
  1. 以李思训为首的青绿着色工整一路,当然水墨上也有工整的;

    Take Li Sixun as head 's dark green coloring neat group , certainly on the water ink also has neatly ;

  2. 李思训、李昭道作为唐代青绿山水画的代表人物,在中国的绘画史上占有重要地位。

    Li Sixun and Li Zhaodao , representatives of the landscape-painting in the Tang Dynasty , are very important in the history of Chinese painting .

  3. 此外,还有令人熟知的“画圣”吴道子,李思训,大音乐家李龟年,都是盛唐气象的代表。

    In addition , the well-known representative artists are the " Sage painter " Wu Daozi , Li Sixun ; the celebrated musician Li Guinian etc.

  4. 令唐玄宗赞叹不已,认为和在此前不久另一位画家李思训用几个月功夫画成的嘉陵山水一样美妙。

    Emperor Xuanzong continually sighed in admiration at this work , since it was as beautiful as the painting by another imperial painter , Li Sixun , which took several months to finish .