
  • 网络Impurity diffusion;diffusion of impurities
  1. 采用氧化前吸收、氧化前高温退火或合适的杂质扩散等方法可以防止热氧化层错的产生。

    The oxidation induced stacking faults can be prevented by preoxidation gettering , preoxidation high temperature annealing or proper impurity diffusion .

  2. 本文采用多种方法,较为全面地分析了不同氮化条件下这种薄膜的界面特性、介电性能、电子陷阱参数、掩蔽杂质扩散能力等电学特性;

    In this paper , a comprehensive analysis on the electrical characteristics of this film , including interfacial properties , dielectric features , electron trap parameters and the ability of impurity diffusion masking , is made using a variety of methods .

  3. 针对制造高压晶闸管p型杂质扩散工艺的不足,进行了开管式受主双质掺杂技术的研究。

    The research of open-tube double acceptor mixing technique is carried out to overcome the disadvantage of manufacturing high-voltage thyristor p type impurity diffusion technique .

  4. GaAs中杂质扩散机制

    Diffusion mechanisms of impurities in GaAs

  5. 通过杂质扩散工艺实验,试制了不同p区扩散深度和不同基区宽度的半导体断路开关二极管,利用高能电子束辐照方法改变器件中的少子寿命。

    The diffusion technology is used to fabricate the SOS device with different p-well depth and different base region width , and the irradiation method is used to shorten the minority carrier lifetime .

  6. 对研究活动边界杂质扩散和活动边界热传导问题时遇到的第二类弱奇性Volterra积分方程提出了一种数值解法。

    In this paper , a numberical method is presented for solving the second type of the weak singular Volterra integral equation confronted with the problems of foreign proliferation and heat transmission of the move boundary .

  7. 在对二甲苯(PX)氧化反应器研究的基础上,建立了考虑结晶器中的反应、蒸发、杂质扩散等过程的反应器一结晶器串联的数学模型。

    On the basis of PX oxidation reactor research , models of reactor-crystallizer connected in series in p-xylene oxidation process had been set up , which had taken account of physical and chemical processes occur in crystallizer involving reaction , evaporation and impurity transfer in crystal .

  8. 蔗糖晶体表面膜中杂质扩散速率的研究

    Study of Rates of Impurities Diffusion from Films on Sugar Crystals

  9. 氟化钡晶体退火时的杂质扩散效应

    Diffusion Effect of Foreign Substance iu Annealing Proeess of BaF_2 Crystal

  10. 一种金属中的原子向另一种金属中的扩散叫互扩散,又称为杂质扩散。

    Diffusion of atoms of one metal into another metal .

  11. 耐蚀合金/碳钢热等静压扩散焊接反应层元素互扩散规律研究一种金属中的原子向另一种金属中的扩散叫互扩散,又称为杂质扩散。

    Investigation on Elements Inter-diffusion in Reaction Layer During Hip Between Corrosion-resistant Alloy and Carbon Steel Diffusion of atoms of one metal into another metal .

  12. 纯铜与不锈钢扩散焊接头性能及原子扩散动态解析一种金属中的原子向另一种金属中的扩散叫互扩散,又称为杂质扩散。

    Joints performance of diffusion bonding between pure Cu and stainless steel and dynamic analysis of atomic diffusion Diffusion of atoms of one metal into another metal .

  13. 说明该生长方法可获得电池隧道结中高掺杂水平的PN结,并且能够达到抑制掺杂杂质互扩散现象的设计要求。

    It is proved that by the method , the PN junction can be obtained of high doping level and doping diffusion , stopped .

  14. si/Si(1-x)Gex/Si异质结双极晶体管中基区杂质外扩散与未掺杂Si(1-x)Gex结隔离层的影响

    The Effects of Base Dopant Outdiffusion and Undoped Si_ ( 1-x ) Ge_ x Junction Spacer Layers Si / Si_ ( 1-x ) Ge_x / Si Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

  15. 共Al扩散时,Si杂质内扩散很深.用GaAs中化学配比平衡观点讨论了扩散层中杂质分布与电学性能关系,认为Si杂质在GaAs中的热扩散主要由As空位浓度决定。

    The relationship between impurity distribution and the electrical property in the diffused layer is also discussed from the point of view of stoichiometry balance in the material . It is concluded that the diffusion of St in GaAs is dominated by the concentration of As vacancy .

  16. 无杂质空穴扩散法研制可调InGaAs/InP激光器

    Tunable InGaAs / InP lasers developed by impurity-free vacancy diffusion

  17. 异质结构液相外延中杂质的扩散行为

    The Behaviours of Impurity Diffusion in LPE for Heterostructure

  18. 无杂质空位扩散法造成InGaAsP/InP多量子阱结构带隙蓝移规律的研究

    Band Gap Blue Shift of InGaAsP / InP MQWs By Impurity-Free Vacancy Disordering

  19. 无杂质空穴扩散诱导量子阱无序及在光集成中的应用

    Quantum Wells Disordering Produced by Impurity free Vacancy Diffusion ( IFVD ) and its Application

  20. 此种方法为电力器件其他杂质的扩散工艺过程的模拟提供了一定指导作用。

    This way plays a role in the simulation model of technologic process of other power semiconductor devices ' dopants .

  21. 详细研究了Cd,Zn及其化合物等不同杂质源对扩散的影响。

    The effects of various impurity sourees , such as Cd , Zn and their com-pounds on the diffusion are studied in detail .

  22. Cu+在ZnS中具有很高的热扩散率,500℃时热扩散系数已达10-9cm2/s,是各种杂质中热扩散最强的杂质。

    Cu + possesses a strong thermo-diffusion with diffusivity of about 10-9 cm2 / s in ZnS .

  23. 分别考虑了深浅两次沟道区注入杂质在氧化扩散过程中对表面浓度的贡献。

    For double channel implantations with different depths , different contributions of the implanted impurities during oxide diffusion to the surface concentrations are studied in the paper .

  24. 这样测试系统可以自动获得全片的薄层电阻分布,为超大规模集成电路检测杂质分布和扩散的均匀性提供信息。

    Thus the distribution of sheet resistance for whole wafer is got by automatic testing and it offers information for detecting the impurity distribution and the diffusion uniformity .

  25. As2~+和As~+注入样品的载流子浓度的分布有所不同,这是由于As2~+注入引入较大辐射损伤引起杂质的快速扩散所致。

    The carrier concentration profiles are different for the As2 + and As + Implanted samples , which can be explained by the rapid diffusion of impurities resulting from the serious damage enhancement induced by As2 + implantation .

  26. 高温钛合金中杂质元素Fe的扩散行为及其对蠕变抗力的损害作用

    Diffusion Behavior of Impurity Iron in High Temperature Titanium Alloys and Its Detrimental Effect on Creep Resistance

  27. 生长材料中掺杂杂质纵向分布的扩散生长理论

    Diffusion growth model of doping impurity longitudinal profile in the grown materials

  28. 建立完备的杂质输运程序,数值模拟碳、氧杂质在欧姆放电时的输运行为,得出了杂质的扩散和对流系数、不同电离态杂质离子密度、辐射功率密度和有效电荷数的空间分布。

    An ideal impurity transport code has been used to simulate impurities ( carbon and oxygen ) behaviour during the OH discharge . The profiles of impurities diffusion and convection coefficient , impurities ion densities in different ionized state , loss power density and effective charge number have been derived .