
  • 网络Implication;Suggestibility;suggestiveness
  1. 诗人通过建构在场式的戏剧化场景,追求现在时、进行时的直观美学效应,并注重场景本身的暗示性、时空错置性和灵活转换性。

    The poet , through constructing dramatization scenes of presence , pursues intuitionistic aesthetics effect of present tense and continuous tense , and values implication , temporal-spatial misplacement and flexible conversion .

  2. 催眠感受性与注意、分离、暗示性、TPQ、COMT多态性、脑电图相关性的初步研究

    Relationships between Hypnotic Susceptibility with Attentional , Dissociative Characteristics , Suggestibility , Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire , COMT Polymorphisms and EEG Concomitants

  3. 此文的提供建立在忠实的基础上并被认为是准确的;但是,MG及其所属成员不对其精确性及时效性做任何明晰或暗示性的承诺。

    The content provided is put forward in good faith and believed to be accurate , however , there are no explicit or implicit warranties of accuracy or timeliness made by MG Financial or its affiliates .

  4. MarianMerritt:“他们挑出那些人们可能会发布或发送的更有暗示性的最恶劣或最危险的图片。”

    MARIAN MERRITT : " They segmented the really most or dangerous kinds of images people might be posting and sending from texts that might be more

  5. 象征思维具有隐喻性、暗示性和系统性。

    Symbol thinking has the metaphorical , implied and systematic .

  6. 他用几个带有暗示性的词传递了信息。

    He conveyed the message with a few suggestive words .

  7. 不要使用有暗示性的同义词,除非你确切知道是什么意思

    DON 'T use suggested synonyms unless you 're sure what they mean

  8. 暗示性及其在诗歌创作中的运用

    Implicitness and Its Application in the Creation of Poetry

  9. 实验组与对比组在受暗示性得分上有显著差异。

    The difference of the suggestibility between experimental group and comparative group is significant .

  10. Rauzi说,这些和其他有暗示性的图片有时也被称作性短信。

    Mr. Rauzi says these and other suggestive images have sometimes been reported as sexting .

  11. 其侦探小说语言既贴切又富有逻辑性,既口语化又极具心理暗示性。

    His words were both appropriate and logicality , oral and rich in suggestibility of psychology .

  12. 此外,其他区域也为结果提供了一些暗示性的证据,但这方面的研究还在继续着。

    In addition , several other regionsshowed suggestive evidence of linkage and these are being pursued .

  13. 罗杰暗示性地扬了扬眉。

    Roger waggled his eyebrows suggestively .

  14. 相反,一个政府永远具有制裁,不管是明定的或暗示性的。

    A government , on the contrary , always has a sanction , expressed or implied .

  15. 意象作为艺术隐喻的核心因素,具有不完整性、模糊性和暗示性。

    Image as the core factor of art metaphor , has not integrity , fuzziness and implied .

  16. 论法、中象征主义诗歌的暗示性功能

    Implicit Function of Symbolism Poetry

  17. 暗示性。

    And 3 . hints .

  18. 心理契约由于其具有非明文性或暗示性特点而日益受到学术界和企业界的广泛关注。

    Academia and the business community pay more attention to psychological contract because of its non-explicit or implied characteristics .

  19. 研究者正在探求如何了解其危险因素,一些研究也暗示性激素在其中起一定的作用。

    Researchers are searching to understand risk factors and some studies have suggested that sex hormones play a role .

  20. 试图就不同引导语对受暗示性的影响情况进行研究以找到它们的关系。

    Try to study the influence of Difference leading questions on suggestibility and find their relationship in this article .

  21. 她小说的意象功效发挥得非常活泼:有的是嘲弄,有的却是暗示性的道德批判。

    Characters in her novels are very lively : some of them are ridiculous , but some imply moral criticism .

  22. 感应与冥合:中西象征主义诗论比较论法、中象征主义诗歌的暗示性功能

    Interaction and Muse : a Comparative Study on Symbolism Theory of the Western and China ; Implicit Function of Symbolism Poetry

  23. 意料之中的是,该地区现在是欧洲兄弟团们最喜欢的目的地,他们会拍各种有趣的暗示性照片。

    Unsurprisingly , the area is now a favorite destination for European frat boys to go and take amusingly suggestive photos .

  24. 不要提问和回答很直接的问题:暗示性地问问题的方式比直接发问的方式好,对话时最好能语焉不详地回答。

    Avoid asking and answering direct questions : its better to imply rather than ask , and to answer with vagueness during conversations .

  25. 并进一步研究该情境下受暗示性与社会期望、自尊、心理控制源以及视觉想象生动性的关系。

    In addition , the researchers investigated the relationship of suggestibility with social desirability , self-esteem , focus of control , and visual v.

  26. 对不起,我要打断一下我的同事的话,我要请法官阁下裁断,这问题是否属于暗示性问题?

    I 'm sorry to interrupt my brother , but I 'm in your Lordships'judgment , whether this be not a leading question ?

  27. 当被问到某个颇带暗示性的问题时,索菲娅朝采访者左脸上打了一耳光就迅速跑出了摄影棚。

    Sophia , when asked a rather leading question , slapped her interviewer on his left cheek and flounced out of the studio .

  28. 在经济学中,预测是对未来做出某种暗示性的估计,做为决策的依据。

    In economics , forecasting is the attempt to formalize the implicit estimate of the future on which decisions have to be based .

  29. 同时也大量地采用意象以及一种抒情性、暗示性、哲理性的语言来展示自己的存在体验,建构了一种典型的诗性文体。

    Meanwhile , he uses large amounts of images and a kind of sentimental , alluded and philosophical language to display his existence experience .

  30. 意象的美学特征表现为隐与奇,即象征性、含蓄性、暗示性、神秘性,这也恰恰是东方民族审美思维方式的鲜明特色。

    Characterized by symbol , simplicity , hint and mystery , its aesthetic feature is in accordance with the aesthetic taste of eastern people .