
jiàng guan
  • general;high-ranking military officer;captain general
将官 [jiàng guān]
  • [general] 将级军官,低于元帅,高于校官

  • 更选将官。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

将官[jiàng guan]
  1. 将官的制服饰有金色的穗带。

    The general 's uniform was trimmed with gold braid .

  2. 他从海军上校升为将官。

    He rose from the rank of captain to the rank of general .

  3. 一个军衔在海军上校之上的海军将官。

    A senior naval officer above the rank of captain .

  4. 军衔位于少将之下的将官。

    A general officer ranking below a major general .

  5. 所有地方军将官注意,紧急通告!

    Urgent message to all District Battalion commanders !

  6. 一个军衔位于准将之上和中将之下的将官。

    A general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general .

  7. 将官之职位是他梦寐以求的目标。

    The generalship was his aspiration .

  8. 再以Tween60为乳化剂,将官能团化的三元乙丙橡胶再乳化成O/W型水性乳液。

    EPDM emulsification was emulsified into O / W type emulsion , with Tween 60 as emulsifier .

  9. 玻璃珠穗,圆形或嗽叭形,用于灯罩装饰将官的制服饰有金色的穗带。

    Fringe of glass beads or bugles for lampshades The general 's uniform was trimmed with gold braid .

  10. 二战中,在北非以出色的指挥才能著称的德国最高级的陆军将官。

    German field marshal noted for brilliant generalship in North Africa during World War II ( 1891-1944 ) .

  11. 他们准备在斯摩棱斯克前面向法军进攻,派遣了一名将官去视察阵地。

    Preparations were made to attack the French before Smolensk . A general was sent to review the position .

  12. 火车到达一个站时,一位中国骑兵部队的将官走进了我所在的车厢,在我对面坐下来。

    At a stop along the way , a Chinese cavalry general entered my compartment and seated himself opposite me .

  13. 将官轻描谈写地说了句批评的话,上校就添油加醋地把话说得稍重一些,接着将官就发表了更加尖酸刻薄的评论。

    The general would make a slight criticism , the colonel would cap it with a stronger one , and the general would follow with a still more bitter comment .

  14. 甲胄,即作战时穿着的具有防御性能的装备;戎服,将官士兵穿着的除铠甲外的其它衣着装饰,具有标明部队属性及个人身份的作用。

    Armor , wearing combat defensive performance equipment ; Rong Fu , generals , soldiers wearing addition to armor , clothing decoration , has marked the troops attributes and personal identity .

  15. 父母希望自己的孩子是严谨的,老师希望学生们是严肃的,老板希望员工们是严肃的,将官们希望他们的军队是严谨的。

    Parents want their children to be serious , teachers want their students to be serious , the bosses want their servants to be serious , the commanders want their armies to be serious .

  16. 明初统治者在健全科举考试制度的同时,将官学纳入科举体系之中,形成了科举-官学的人才选拔与培养的运作模式。

    In the early Ming Dynasty , whilst the lord improved the Imperial Examination system , government education institutes were included in it . Therefore , the mode of selecting and cultivating talents came into being .