
  1. 对那些想了解爱尔兰近百年历史的人,我推荐另一些书,它们是保罗·德尔坎(PaulDurcan)的诗,汤姆·墨菲(TomMurphy)的戏剧,安妮·恩莱特(AnneEnright)的小说,以及罗伊·福斯特(RoyFoster)的两卷本叶芝传。

    The other books I would suggest to anyone who wanted to make sense of Ireland over the past hundred years or so are the poems of Paul Durcan , the plays of Tom Murphy , the novels of Anne Enright and Roy Foster 's two-volume biography of Yeats .

  2. 根据硅质乳突和泡状细胞的分布和特征,可将本属叶表皮分成三种类型,但此区分分类意义及环境指示意义均不大。

    Based on the distribution and characteristics of the siliceous papillae and bulliform cells , three types of leaf epidermis of these species are recognized . However , such differentiation has little taxonomical significance , and its value as an environmental indicator is still unknown .

  3. 用水蒸气蒸馏法提取了赤桉叶和本泌桉叶精油,通过气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用法分析鉴定了二者的化学成分及质量分数。

    The essential oils of leaves from Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus benthami were extracted by steam distillation and their chemical constituents were determined by GC-MS method .

  4. 中国能否在本世纪中叶年实现现代化,关键在于农业能否实现现代化。

    Can China by mid-century years of modernization , the key lies in the modernization of agriculture can be achieved .

  5. 从而说明本研究以叶面积指数和植物冠层盖度为基础进行叶片与种群间的尺度转换是可行的。

    It indicates that the scale conversion between leaves level and population level based on canopy and leaves area index is feasible .

  6. 在本世纪上半叶这一情况基本属实,但如今在纯属英国情景的上下文中它也更多地使用上了。

    During the first half of the present century this was virtually the case , though it is now appearing more frequently in purely British contexts .

  7. 6肝硬化肝脏各叶(本研究除尾叶)的ADC值较正常志愿者较小,并且随着肝硬化程度的加深,ADC值逐渐减少,可以利用ADC值客观的评价肝硬化肝纤维化的程度。

    Except the caudate lobe , the lobes of cirrhosis ADC value is smaller than normal volunteers , and with the deepening of liver cirrhosis , the ADC value gradually decrease , so we can use the value to evaluate the degree of cirrhosis fibrosis objectively .

  8. 它们是本世纪上半叶的巨大智力成就。

    They are the great intellectual achievements of the first half of this century .

  9. 然而就是在本世纪上半叶,人们还是以出身来定贵贱。

    Yet even in the first half of this century people used to be classed according to their birth .

  10. 古史辨派是活跃于本世纪上半叶中国史学界的一个重要学术流派,为了揭示有关中国上古史记载的真面目,该派对包括《周易》在内的诸多古代经籍进行了考证。

    Historical Text Research School is an important academic school active in the first half of the 20 th century .

  11. 本论文利用枫香叶挥发油对西南地区特有水果枇杷进行了保鲜作用研究。

    The volatile oil in the leaves of Liquidambar formosana had preservation effects to the unique fruit loquat form southwest region .

  12. 1本研究水稻卷叶材料中,卷叶性状在整个叶片生长期中,明显表现出来。

    The results were as follows : 1 The leaf rolling exited in whole leaf lives in leaf rolling rice materials .

  13. 迁移加速是本世纪前半叶我国人口变动的突出特征。

    The acceleration of migration is the prominent characteristic of the change of population in China during the first half of21th century .

  14. 本论文对香椿叶、果实中的黄酮类成分进行了分析,对香椿嫩枝叶黄酮的提取工艺进行了研究;

    The flavonoids of the Toona sinensis leaves and fruits have been tested by means of tube-test , including flavones , flavonols , flavanones , flavanonol , etc.

  15. 生态系统服务功能的退化在本世纪上半叶可能会严重恶化,并且将阻碍千年发展目标的实现。

    The degradation of ecosystem services could grow significantly worse during the first half of this century and is a barrier to achieving the Millennium Development Goals .

  16. 因此,从泡沫性能、表面张力、去污力三个方面,本研究认为香蕉叶石油醚抽出物、叶多糖和叶绿素铜钠盐可以开发作为餐具洗涤剂或洗涤助剂。

    The paper suggests that the extraction of petroleum ether , polysaccharide and sodium copper chlorophyllin from banana leaves can be exploited as dishware abluent or abluent – assistants .

  17. 理论分析表明,利用本方法得到的叶型具有对气流加压强度从零开始逐渐增加然后逐渐降低至零的特点。

    Analysis shows that the blade in accordance with this paper is characterized by its pressurization intensity , which increases from , and then decreases to , zero gradually .

  18. 本文从批评功能的角度,考察本世纪上半叶中国三种主要的文学批评形态。

    Abstract This paper discusses three major types of literary criticism in China in the first half of the 20th century from the perspective of the functions of criticism .

  19. 本世纪上半叶的特点是,人权遭到史无前例的粗暴践踏,并经历了历史上最可怕的两场战争。

    The first half of this century has been marked by unprecedented and brutal attacks on the rights of man , and by the two most frightful wars in history .

  20. 本篇论文《叶适挽词研究》以叶适挽词为研究对象,分别从修辞角度、史料价值和思想角度进行了研究。

    In this thesis ,《 Ye Shi epitaph study 》, study to Ye epitaph as the research object , respectively , from the perspective of rhetoric , historical value and perspective of .

  21. 对比北京、天津在各个历史时期的城市核心区建成区的范围,结果发现北京在本世纪上半叶城市核心区总体上扩展速度非常缓慢,个别时段内甚至趋于倒退;

    The historical maps during the first half of the twentieth century were used to analyse the expansion of the core built area of Beijing city and the built area of Tianjin city .

  22. 为了进一步探索和研究轮叶党参的抗突变有效成分,本实验对轮叶党参醇提后的石油醚与乙酸乙酯萃取部分进行了药理学与化学成分的研究。

    In order to search for and make sure its antimutagenic effective components , both the petroleum ether part and ethyl acetate part of the ethyl alcohol extracts of Codonopsis lanceolata were studied in this experiment .

  23. 而且情况变得愈发糟糕,全球水资源需求预计在本世纪上半叶将增长55%,这就进一步增加国内,农业和其他用户对于这种宝贵资源的竞争。

    And the news gets worse - global water demand is projected to increase by 55 percent in the first half of this century , further increasing competition for resources among domestic , agricultural and other users .

  24. 从长远看,石油资源将在本世纪上半叶迅速走向枯竭的边缘,开发可持续利用的替代资源的任务已非常紧迫。

    In the long run , the oil resources will move rapidly to the brink of depletion in the first half of this century and the task of the development of sustainable use of alternative resources are very tight .

  25. 根据联合国预测,本世纪上半叶是我国人口老龄化快速发展的时期,到2050年,60岁及以上老年人口比重将达到31.1%,届时三个人中就有一个是老年人。

    The aging population will grow fast in the 1st half of this century according to the projection of UN . The proportion of aging population over 60 years old is going to 31.1 % , which means there will be 1 elderly among 3 people .