
shā shānɡ dàn
  • anti-personnel, fragmentation bomb, demolition bomb
  1. 软杀伤弹用弥漫粉剂的性能研究

    Study on the Properties for Dispersed Powders Used in Soft Kill Bombs

  2. 本文研究了适用于软杀伤弹的泡沫胶粘剂所应具备的性能及其表征方法。

    In this paper , the essential properties of froth adhesives for its application in soft ki1l bombs are analyzed .

  3. 软杀伤弹用胶粘剂是一种新型胶粘剂,装入炮弹或火箭弹的战斗部或地雷,便可形成一种新的胶粘剂软杀伤效应。

    Adhesives used in soft kill bombs belong to a newly developed variety of adhesives . It can be filled in artillery or rocket bombs to give adhesive soft killing effects .

  4. 坦克炮用杀伤爆破弹反坦克的可行性分析

    Feasibility analysis of anti-tank he projectiles by tank guns

  5. 针对末制导段采用直接碰撞动能杀伤技术的拦截弹拦截战术弹道导弹(TBM),分析了导引头分辨率、帧频和测量噪声等主要性能参数对制导精度的影响。

    The effect of seeker performance on guidance accuracy for using hit-to-kill technology to intercept tactical ballistic missile ( TBM ) during terminal phase is investigated .