 他一头柔软卷曲的黑发,眼睛又黑又亮。

    He had fuzzy black hair and bright black eyes .

  12. 他舒舒服服地坐在柔软的躺椅上。

    He was comfortably seated in a soft reclining chair .

  13. 经常使用润肤露可使皮肤柔软而富有弹性。

    Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple

  14. 他用双手摸了摸他平头上柔软的短发。

    He rubbed his hands over the soft bristles of his crew cut .

  15. 不要给它们施肥过多,以防其长得柔软多汁。

    Do not overfeed them , as this will encourage soft sappy growth .

  16. 这些布料质地柔软,穿着很舒服。

    The materials are soft and comfortable to wear .

  17. 她在柔软而舒适的床上躺了下来。

    She lay down on the soft , comfortable bed

  18. 加入足量的牛奶,使面团变得柔软。

    Add enough milk to form a soft dough .

  19. 用传统干酪制作技术制成的布里干酪柔软,不易裂开,而且口感细滑。

    Traditional cheesemaking skills give our brie its soft , supple , creamy texture .

  20. 一件柔软的白袍子搭在椅子上,供乔安娜使用。

    A soft white robe had been draped over a chair for Joanna 's use

  21. 这种泥浆呈灰色,它光滑、柔软,像黄油一样易塑。

    The mud is smooth , gray , soft , and plastic as butter .

  22. 针对他们各人不同的需要挑选柔软、软硬适中或者坚硬的床垫。

    Choose a soft , medium or firm mattress to suit their individual needs .

  23. 它的毛又短又密,柔软光洁。

    Its fur is short , dense and silky

  24. 用柔软的干布擦拭金属。

    Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth

  25. 他一头浓密、柔软的黑发。

    He had rich , soft ebony hair .

  26. 它较棉布和尼龙柔软,光泽则与丝绸相仿。

    It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk .

  27. 用柔软的毛巾将它拍干。

    Pat it dry with a soft towel

  28. 当头发干后,用柔软的婴儿用尼龙发刷梳理头发。

    When it 's dry , brush the hair using a soft , nylon baby brush .

  29. 草长得又茂密又柔软。

    The grass grew thick and velvety

  30. 我躺在床上,将头枕在柔软的羽绒枕上。

    In bed , I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers .