
  • 网络cross-breeding
  1. 利用普通小麦与大麦杂交培育小麦新品种

    Cultivate New Wheat Varieties By Crossing Common Wheat and Cultivated Barley

  2. 通过种间杂交培育的极早熟梨新品系&珍珠梨

    A new very early ripening pear line pearl pear bred from interspecific crossing

  3. 近年海南甘蔗育种场开展基础杂交培育新型亲本材料的初报

    Breeding New Parent Materials Through Basic Crosses at Hainan Sugarcane Breeding Station in Recent Years

  4. 至于杂交培育良种的问题,你可以去请教李同志。

    When it comes to cross breeding for better strains , Li is the comrade you should consult .

  5. 通过杂交培育出优良品系,再返植到森林,以保证山葡萄生产所需及山葡萄酒质量。

    Such quality breed was then planted in forest to ensure grape quality for wild grape wine production .

  6. 普通小麦与硬粒小麦种间杂交培育抗干热风新种质研究

    Studies of Developing New Germplasm with Dry-hot Wind Tolerance from Interspecific Hybridization between Common Wheat and Durum Wheat

  7. 大花蕙兰,是对兰属中通过人工杂交培育出的、色泽艳丽、花朵硕大的品种的一个统称。

    Cymbidium , Cymbidium is bred through artificial hybridization , beautiful color , huge variety of flowers , a generic name .

  8. 通过烟草与药用植物进行远缘杂交培育具有医用价值的新型烟草是一项具有挑战性的研究工作。

    Developing novel tobacco germplasm with medical value by wide crossing tobacco and medicinal plants is a new approach although it is challenging .

  9. 商业浆果种植者花了几十年的时间试图通过杂交培育出一种家养黑覆盆子,但从未成功:无刺浆果要么味道更差,要么几乎不结果实,要么会产生其他问题。

    Commercial berry growers spent decades trying to create a domesticated version of the black raspberry through crossbreeding but never succeeded : the thornless berries either tasted worse or produced almost no fruit , or they developed other problems .

  10. 拉塞尔博士正通过把全球各地的山羊品种进行杂交来培育一个优良种群。

    Dr Russel is creating an elite herd by cross-breeding goats from around the globe .

  11. 杂交是培育优良新品种的重要方法。

    Hybrid is to cultivate new varieties of important ways superior .

  12. 百合杂交种培育研究

    Research on the culture of lily hybrids

  13. 杂交中稻培育再生稻施用赤霉素两季增产的机理和技术

    The Mechanism and Technique of GA3 Spraying to increase Grain Yield of Both Main and Ratoon crops in Medium Hybrid Rice

  14. 1493年,西班牙人将家牛引进美国与英国移民所带来的乳牛杂交后培育出了一个新品种德克萨斯长角牛

    Cattle brought over by the Spanish in 1493 had bred with settlers ' cows from England breeding a new breed , the Texas Longhorn .

  15. 本文报道了海南甘蔗育种场自1995年以来开展基础杂交,培育新种质亲本的情况。

    This paper reported basic crosses were conducted to gain new germplasm since 1995 . The parents of basic crosses were selected after studying the properties of cane germplasm .

  16. 通过杂交方法培育优良品种一直是重要而有效的育种方式之一,然而,种间杂交不亲合性的存在,带来了远缘杂交的困难。

    Cultivating superior varieties by hybridization method has been an important and effective way of breeding , however , the presence of interspecific hybrid incompatibility brings the problems in distant hybridization .

  17. 目的:为了结合基因枪转化和传统杂交方法培育优质小麦品种,对转基因小麦和国内主栽小麦品种杂交后代外源基因遗传表达行为进行了研究。

    Objective : To combine the advantages of particle bombardment and conventional cross in breeding wheat with high qualities , expression of foreign gene in cross progenies between transgenic wheat and elite wheat were studied .

  18. 杂交组共培育出稚贝1200万粒。

    A total 12 million spats were obtained in the cross groups .

  19. 百合花卉种间杂交种的培育

    Cultivation of Hybrid Species in Genus Lilium Flowers

  20. 传统的家系选择和杂交育种是培育优良品种最有效的方法之一。

    The traditional line selection and cross breeding is one of the most effective ways to cultivate improved varieties .

  21. 研究结果为利用玫瑰作为杂交亲本高效培育芳香、高抗逆性的月季新品种奠定了基础。

    The results in this study laid foundation for efficient breeding new cultivars with intense fragrance and strong resistance , using R. rugosa as parent .

  22. 建议通过驯化,杂交等手段培育新品种,扩大分布范围。

    So it was suggested that the domestication and hybridization and so on were used to cultivate the new varieties and expand the distributed scope .

  23. 人们又将这些体格较大、色彩斑斓的鸡,与体格较小但适应力更强的西方鸡杂交,进而培育出了下蛋更多、产肉也更多的鸡种。

    Breeders crossed the large and colorful exotics with their smaller but hardier Western counterparts to produce a bird that could lay more eggs and provide more meat .

  24. 杂交育种途径培育出70多个品种(系),主要利用了单胚性品种克里曼丁橘、胞质雄性不育的温州蜜柑以及外观色泽好的红橘等作为杂交亲本;

    Crossing breeding has led to more than 70 cultivars ( strains ), however , they shared mainly a few parents such as the mono-embryonic Clementine mandarin , cytoplasmic male sterile Satsuma mandarin and Dancy red tangerine .

  25. 鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫杂交株F3的培育及微线相关基因研究

    Cultivation of Hybridization Strain F3 from E. tenella and Studies on Its Gene Related to Microneme

  26. 结果表明,这种方法对于指导杂交组合配制,培育作物新品种具有重要意义。

    The results showed that the method was useful in the guidance of parental combination .

  27. 采用有性杂交的手段是培育优质谷子品种最有成效的育种方法之一。

    Sexual hybridization is the most effective breeding method for cultivating the high-quality millet varieties .

  28. 美国杂交条纹鲈苗种培育水体理化因子调控和生态条件初探

    Study on the Regulation of the Water Environment in the Seed Rearing of the Striped Bass

  29. 通过传统杂交育种,已培育出枝叶微小、节间缩短的低矮型紫薇品种。

    Dwarf cultivars with small leaves and shorter internodes have been bred using the traditional cross-breeding .

  30. 杂交育种技术是培育优良树木品种的有效方法,在主要经济树木育种中已得到广泛的应用。

    Crossbreeding as a effective way to cultivate excellent trees variety has been extensively applied on major economic trees breeding .