
  • 网络Polarization;polarization angle;polarizing angle
  1. 卫星接收极化角计算公式的推导

    Polarization angle calculating formula inference for satellite reception

  2. 用MATLAB编写了计算接收天线方位角、仰角和极化角的程序;

    Using MATLAB calculate azimuth , elevation and polarization angle .

  3. 用克拉美-劳限(CRB)来衡量信号到达角和极化角的估计精度;

    The Cramer-Rao Bound ( CRB ) is used to evaluate the accuracy of the estimated directions of arrival and polarization angles .

  4. 交叉极化角欺骗干扰的极化抑制方法研究

    Novel polarization suppression algorithm of cross - polarization angle deception

  5. 卫星接收后馈天线极化角调整装置的技术改造

    The change of the polarization angle adjusting device on the back - feed antenna

  6. 极化角调整前可能需要调整天线的对星指向。

    Before the polarization angle adjustment , the antenna pointing may need to be adjusted in advance .

  7. 数字卫星电视接收天线仰角方位角极化角调试探讨

    Explore of Debugging Elevation Angle , Azimuth Angle and Polarization Angle of Digital Satellite TV Receiver Antenna

  8. 不管是对称的还是非对称的二维表面浮雕结构,方位角和极化角的变化对其反射率的影响都不明显;

    It is indicated that variation of orientation and polarization angle make less effect on reflectivity for both symmetric or asymmetric structure .

  9. 卫星电视信号接收天线定位的主要参数是方位角、仰角和极化角。

    The main parameters of the satellite TV signal receiving antenna positioning are the azimuth , the elevation angle and polarization angle .

  10. 随钻电阻率曲线随着井斜角度增大会出现“极化角”。低阻侵入会使“极化角”弱化;

    The polarization angels appear in the resistivity curve with the increase of deviation angle and the polarization angles will be weakened with the low-invasion .

  11. 基于舰载卫星天线三维伺服跟踪系统,通过二维电机驱动机制控制天线方位角、俯仰角和极化角。

    Based on the three-dimensional servo tracking system of carrier-based satellite antenna , the azimuth angle , elevation angle , and polarization angle of antenna were controlled through two-dimensional motor driver mechanism .

  12. 结果表明,原子偶极矩2阶、6阶压缩效应与原子初始极化角θ以及光场初始强度有关。但不存在4阶、8阶压缩。

    Result clearly , the second and sixth-order dipole squeezing of atom with polarization angle a and initially field strength closely related to each other , but fourth and eighth-order dipole squeezing of atom not present .

  13. 通过矢量散射理论中的微扰法得到不同极化的角散射分布(Angular-ResolvedScattering,即ARS)和总体积分(TotalIntegratedScattering即TIS),利用TIS法计算粗糙表面的特征参数。

    Angular-Resolved Scattering ang Total Integrated Scattering is derived by using the perturbation method of vector scattering theories . Character parameter of rough surfaces is calculated by using TIS .

  14. 拟合极化方向角在静日和有电磁暴时,在N80°W~N100°W内摆动,较稳定,有干扰和雷电时极化方向明显偏转;

    The linear polarization direction angles in magnetostatic and electromagnetic storm days are stable ; the change is from N80 ° W to N100 ° W. They deflect obviously when there are interfere and thunderstorm .

  15. 在应用交叉极化魔角旋转技术的同时,采用了旋转边带全抑制技术,取得了高分辨的波谱;

    In addition to the NMR spectra of CP / MAS , the spinning sidebands of aromatic carbon were suppressed with TOSS technique of Dixon .

  16. 对于分布目标而言,雷达视角和地形坡度的变化会引起极化方位角的偏移,相反,在雷达视角一定的情况下,可以根据极化方位角的变化来估算地形变化。

    As for a distribute target , the change of radar look angle and topographical slopes will arouse the polarization orientation angle s shifts . On the contrary , when the radar look angle is known , topographical slopes can be estimated from the variance of the polarization orientation angle .

  17. 用于地面坡度测量的极化SAR方位角近似估计方法

    An Approximate Estimation of Radar Polarization Orientation Angle by Terrain Slopes

  18. 矢量阵元阵列对Chirp信号极化和到达角的联合估计

    Joint Polarization and Arrival Angle Estimation of Chirp Signal Using Vector Sensor Array

  19. 针对在不同极化及入射角情况下的宽带散射,运用(FD)2TD算法进行分析,将频域方程变换到Z域,再返回到时域进行差分计算,并给出仿真结果。

    By means of Transferring frequency-domain equation to Z-domain , followed by differential calculation in time domain . This paper applies ( FD ) 2 TD algorithm to analyze and simulate the wide-band scattering under different polarization and incident angle .

  20. 基于相位干涉仪的极化和到达角的联合估计

    Joint estimation of polarization and arrival angle based on phase interferometer

  21. 华北晚古生代煤的交叉极化/魔角自旋碳-13核磁共振研究

    Cp / mas C-13 NMR studies of Late Paleozoic coals from North China

  22. 多信号极化与到达角估计算法一种小运算量累积量域频率和到达角估计算法

    Angles of Arrival and Polarizations Estimation A New DFT Domain Cumulants-Based Algorithm for the Joint-Estimation of Frequency and DOA of Spatial Signal

  23. 文中研究了利用虚拟极化滤波抑制角欺骗干扰的新技术。

    A new technology is studied in this paper , which uses the virtual polarization filtering to suppress the angle cheating interference .

  24. 中国自主研制的环境减灾小卫星星座中的雷达卫星(HJ-1C),频率设计在S波段,采用VV极化方式,入射角范围是25°&47°。

    HJ-1C is a component of HJ satellites which are developed in China . HJ-1C SAR has a frequency of S-band , VV polarization , and incidence angle from 25 ° & 47 ° .

  25. 提出一种利用极化滤波技术抑制角欺骗干扰的新方案。

    This paper presents a new scheme to suppress the angle cheating interference by using polarization filtering .

  26. 分析了微波辐射计测盐时的测量频率、极化状态及入射角对测量精度的影响。

    The measuring frequency of salinity during its microwave measurement and the polarization state and the effect of incidence angle to the accuracy of measuring have been analyzed .

  27. 地球静止卫星线极化辐射的地面视在极化角

    The apparent polarized angle on the earth from the linear polarized radiation of a geostationary communication satellite

  28. 建立了极化干涉仪的理论模型,提出了极化参数和到达角的频域估计方法和时域估计方法,比较了两种方法的优缺点。

    The theory of the polarization-phase interferometer is established . The estimation methods of polarization parameters and arrival angle are given in time domain and frequency domain respectively . The advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are compared as well .