
  • 网络Organic waste gas treatment;treatment of organic gases
  1. PVC人造革生产中增塑剂有机废气治理研究

    Study on the treatment of plasticizer organic waste gas from the production of PVC artificial leather

  2. 挥发性有机废气治理技术的现状与进展

    Status and progress of treating volatile organic compounds

  3. 我国有机废气治理行业2008年发展综述

    China Development Report on Prevention & Control Industry of Organic Waste Gas in 2008

  4. 介绍了近年来国内外挥发性有机废气治理技术的现状,如吸附技术、催化燃烧技术、生物技术等。探讨了挥发性有机废气处理技术的发展趋势。

    The research progress and application of adsorption , catalytic combustion and biodegradation for VOCs removal in recent years are reviewed , and the development trend of VOCs treatment is discussed .

  5. 该文介绍了我省某鞋厂制鞋生产线有机废气治理中采用了先进的吸附浓缩催化燃烧工艺,取得了良好的治理效果。

    The paper introduces the application of advanced technique of Adsorption Condense - Catalysis Combustion to the treatment of organic waste gas from a production line of shoc s making in Fujian .

  6. 以上关于高流量负荷下生物膜填料塔的净化性能研究,将会在减小生物法废气净化工业装置体积、节省设备投资和减轻相关企业低浓度挥发性有机废气治理的经济负担等方面发挥重要的指导作用。

    The research project gives play to the important guidance role in the many aspects , such as reducing the industry device volume , economizing installation cost , and lightening the financial burden of correlation enterprise .

  7. 涤纶调和漆生产中有机废气的治理

    The Treating Technique of Organic Waste Gas Produced in Terylene Paint

  8. 可挥发性有机化合物废气治理技术及其新进展

    The technology and new development of treatment of waste VOCs

  9. 目前,有机废气的治理方法多种多样,其中主要包括吸附法、冷凝法、膜法和生物法等。

    Treatment methods of VOCs were also various , including adsorption , condensation , membrane and biochemical method , etc.

  10. 包装印刷有机废气排放控制与治理研究

    Research of Emission Control and Treating Volatile Organic Compounds-bearing Exhaust Gas in Packing Printing House