
  • 网络Have some;To point
  1. 但是偶尔也会来点冷幽默。

    However , occasionally humorous to point the cold .

  2. 有时候,还能学会来点大人们社交场合的自嘲。

    Sometimes , people can learn to point and social occasions , joked .

  3. 再给你来点色拉好吗?

    Can I help you to some more salad ?

  4. 女士们,先生们,请为弗雷德·德斯特来点掌声。

    Ladies and Gentlemen , give it up for Fred Durst .

  5. 他问那些小伙子要不要来点咖啡,他们婉辞了。

    He offered the boys some coffee . They declined politely .

  6. 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样?

    Would you like some chocolate cake ?

  7. 我给你来点吃的怎样?

    May I offer you some refreshment ?

  8. 看看我们能不能找点什么烘托一下气氛。当务之急:来点音乐吧。

    Let 's see if we can 't find something to set the mood . First things first ; some music .

  9. 他摸出一支烟来点着了。

    He fished out a cigarette and lit up .

  10. 侍者:您需要来点什么?

    Waiter : " What can I get you ? "

  11. 要不要来点咖啡?不需要,谢谢!

    Would you like some coffee ?

  12. 你不会点菜,我来点。Iknowthedrill。

    Because when it comes to ordering in Chinese , I really don 't know the drill .

  13. 如梅:好的,请给我来点。

    Rumei : Yes , I 'd like some , please .

  14. “爸,来点茶和饼干吧。”我兴冲冲地说道。

    " Tea and biscuits , Dad ," I said cheerfully .

  15. 我请客,你来点什么?

    It 's my round , what can I get you ?

  16. 你要不要来点我的洋芋片?

    Would you like to try some of my potato chips ?

  17. 再给我们来点这些,那些的!

    Give us a little more somethin ' , somethin ' !

  18. 你和手下要来点咖啡和面包的话。

    You or your men want coffee , a hot breakfast .

  19. 您要不要来点日本料理?

    Wouldn 't you like to try some of our Japanese dishes ?

  20. 先生,你希望吃饭时来点酒吗?

    Do you wish wine with your meal , sir ?

  21. 能给我来点炸薯条吗?,快点上。

    Could I get some French fries ? And just keep'em coming .

  22. 您在主菜后要来点什么甜品吗?

    Would you like some dessert after your main dish ?

  23. 这粉笔还不够出彩,来点更鲜艳的。

    It 's not really colorful , something more colorful .

  24. 建议到医院来点药治疗。

    Vet-Geek Veterinary Hospital , Care your pets and you .

  25. 或者就着沙丁鱼来点面包和奶酪?

    Maybe you 'd like some bread and cheese with your sardines .

  26. 小姐,来点鸡蛋饼好吗?我们做得十分美味可口。

    How about a waffle , Miss ? We make delicious waffles .

  27. 谁要给约翰弄来点饮料?

    Who is going to get John some drinks ?

  28. 给你来点三明治或其他什么?

    Can I get you a sandwich or anything ?

  29. “你愿意给你的生活来点毒药吗?”

    " Are you willing to add some toxicity to your life ? "

  30. 为了某个目标来点办公室竞争怎么样?

    How about some office competition for a cause ?