
  1. 本文提出了旋转备用机会成本的数学模型,并应用经典的博弈论均衡模型讨论了完全信息下寡头竞争的旋转备用容量市场中发电公司的投标策略。

    The main research work of this thesis includes a novel model of opportunity cost of rotary reserve capacity is developed , and a model to analysis optimal bidding strategies for electric power companies is discussed in the thesis , based on classic game theory .

  2. 而为了解决这样一个含随机变量的数学优化问题,又引入了随机规划理论,建立了基于机会约束规划的数学模型。

    According to stochastic programming theory , a Chance Constrained Programming ( CCP ) model is used to tackle such optimization problem containing random variables .

  3. 为解决分布式电源中最佳蓄电池容量的计算问题,提出了电池容量优化机会约束规划的数学模型。

    In order to resolve the problems for optimum size of batteries storage capacity for distributed power system , a mathematical model of utilizing chance constrained programming is proposed .

  4. 我们很少甚至没有提供机会给学生,让他们在学习数学的过程中扮演活跃和创造的角色,我们好像只想传授数学知识,从来没有期望学生们也有机会创造新的数学。

    We make little or no provision for students to play an active and generative role in learning mathematics and we teach mathematics as if we expect that students will never have occasion to invent new mathematics .