
jī xiè huà zhàn zhēnɡ
  • mechanized warfare
  1. 现代战争正经历着一场由机械化战争向信息化战争的转变。

    Modern warfare is undergoing a transformation from the mechanized warfare to information warfare .

  2. 对于战场态势系统的研究一直以来受到世界各军事大国的重视,随着信息时代的到来,战争的样式也由机械化战争发展为信息化战争,表现战场态势的技术和手段也越来越先进和多元化。

    With the advent of the information age , the style of war is developing from mechanized warfare to information warfare , and representation of technology and means for the battlefield situation is also becoming more advanced and diversified .

  3. 在机械化战争向信息化战争发展过程中需要新的战争问题研究方法。

    The change from mechanized war to informationalized war requires a new research approach of military problems .

  4. 随着信息化的发展,海上舰艇编队的作战方式也由以前单一的机械化战争向网络化方向发展。

    With the development of informationization , the warship formation of combat style also by previously single mechanized war to network development direction .

  5. 随着战争形态从机械化战争向信息化战争转变,信息对于海军战役指挥系统整体功能的影响也愈来愈大。

    With the warfare form converting from mechanized wars to informationized wars , the effect of information toward the whole function of naval campaign command system are increasingly important .

  6. 人们常说,大量士兵和平民被工业化杀戮机器无区别击杀的现代机械化战争是于1914年的法兰德斯战场上拉开序幕的。

    Modern mechanised warfare , with soldiers and civilians alike struck down in huge numbers by industrial killing machines , is often said to have started in the fields of Flanders in 1914 .

  7. 伴随19世纪70年代世界新军事革命的兴起,信息化战争成为继冷兵器战争、热兵器战争和机械化战争之后的又一新的战争形态。

    Accompanied by the new worldwide military revolution which initiated in nineteen-seventies , information war became a new form of the war after the cold weapon war , hot weapon war and the machinery war .

  8. 随着科学技术的发展和高新武器的应用,传统的机械化战争模式将被信息高度融合的一体化联合作战形式所取代。

    With the development of science and technology , more and more high modern weapons are applied in wars , the traditional mechanized warfare pattern will be substituted by the unite operational command system which is highly melted by the information .

  9. 随着21世纪全球新军事变革的发展变化,现代战争形态正由机械化战争向信息化战争转变,心理战在交战双方发挥着极其重要的作用。

    With the development of the global military revolution in the 21st century , modern warfare is transforming from mechanized warfare to information warfare . For both warring sides , psychological warfare plays a more and more important role during the war .

  10. 机械化战争形态向信息化战争形态加速演变,主要国家大力发展军事高新技术,抢占太空、网络空间等国际竞争战略制高点。

    Changes in the form of war from mechanization to informationization are accelerating . Major powers are vigorously developing new and more sophisticated military technologies so as to ensure that they can maintain strategic superiorities in international competition in such areas as outer space and cyber space .