
  • 网络matrix
  1. 关于杂基在陆源碎屑沉积岩中的命名问题

    On the nomenclature of matrix in the terrigenous clastic sedimentary rock

  2. 泥质杂基有时会对储集性质起好作用,因泥质起着抑制胶结的作用;

    Mudstone matrix may inhibit cementation and play an important part in affecting reservoir ;

  3. 机械压实作用强烈&表现为颗粒变形,粒内裂缝和假杂基;

    Violent mechanical compaction & grain deformation , intra-grain fis-sures and false matrices .

  4. 杂基以泥质和粘土矿物为主。

    Miscellaneous-based is mainly to mud and clay minerals .

  5. 杂基含量较低。

    With a lower matrix content , the sandstones are extremely deficient in feldspar .

  6. 杂基>15%杂砂岩。

    Matrix > 15 % is wacke .

  7. 渗透率受分选系数、杂基含量、胶结物含量的影响,但无明显的影响因素。

    The pormeability is lightly influenced by sorting coefficient , matrix content and cementing material content .

  8. 浊积砂岩的矿物成分成熟度低,结构成熟度较低,杂基含量高。

    The compositional and textural maturities of turbidites are low while the matrix content is high .

  9. 填隙物成分主要为泥质杂基、高岭石、含铁方解石和硅质。

    The argillaceous matrix , kaolinite , ferruginous calcite , and siliceous are the mainly interstitial materials .

  10. 填隙物主要为泥质杂基、方解石、硬石膏、石英加大、白云石、长石加大胶结物。

    Argillaceous matrix , calcite , anhydrite , quartz overgrowth , dolomite , feldspar , increase the cement .

  11. 砂岩主要为富杂基、富岩屑的石英砂岩及岩屑砂岩。

    The sand bodies are consisted of quartz sandstone and lithic sandstone with abundant impurity and lithic fragment .

  12. 微观上溶蚀作用受岩石的粒度、分选及杂基含量控制,粒度越粗、分选越好、杂基越少的砂岩溶蚀作用越强。

    The sandstones that are coarser in grain size and well-sorted , with low matrix contents have been subjected to stronger dissolution .

  13. 杂基以云母和泥质为主,胶结物主要有石英质、长石质、方解石,少量的白云石、黄铁矿。

    Miscellaneous base of mica and clay-based cements are mainly quartz , feldspar , calcite , and small amounts of dolomite and pyrite .

  14. 砂岩储层填隙物以黏土杂基最为常见,含少量硅质、钙质、自生黏土胶结物等;

    The filling in sandstone reservoir is clay heterobase , including a little of silica , calcareous , authigenic clay cement and so on .

  15. 在此基础上明确了影响储集性能的主要因素为岩石的结构、泥质杂基含量和成岩作用。

    On that bases , the main factors affecting reservoir property are clarified , that are structures of rocks , shale content and diagenesis .

  16. 研究表明,该类砂岩的原杂基主要由同沉积期初步水化作用的火山尘构成;

    Studies show that the original fillings of sandstone are mainly superficially hydrolyzed volcanic dust , which is a superfine mixture of aluminosilicate and silicate .

  17. 砂岩可见孔以粒间孔为主,长石溶孔次之;微孔分布于杂基和胶结物中。

    The visible pores in sandstone are mainly intergranular pores with secondary feldspar dissolved pores , and micropores are mainly distributed in matrix and cement .

  18. 先按砂岩中杂基含量分为两大类,杂基<15%为净砂岩;

    Firstly , according to the matrix content , sandstone is divided into two categories : the sandstone with matrix < 15 % is anenite ;

  19. 长期基准面上升早期形成的辫状河河道砂岩具连通性好、粒度粗、碎屑含量高、杂基含量低及孔渗条件好等特点,是重要的含矿层。

    Sand bodies were provided with good connectedness , coarse granularity , high debris content , low matrix content and good porosity-permeability becoming the most important uranium hosted strata .

