
  • 网络universal concept;general concept;universals
  1. 自主学习是一个同样适用于中国语境的普遍概念吗?

    Is learner autonomy a universal concept that is also adaptable to Chinese context ?

  2. 在此基础上,经过层层抽象概括产生出来的单独概念、普遍概念都由感性形象与概念形象所构成,并具有金字塔式的立体结构。

    Single concept and Universal Concept , made up of perceptual images and conceptual images , are generalized and characterized with pyramid-like solid structure .

  3. 给普遍概念下的定义过宽;

    The definitions for general concepts are too extensive , etc.

  4. 引入上下文信息五要素,使用通用模型描述普遍概念,使用领域模型描述领域概念。

    Using the " domain-independent ontology " describe the general concept , and using the " domain ontology " describe the domain-concept .

  5. 本文第一部分系统介绍了小额金融机构的基本内容,包括普遍概念、产生的背景、本身具有的优势以及类型。

    This paper begins by systematically introduce the basic contents of microfinance institution which include the universal concept , the background , the unique advantages and the types .

  6. 因此,在马克思哲学中,感性的人和感性的世界已成为普遍概念,感性的人对感性的世界的能动变革,也已成为普遍的哲学问题。

    Therefore , in Marxist philosophy perceptual man and perceptual world become general concepts , and perceptual man 's active transformation of the perceptual world also becomes a general philosophical issue .

  7. 致使概念是人类语言中的普遍概念,作为表达致使概念的典型句式之一,英语致使移动句式一直是语言研究的重点内容。

    Causation is pervasive in human languages . The English caused-motion construction ( ECMC for short ), as one of the prototypical ways to express causation , has long been focused on in the field of linguistic studies .

  8. 职业教育的基本概念是指在职业教育学中最基本的、最普遍的概念,一般具有基础性、共存性、普遍性、支配性等基本特征。

    Basic concepts of vocational education are the most fundamental and universal .

  9. 马克:那是一个更普遍的概念。

    Mark : That 's a more common conception .

  10. 解释管理普遍性概念的含义。

    Explain the universality of management concept .

  11. 人际意义在语言学中是一个普遍的概念,各种语言在语义中必然表达人际意义。但是,每一种语言在形式层和实体层中体现人际意义的方式有同有异。

    Though interpersonal meaning is a universal concept among languages , different languages have different linguistic devices to express interpersonal meaning .

  12. 教育系统作为社会机体的一个组成部分,受其影响也被纳入市场体系,竞争成为一个普遍的概念。

    The education system , as a part of the society , goes into the market and competition is a universal concept .

  13. 纯粹道德是在抽去了各种个体差异的普遍人概念的基础上得出的。

    Pure morality is the concept extracted from the concept of " general human being " that has eliminated all the personal difference .

  14. 分析胡塞尔生活世界观念的层级性的交互主体性建构特征,有必要澄清生活世界概念之内涵及其普遍哲学概念之关系。

    It is necessary to clarify the implication of the concept " life world " and it 's relation with the term " universal philosophy " .

  15. 但是,在其他国家里,人们有时是先有一个普遍的概念,然后才进入特殊的事实。

    However , in other countries , it is sometimes common for people to begin with a general idea and then move to more particular facts .

  16. 国外普遍认为概念图是促进知识有效建构的工具,它能够帮助思考、促进师生间的交流,同时也是一种有效的教学评价方式。

    The concept map were considered generally to be effective teaching tools that could promote knowledge construction , help thinking and promote communication between teachers and students in foreign countries .

  17. 第一,在讨论学习者自主性的文化适宜性的基础上我们指出学习者自主性是一个普遍的概念,它同样适用于中国语境。

    Firstly , on the basis of the discussion about learner autonomy 's ' cross-cultural appropriacy ' , we point out that learner autonomy is a universal concept that is also suitable to Chinese context .

  18. 基于价值的管理(VBM)和价值管理(VM)是两个被普遍混同的概念。

    Value-based management and value management are often thought as two puzzling concepts .

  19. 对于恢复性司法,目前没有一个能够为人们普遍接受的概念。

    For now , not a restorative justice can be widely accepted concept .

  20. 谚语中最普遍的是概念成分的主位即话题主位。

    The most common theme is the topic theme saying the concept ingredients .

  21. 不同的学者对颜色词进行过讨论,但颜色词是不是普遍人类的概念?

    Different scholars have discussed the color words , but is color a universal human concept ?

  22. 个体性和普遍性作为概念的环节,不可能是彼此孤立的两种规定性。

    The individual and universal are its constituents , and therefore characters which cannot be isolated .

  23. 责任作为一个普遍的人性概念和社会伦理概念,包含着极其丰富的内容。

    The responsibility , a universal concept of both humanity and social ethics , is rich in its content .

  24. 随着电力体制改革的进行,电力普遍服务的概念也日益受到社会的关注。

    With the electric system reform , the definition of the electric universal service has been paid much more attention .

  25. 在这些阐释中,相互安全、合作安全、综合安全、共同安全和普遍安全等概念是其主要内容。

    In this explanation , it includes mainly mutual security , cooperative security , comprehensive security , common security and universal security .

  26. 新《邮政法》以法律形式第一次确定了邮政普遍服务的概念,明确了建立完善普遍服务机制的重要性。

    New " Postal Law " clearly proposed the concept of postal universal service with legal form and the importance of establish universal service mechanism firstly .

  27. 中职数学教师普遍认同数学概念教学应该和学生专业相结合,但实际教学过程中结合较少。

    Math teachers generally believe the teaching of math concept should be combined with the students ' major , but actually this combination is rare . 4 .

  28. 时间是空间隐喻作为汉语和英语这两种语言中都普遍存在的概念隐喻和这两种文化有着紧密地联系。

    TIME AS SPACE metaphor , as one of the conventional metaphor pervasive in both Chinese and English language is also closely attached to the two cultures .

  29. 需加以说明的是,这一对概念的讨论虽然起始于政治学,却并不局限于政治学或社会学,而是一个对于自然和社会普遍适用的概念,这种做法的惟一原因只是方便和直观。

    The discussion of the concepts originated from political science but is not limited with politics and sociology . The concepts are good for both natural and social sciences .

  30. 本文认为,是是西方哲学史上最普遍的哲学概念,关于是的理论&是论所表述的是绝对理念自身的运动,是纯粹理性自身的展现。

    Being is the most popular philosophical concept in the history of Western philosophy . The theory of being involves the activities of absolute ideas themselves and the embodiment of pure reason .