
  • Li Bo;Lee wave
  1. 《环球时报》(GlobalTimes)周二发表的社论先是支持了李波正在内地“协助调查”的说法,接着对李波的业务发起抨击。

    In an editorial published on Tuesday , the Global Times , lent support to the theory that Mr Lee was " assisting an investigation " in the mainland before launching an attack on his business .

  2. 李波在巨流传媒(MightyCurrent)出版公司的四名同事去年末在香港境外相继失踪,当时有传言称,他们被中国内地安全部门带走问话。

    Four of his colleagues from the Mighty Current publishing company disappeared late last year while outside of Hong Kong , amid speculation that they had been taken for questioning by security forces in mainland China .

  3. 香港保安局(SecurityBureau)副局长李家超(LeeKa-chiu)周日表示,警方的失踪人口调查组正在试图查明李波(LeeBo)的下落,后者上周三最后一次在香港露面,但警方尚未得出任何结论。

    Lee Ka-chiu , a senior official in the government 's security bureau , said on Sunday that the police missing persons unit was trying to find out what happened to Lee Bo , who was last seen in Hong Kong on Wednesday , but that it had not yet reached any conclusions .

  4. 李波(谐音)今年21岁,2004年来到上海。

    Li Bo , 21 , came to Shanghai in2004 .

  5. 公司总经理李波热烈欢迎各界朋友前来考察指导,共创辉煌。

    LiBo manager welcome all circles to review and instruct , establish resplendence ardently .

  6. 李波和他的同事闫淑霞共负责八个家庭。

    Li Bo and his colleague Yan Shuxia are in charge of eight families .

  7. 李波表示,他从未寻求英国的帮助,并已决定放弃他的护照。

    Mr Lee said he had never sought help from the UK and had decided to give up his passport .

  8. 李波:不能用能源需求的危机来绑架我们充分、公开、透明和科学博弈能源决策的过程。

    LB : The energy-demand crisis must not be allowed to hijack our full , open , transparent and scientific policymaking process .

  9. 这是在过去几十年里研究者拼凑起来的关于复活节岛的说法,但是享特和李波认为这种说法是错的。

    This is the story pieced together by researchers over the past several decades , but Hunt and Lipo think it is wrong .

  10. 对李波的采访播出几小时前,香港警方透露,他们已经在内地某个秘密地点的一个宾馆房间见到了李波。

    The interview was aired hours after Hong Kong police disclosed they had met Mr Lee in a guest house at an undisclosed location on the mainland .

  11. 李波的妻子已要求警方撤销她的失踪人口报案,令这位出版人在香港的失踪之谜又生转折。李波曾销售批评中国最高领导层的图书。

    The mystery surrounding the disappearance from Hong Kong of a publisher who sold books critical of China 's top leaders has taken another twist after his wife asked police to cancel her missing person 's report .

  12. 李波的妻子告诉记者,她最后一次见到他是在上周三,之后他从一个内地电话号码给她打电话,说他正在“协助调查”,很快会回来。

    Mr Lee 's wife told Hong Kong media that she last saw him on Wednesday and he later called from a mainland number to tell her he was " assisting in an investigation " and would be back soon .

  13. 民政部社会事务司副司长李波最近告诉新华社,墓地管理费应根据买卖双方签订的合同而定。

    Li Bo , deputy head of the social affairs department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs , told the Xinhua News Agency recently that the fee amounts should be set according to the contract provisions agreed to between the buyer of a burial plot and the seller .

  14. 李波的妻子在上周报案李波失踪,香港警方表示她已试图在周一销案,但他们仍在“积极主动地”调查此案。依据香港法规,只有失踪者本人可以撤销这类案件。

    Hong Kong police said his wife , who reported Lee Bo missing last week , tried to rescind the report on Monday but they were still investigating the case " in a proactive manner , " in line with rules that only the missing person themselves can close such a case .

  15. 活动人士表示,李波的案件甚至更加令人关切,因为他是在香港失踪的,而香港拥有一个英式的独立司法体系,这是这个前殖民地1997年回归中国时达成的“一国两制”安排的一部分。

    Activists say Mr Lee 's case is even more concerning because he went missing from Hong Kong , which has an independent , British-style legal system as part of the " one country , two systems " arrangement that was agreed with Beijing when the former colony was handed over in 1997 .