
  • 网络Replace
  1. 此工具让你在你的TM中执行全程查找及替换操作和其它的全程操作

    This tool let you carry out global search & replace operation and other global manipulation In your tm

  2. 您只需要在XML文档执行几个搜索/替换操作,就可以将已有规则调整到有不同名字的新数据源。

    You only need to perform a few search / replace operations on the XML document to adapt existing rules to new data sources with different names .

  3. 对选择替换操作的支持也有助于使Javasssist成为一个在标准Java代码中增加面向方面的编程功能的绝好工具。

    Support for selective replacement of operations is also the feature that makes Javassist an excellent tool for adding aspect-oriented programming features to standard Java code .

  4. 最后一步是在用户提交的原始内容上执行搜索和替换操作,用对应的HTML嵌入代码或HTML超链接替换每个URL。

    The final step is to perform a search-and-replace operation on the original body content submitted by the user , replacing each URL with either the corresponding HTML embed code or HTML hyperlink .

  5. 为了提高Web缓冲的命中率和字节命中率,研究了Web缓冲进行替换操作的依据,提出了一种新的基于站点角色的Web缓冲替换算法(SRB)。

    In order to improve the hit ratio and byte hit ratio of Web caching , a new replacement algorithm , site-role based ( SRB ), is proposed after investigating the factors which are related to the replacement operations .

  6. 在本文中,您将简要了解从文件和程序中获得文本、使用tr命令对其进行简单的转换、使用sed命令进行复杂的搜索和替换操作。

    In this article , you 'll take a quick look at getting text from files and programs , simple transliterations using the tr command , and complex search and replace actions using the sed command .

  7. 其中一个比较重要的是策略集替换操作。

    One of interest is the policy set replace operation .

  8. 如果未设置操作,则假定是一个替换操作。

    If action is not set , it is assumed to be a replace .

  9. 该选项提供搜索和替换操作被激活时的起始值。

    These options provide starting values for when a search and replace operation is activated .

  10. 当更新元素中没有设置@action时,就默认执行替换操作。

    When @ action is not set in the update element , it defaults to replace .

  11. 使用“选项”对话框的此页,可以控制查找和替换操作的消息框及其他方面。

    Use this page of the options dialog box to control message boxes and other aspects of a find and replace operation .

  12. 为了能够恢复丢失的6个段落,用户必须首先撤销相当复杂的全局搜索和替换操作。

    In order to retrieve the missing six paragraphs , the user must first unnecessarily Undo the rather complex global find-and-replace operation .

  13. 这些元素称为组,它们使得正则表达式搜索和替换操作的功能变得非常强大,但是却很难理解。

    These are called groups , and they make regular expression search and replace operations very powerful , and rather hard to read .

  14. 您可以替换操作实体、条目操作、状态变更、重要属性以及配置初始化中的代码引用。

    You can replace code references in operation bodies , action on entry , action on exit , reaction in state , overridden properties , and configuration initialization .

  15. 由于将变量的匹配操作、替换操作以及串的合成操作引入到模型中,从而丰富了模型的语义信息。

    As a series of operations , such as matching , replacement and synthetic operation , are introduced into the model , the model is rich semantic information .

  16. 有代码注释和浏览,有生成小代码段和执行复杂的查找替换操作。一切在你写代码时需要了解的事情都可以在这一章里找到。

    From code comments and code navigation to generating code snippets and performing complex find-and-replace searches , this chapter covers all you need to know while you write code .

  17. 您不能通过执行全局搜索-替换操作来更改角色定义名称或角色分配设置,也不能通过这种方式查找包括特定用户或组的所有角色分配。

    You cannot perform a global search-and-replace operation to change role definition names or role assignment settings , or to find all the role assignments that include a specific user or group .

  18. 该算法除了考虑文档最近存在时间、文档大小、文档访问频率以及文档的价值外,还界定了站点在代理服务器上的角色,并在进行替换操作时对来自不同站点的文档赋予不同的角色值。

    In addition to the consideration of the recently existing time , the size , and the access cost of the documents , the role played by the site in the proxy server is also defined .

  19. 执行“在文件中查找”或“在文件中替换”操作。

    Conduct a find in files or replace in files operation .

  20. 若要撤消在任何打开的文件中执行的“全部替换”操作,请在保存该文件前选择“编辑”菜单中的“撤消”。

    To reverse the replace all operation in any open file , choose undo from the edit menu before saving that file .

  21. 升级会替换当前操作系统,但不会更改现有设置和已安装的程序。

    If you upgrade , your current operating system is replaced , but your existing settings and installed programs are not changed .

  22. 指定进行搜索和替换的操作中,字符容器序列中不被匹配的部分,不拷贝到输出字符。

    When specified during a search and replace operation , then sections of the character container sequence being searched that do match the regular expression , are not copied to the output string .

  23. 该系统基本可以替换原有手工操作的生产模式,明显提高冲压生产效率。

    The system can partly replace the original manual mode and significantly improve the product productivity .

  24. 如果把多媒体认证的目标定为:拒绝剪切和替换等非法操作,而接受保持内容的合法操作,那么传统的数字签名方法和数字水印方法就不能直接地运用。

    Given an objective for multimedia authentication to reject the crop-and-replacement process and accept content-preserving manipulations , traditional digital signature or watermarking methods cannot be directly applied .

  25. 每一个点都指定一个特定于应用程序的调整点名,想做的插入、替换或者查找操作以及要改变的页面名。

    Each point specifies an application-specific adaptation point name , the insert , replace , or lookup operation desired , and the names of pages to be changed .

  26. 只需退出插入模式并切换到命令模式,将光标移动到错误字符并进行替换,所有这些操作都使用vi命令完成。

    Simply exit insert mode to switch into command mode , move the cursor to the incorrect letter , and replace it & all using vi commands .

  27. 可将callcc视为使用continuation对象中的调用堆栈替换当前堆栈的操作。

    Think of the callcc as replacing the current call stack with the call stack in the continuation object .

  28. 一种寄存器,可以存放某种操作的一个操作数,并且随后又用该操作的结果替换所存的操作数。

    A register in which one operand of an operation can be stored and subsequently replaced by the result of that operation .

  29. 实验结果表明算法对有损压缩、数据替换等各种篡改操作具有很强的敏感性,通过归一化相关系数等方法可对数据的完整性作出结论。

    The experimental results show that the algorithm is reasonable and sensitive to several operations such as lossy compression , data replacement .

  30. 虚拟化&将程序元素间的静态绑定替换为可以在操作期间更改的绑定,这是延展性的一个关键方面。

    Virtualization the replacement of static bindings between program elements with bindings that can be changed during operation is a key to malleability .