
  • 网络Warp Speed
  1. 我并没有发现我的同伴们喜欢去追随什么,即使他们发明了曲速引擎(warpdrive)或治愈了癌症。

    I didn 't find my fellow human beings interesting enough to follow even when they 'd invented warp drive or the cure for cancer .

  2. 乔布斯那著名的现实扭曲场肯定达到了10级的曲速层级,因为只要拿起iPad,你就会觉得自己进入了一个全然不同的技术世界。

    Mr Jobs ' famed reality distortion field must be working at warp factor 10 because to pick up the iPad is to feel you are entering a different technological world .

  3. 如果我们把能量都转向曲速引擎。

    Lf we reroute the emergency power to the warp engines .

  4. 可自行弹出曲速核心。

    To eject the warp core on her own .

  5. 你启动了紧急曲速核心关闭程序。

    You 've initiated an emergency warp core shutdown .

  6. 曲速核心被弹出了。

    The warp core has been ejected .

  7. 结果发现了关联性启动效应,并且关联性启动效应的产生及强度受到曲速的影响。

    The result showed that the relatedness priming took place , and its occurrence and strength proved to be affected by tempo .

  8. 由于曲速引擎的学术研究与我们生活息息相关,主题公园内的过山车机动游戏,就是运用到曲速引擎的学术技巧。

    As the song-speed engine research and our daily life , theme park roller coaster rides , that is applied to the warp engines of academic skills .

  9. 巴曲酶和速避凝联合治疗急性进展型脑梗死120例临床观察

    Clinical observation of batroxobin associated with low molecule heparin on treating acute progressive cerebral infarction