  20. 杂基含量低,胶结物主要为高岭石、伊利石、绿泥石等粘土矿物,以及石英次生加大、碳酸盐矿物。

    The content of mud matrix is low and the type of cements observed are quartz overgrowths , carbonate and clay minerals which including kaolinite , illite and chlorite .

  21. 准噶尔盆地莫西庄地区侏罗系储层具有低成分成熟度、富含岩屑、低杂基含量和高结构成熟度的岩石学特征。

    The Jurassic reservoirs in the Moxizhuang region , Junggar Basin , Xinjiang are characterized by low compositional maturity , abundant debris , low matrix contents and high textural maturity .

  22. 深水碎屑岩由典型的浊积岩(或传统的浊积岩)、块状砂岩、卵石质砂岩、颗粒支撑砾岩和杂基支撑岩层(包括泥石流、卵石质泥岩和滑塌岩)组成。

    The deep-water elastics consist of classic turbidites , massive sandstone , pebbly sandstone , clast-supported conglomerate , and matrix-supported beds ( including debris flows , pebbly mudstone , slumps ) .

  23. 细砂岩、粉砂岩中杂基含量高达25%~45%,指示浊流沉积特点,岩石中发育不完整的鲍马层序。

    Foreign matter content up to 25 % ~ 45 % in fine sandstone and siltstone , and it showed its turbidity deposit characteristics and in which Bouma sequence developed uncompletely .

  24. 沉积作用控制了碎屑岩杂基、分选、磨圆等结构特征,进而控制了原生孔隙结构,为后期溶解作用的形成奠定了基础。

    Sedimentation controlled the textures of clastic rocks such as matrix , sorting and rounding , and further affected the texture of primary pores , which served as basement for later dissolution .

  25. 郎杰学群岩石成分和结构成熟度低、杂基含量高,具近源快速沉积的浊积岩特征。

    Langjiexue Group rock composition contains the deal with the construction a low and mud high , have the near source to sink to accumulate quickly muddy to accumulate the rock characteristic .

  26. 杂基主要以高岭石为主;有少量绿泥石,胶结物以次生石英为主,胶结类型以硅质胶结为主,其次为钙质胶结,还有少量的铁质胶结。

    Miscellaneous base mainly kaolinite Lord ; A small chlorite , cementation content with secondary quartz primarily , cementation types to silicon cementation is given priority to , followed by calcium cementation , and a small amount of iron cementation .

  27. 位于致密相之间的绿泥石薄膜石英弱加大胶结混合孔隙相、粘土杂基混合充填溶蚀相以及自生高岭石胶结晶间孔相是发育优质储层的良好成岩相带。

    The quartz overgrowth cementation mixture pores diagenetic facies , authigenic kaolinite cementation inter-crystal pores diagenetic facies , and clay matrix filling dissolution facies that distributing between the dense diagenetic facies are the most profitable diagenetic zones for developing high-quality reservoirs .

  28. 榆林气田山2段储层属于典型的低孔、低渗、致密砂岩储层,孔隙类型以粒间孔、晶间孔为主,有少量杂基溶孔。

    The reservoir at Shan member 2 , Yulin gas field is typically low porosity , low permeability and tight sandstone reservoir , the types of pore spaces are dominated by inter-grain pores and inter-crystal pores , with a few dissolved matrix pores .

  29. 由于骨架密度和体积密度均是动态变量,且都包含有碎屑、杂基、胶结物组分,模型中参数的地质含义和应用条件相互统一,从而使得计算的孔隙度值更加准确。

    Because both density of framework of rock and density of rock are dynamic performance , and included same components of detritus , matrix , cement , and their connotation and applicable conditions are consistent , porosity calculated according to the model is more accurate .

  30. 这七口井的砂岩薄片的杂基含量平均值为3.29%,远远低于砂岩分类中杂砂岩15%的杂基含量,这说明华庆地区这七口井是以净砂岩为其主要砂岩。

    These seven Wells of the sandstone chip for the average miscellaneous base content 3.29 % , much lower than the sandstone classification of 15 % of the miscellaneous and miscellaneous sandstone , suggesting that HuaQing area content in the seven Wells for its main sandstone net sandstone .