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  1. 气流纺排杂纺纱器流场分布与排杂性能的研究

    The Air Pressure Field Distribution and the Performance of Dust-Exhaust Spinning Unit of Rotor Spinning

  2. 无线电引信海杂波自适应抵消器

    Adaptive Sea Echoes ' Noise Canceller for Radio Fuse

  3. 气流纺纺纱器流场与排杂性能研究自排风式气流纺排杂纺纱器的特性简述

    The Relationship between Air-Flow Field and Trash-Extraction Performance of OE Rotor Spinning Unit A Brief Introduction to Characteristics of Rotor Spinner with Negative Pressure Dusting System

  4. 针对某准连续波侦察雷达的特点,提出了在零中频上实现主杂波对消的方案,研制了数字式零中频杂波对消器。

    A method of digital clutter cancellation used in a certain quasi-CW radar is presented in this paper , and a digital clutter cancellation circuit is designed .