
  • 网络minimum principle;minimal principle
  1. 潜在滑动面的确定利用了极小值原理,本文通过以简例验证了这一点;

    The minimal principle is used to find the critical slip surface , as is validated in this paper .

  2. 运用极小值原理,提出了飞行时间-地形遮蔽最优TF/TA2轨迹性能指标。

    Using minimal principle sets up a performance index of optimization on flight time to terrain avoidance ( TF / TA 2 ) .

  3. 基于极大极小值原理的UPFC控制器设计

    Design of UPFC Damping Controller Based on Minimax Principle

  4. 采用极小值原理设计了线性二次型高斯状态反馈控制器(LQG),并基于最优估计理论设计了连续Kalman滤波器。

    With resort to the minimum principle , a LQG state feedback controller is obtained . In addition , a continuous Kalman filter is designed based on the optimal estimation theory .

  5. 本文应用自由焓极小值原理详细推导了含有惰性组分的复杂气态物系化学平衡的计算方法。得到改进的W-J-D法及拉格朗日乘子法。

    The present paper derived the computation methods of chemical equilibria for complex gaseous systems containing inert components using minimization principle of Gibb ′ s free energy , Modified W-J-D method and Lagrange multipliers are obtained .

  6. 基于广义功极小值原理的鱼雷最优控制问题

    Optimization Control of Torpedo Based on Generalized Work Minimum Principle

  7. 以极小值原理为基础,设计优化阻尼变化律。

    In this paper , an optimal law of damping is proposed based on minimum principle .

  8. 本文利用最优控制中的极小值原理设计了时间协同制导律。

    In this paper , we design the time collaborative guidance law using the optimal control minimum theory .

  9. 基于潘家铮极大极小值原理,结合和声搜索算法提出了一种土坡稳定分析的新方法。

    A new method of stability analysis of slopes is presented based on Panjiazheng extremum principle and harmony search method .

  10. 强迫耗散系统的有序结构和系统的发展(Ⅱ),广义能量极小值原理和系统的发展

    Ordered structure and system development of the force dissipation system (ⅱ), Minimal value principle of generalized energy and system development

  11. 应用极小值原理于这个简化的等效问题。直接得出导引规律的解析表达式。

    Application of the principle of the minimum to this simplified equivalent problem gives straightforward the analytical formula of the guidance law .

  12. 采用极小值原理解得最优控制变量,并由内点约束条件获得解脱开始时间、约束时间及控制变量转换时间。

    The optimal control variable was gained according to the PMP , the start time , end time and switch time of conflict resolution were obtained by inner-point restriction condition .

  13. 本文对大行程快速随动系统用极小值原理推导最佳开关线方程,设计Bang&Bang控制器。

    In this paper , the optimal on-off switching plot equation for the fast spoed servo system is ascertained by using the minimal value principle , and the Bang-Bang controller for the system is designed .

  14. 通过对集装箱运行过程的数学分析可以看出用解决优化问题的常用方法如极小值原理和动态规划等方法对集装箱运行轨迹进行优化是困难的。

    It is difficult to solve the container movement track optimization problem by using general method to solve optimization problem such as minimum value method and dynamic plan . This can be seen clearly through mathematic analysis .

  15. 本文针对形成三星星座,利用最优控制中的极小值原理,解算了用恒值、连续工作、牛顿级小推力变轨的时间最短控制问题。

    In the paper , considering three satellite constellation , optimal time control of orbit transfer with constant value , continue working and Newton grade thrust is studied , by means of Minimum Principle in optimal control theory .

  16. 本文讨论了利用极小值原理设计的双积分系统的时间最优控制的控制曲线和开关曲线,着重讨论了该系统在最优控制下最优时间的计算方法的推导过程。

    This paper , using the minimum principle , discusses the control curve and switching curve under the optimal time control of the double integrating system . It emphasizes the derivation to calculate the optimal time control of the double integrating system .

  17. 利用大气非线性动力学证明了广义能量极小值原理,进一步从理论上证明它是同大气非平衡态热力学最小熵产生原理在物理上是一致的。

    The minimal value principle of the generalized energy is demonstrated using the atmosphere nonlinear dynamics . It is demonstrated more theoretically that the minimal value principle is coincident to the principle of least entropy production in the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of atmosphere .

  18. 根据极小值原理探讨了Ping-Ping控制算法,车辆以最佳方式消除停车误差应切换控制的状态轨迹,以及消除停车误差车辆应行驶的最短距离。

    According to optimal control principle , Ping Ping control algorithm is used to eliminate vehicle 's errors from current position to the expected location , the switching line of control action and the minimum moving distance are given by using this algorithm .

  19. 应用最优控制理论的极小值原理和参数优化理论,叙述了具有常数时滞的多变量时变系统的最优控制算法,基于该算法,提出了这类系统的数模混合仿真方法和实践方法。

    This paper describes the optimal control algorithm of multivariable time varying systems with constant time delays using minimal value theory and parameter optimization theory of optimal control theory , and presents the digital analog hybrid simulation method and practice methods of the systems based on this algorithm .