- 网络dark pool

Dark pool operator Liquidnet defended the role provided by alternative trading platforms .
A district court judge in the US has thrown out investor lawsuits against Barclays and a host of exchanges , dismissing claims that the bank rigged its " dark pool " trading venue in favour of high-frequency traders .
The World Federation of exchanges argues that too much trading takes place on dark pools , making markets opaque for many investors .
Mr Li 's challenge will be to boost profits while fighting off competition from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and from alternative trading platforms , known as dark pools , which threaten to take market share .
Barclays and Credit Suisse are the biggest operators of dark pools in the US , according to Tabb Group , a market-research firm .
Recent commentary on flash orders and dark pools has wrongly conflated these market structure concerns with questions on the validity of market participants who engage in high - Volume algorithmic trading .
The Brussels review would now include dark pools , said a spokesman for Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner .
The SEC is looking into whether so-called dark pools , where some investors try to mask their trading activity , should be forced to report more of their transaction data .
The SEC is also set to examine " dark pools " , electronic trading venues that do not publicly display quotes , and high frequency trading ( HFT ) .
The CFA called on regulators to monitor the growth in the proportion of dark volume trading and improve the reporting and disclosure around the operations of dark pools .
Turquoise , the equities trading platform , will today announce plans for a pan-European share trading service linking dark pools operated by banks in the latest effort to combat the increasing fragmentation of liquidity across the region .
Shares in Barclays , which operates one of the biggest , lost more than 6 per cent , while shares in other large operators , including Credit Suisse , UBS and Deutsche Bank , also fell .
Dark pools operated by banks accounted for the largest share of that figure , with those run by exchanges and alternative platforms , such as Chi-X Europe , the smallest .
A survey by the London-based CFA Institute found that trading of US equities on dark pools had risen 48 per cent since the start of 2009 to account for about 31 per cent of total consolidated volume , as of March .
The move also pits turquoise , launched three months ago , against the London Stock Exchange for a second time , because the exchange plans to launch a dark pool of its own .
The move comes on the heels of a warning last week by the US Securities and Exchange Commission over the transparency of dark pools , which allow the matching of large blocks of shares without prices being revealed until after trades are completed .
The NYSE has been squeezed out not only by upstart exchanges such as bats , but by " dark pools " private exchanges on which institutions trade with each other in large blocks and by banks making transactions internally .
It also spurred the growth of dark pools some launched by independent operators , others by exchanges and a third category by " multilateral trading facilities " such as chi-x.
" We face a lot of dark execution that happens , away from the lit market , and share trading has become a commodity in which the NYSE and Nasdaq have trouble competing , " says Joe ratterman , chief executive of bats .
But judge Jesse Furman of the Southern District of New York said on Wednesday that the plaintiffs did not allege any actions that met the definition of " manipulative acts , " or how those actions could have affected the price at which securities traded in the dark pool .
This name is a misnomer and has inevitably gained a negative connotation .
This explains why they also have another name : " dark pools . "
Today 's move stops short of combining the banks ' respective dark pools .
However , the total amount of trading via dark pools of all kinds is still modest .
Flash orders or dark pools just sound dubious , as does any variant of naked trading .
As of October , there were eighty-six alternative trading systems registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission .
It is this use of technology that has been given the unfortunate " dark pool " appellation .
Dark pools allow the trading of blocks of shares with prices made public only after trades are completed .
And there is probably more in the gigantic " dark pools " of off-exchange trading inaccessible to retail investors .
Also , the IMF says the activity of these trading systems is largely outside the reach of market regulators .