
  • 网络extreme temperature
  1. 由于沙漠的极端温度,这里很难生存。

    Because of the extreme temperatures in the desert , it is a very difficult place to survive .

  2. 介绍了NO在植物盐分、干旱、极端温度及UV-B辐射等逆境胁迫反应中的作用。

    Functions of NO in plant salinity , drought , extreme temperatures and UV-B radiation were mainly introduced .

  3. Prions是免疫系统无法看见的,在苛刻的溶液里和极端温度下都能顽强地活下来。

    Prions are invisible to the immune system , yet tough enough to survive harsh solvents and extreme temperatures .

  4. Kempen说他们想评估一下这种植物对干旱和极端温度的反应。

    Kempen says they want to assess how the plants respond to drought and extreme temperatures .

  5. 充分利用室内温湿要素的历史数据,提出将ARIMA模型(自回归移动平均模型)与多元回归模型相结合对温室内温湿条件尤其是极端温度进行模拟预测的方法。

    Making full use of the historical indoor temperature and relative humidity data , multiple-regression method combined with autoregressive integrated moving average model ( ARIMA model ) was used to simulate and predict the indoor temperature and relative humidity , especially the extreme values of these factors .

  6. 轴向和横向移动都应当按照极端温度进行计算。

    Axial and lateral movements shall be based on upset temperatures .

  7. 手机可以被暴露在极端温度和天气条件。

    Cell phones can be exposed to extreme temperatures and weather conditions .

  8. 花的性系统主要受极端温度的影响。

    Flower sexual system is mainly affected by extreme temperatures .

  9. 极端温度事件区域性的分析方法及其结果

    The analysis method of regional characteristics of extreme temperature and its results

  10. 极端温度会减少动物肉制品和乳制品的产量。

    And temperature s reduce animal production of meat or milk products .

  11. 叶质主要受无霜期和极端温度的影响。

    Leaf texture is mainly affected by frost-free season and extreme temperatures .

  12. 它们具有过热保护功能,保护电机免受极端温度的影响。

    They also feature thermal overload protection to safeguard the motor from extreme temperatures .

  13. 极端温度环境下飞行器液压蓄能器与气瓶特性研究

    The Research on Characteristics of Aircraft Hydraulic Accumulator and Gas Chamber in Extreme Environment

  14. 极端温度的变化较之于平均温度更趋不稳定。

    Contrasted with average temperature , the change of extreme temperature is more unsteadily .

  15. 中国北方年极端温度的变化趋势与区域增暖的联系

    Trend of Annual Extreme Temperature and Its Relationship to Regional Warming in Northern China

  16. 日间的极端温度事件频数变化较显著。

    It had more significant changes to frequency of extreme temperature events during the day .

  17. 对于在极端温度下工作的场合,壳牌推荐使用施达纳系列高温长寿命润滑脂。

    For applications where extreme temperatures are experienced , Shell recommends Stamina high temperature greases .

  18. 极端温度气候下园林花卉苗木业抗灾现状及对策上虞市花卉苗木产业现状与发展对策

    Resistance and Countermeasure for Flower and Garden Plant Industry to Disaster under the Extreme Climate

  19. 固体自润滑材料极端温度环境适应能力研究

    Adaptability of Solid Lubricant at Extreme Temperature

  20. 集合预报对冬季低温和夏季高温等极端温度的预报能力较差,但对风速的预报体现一定优势。

    The ensemble forecast is not good at temperature forecast , but it is good at speed forecast .

  21. 而在诸多非生物逆境中,干旱、高盐和极端温度是最为严重的自然灾害。

    Drought , high salinity and extremely temperature are the most severe disasters of abiotic stresses harm to crops .

  22. 极端温度是抑制褐飞虱种群自然增长率的主要因素之一。

    Extreme temperatures are thought to be one of the main factors suppressing natural population growth of the brown planthopper .

  23. 华山松各产地的极端温度是其种源变异的主导因子。

    The leading factor of the variations is caused by the extreme temperatures of the original places of Pinus armandi .

  24. 干旱、极端温度和盐害等非生物胁迫因子是制约林木生长的重要因素。

    Abiotic stresses such as drought , extreme temperature and salt injury are important factors limiting the growth of forest trees .

  25. 极端温度事件的趋势系数空间分布与相应极端温度值的趋势系数空间分布具有很好的对应关系。

    The spatial distributions of the frequency trend-coefficients of extreme temperature events have opposite relation with that of the extreme temperatures .

  26. 凭借其本身的抗旱性,对极端温度的耐受力,易于管理等特性,苔藓植物已经成为绿化材料的可选对象。

    The characteristics such as extreme temperature tolerance , desiccation resistance and easy maintenance make bryophytes a superior material for greening .

  27. 极端温度事件的研究结果表明:年夜间(日间)极端低温事件不但强度降低而且发生的频数也在明显减少。

    The results of extreme temperature events show that the density and frequency of annual extreme minimum temperature events was decreased strongly .

  28. 从逐日序列计算出年平均温度和年极端温度序列,并把修正之前和修正之后的序列趋势进行比较。

    Annual mean and extreme temperature series are deduced from the daily observations and trends in the adjusted and unadjusted series are compared .

  29. 中国东部地区大城市和小城镇极端温度及日较差变化对比分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Changes of Extreme Temperature and Extreme Diurnal Temperature Range of Large Cities and Small Towns in Eastern China

  30. 在全球气候变暖的背景下,利用蒙特卡洛随机模拟方法对未来极端温度变化特征进行模拟试验。

    Monte Carlo Method does stochastic stimulants experiments about the characteristics of extreme temperature in the future on the background of global warmer .