
  1. 杨宇军还表示,由于我国武器装备总体水平比较落后,国防预算需要保持适当规模。

    Yang also said the defense budget needs to maintain a certain scale , as the overall level of China 's arms and equipment " is comparatively lagging behind " .

  2. 中国国防部新闻发言人杨宇军在本月的例行记者会上形容此次演习为“例行性”演习,并补充称“演习不针对第三方”。

    Speaking at the Chinese defence ministry 's monthly briefing , Yang Yujun described the exercise as " routine , " adding that it was " not directed against any third parties . "

  3. 杨宇军拒绝详细说明航空巡逻计划,但是重申了中国拥有自愿选择在该区域划设“防空识别区”的主权权利。

    Mr Yang declined to elaborate on the air patrols but reiterated that China had a sovereign right to establish an " air defence identification zone " over the region if it chose .

  4. 也不排除这是为个别国家今后可能采取的一些行动寻找借口,杨宇军大校说,这也不是什么新的伎俩,历史上大家已经见过多次了。

    We cannot eliminate the possibility that this is to create excuses for the actions that certain countries may be planning to take , said Colonel Yang . This is not a new trick , and has been used many times in the past .