
  • 网络Ordinary workers;an ordinary labourer
  1. 普通劳动者的需求和意见遭到忽视。

    The needs and opinions of ordinary working people were ignored

  2. 他们是和人民群众同甘共苦的普通劳动者。

    They are ordinary labourers , sharing weal and woe with the people .

  3. 作为普通劳动者,我们自己很难区分必要劳动和剩余劳动。

    As ordinary laborers , we can hardly tell necessary labor from surplus labor .

  4. 因此要实现经济振兴,东北老工业基地一方面要加大人力资本投资,另一方面要提高人力资本投资的产出效率,提高普通劳动者的平均技术水平。

    Economy promotion relies on the quantity and the output efficiency of human capital investment .

  5. 我们干部是普通劳动者,不是骑在人民头上的老爷。

    We cadres are ordinary workers and not overlords sitting on the backs of the people .

  6. 我的父母都是普通劳动者。

    My parents are ordinary laborers .

  7. 老子既是道家的创始人,也是铁匠式的普通劳动者;

    Lao Tzu is the founder of Taoism , is also a blacksmith-general of the workers ;

  8. 有人是爱争论看法的知识分子,也有人爱钓鱼和爱谈论天气的普通劳动者。

    Some are intellectuals who love to argue ideas and others are day laborers who fish and talk about the weather .

  9. 2013年,美国首席执行官的平均收入是1170万美元,是美国普通劳动者收入的331倍。

    In 2013 , the average chief executive in the US earned $ 11.7m , 331 times the average US worker .

  10. 现实中的艺术家仅以普通劳动者的形象出现,尽管他付出了艰辛的努力,其艺术创作依然很可能是失败的。

    The artist in reality assumes the image of a common labourer who is-very likely to fail in his artistic endeavor for all his strenuous exertions .

  11. 然而由于知识型员工有很多新的特点,对他们的激励方式也就不同于普通劳动者。

    However , since the character of knowledge workers is different from other non-knowledge workers ', the motivation of knowledge workers is also different from others ' .

  12. 由于他们的劳动往往对生产力发展和城市社会进步有较大促进作用,其收入报酬要比普通劳动者高出许多。

    Owing to their labour bring about a great advance in city society and productive forces development , their payment were higher than that one of ordinary labourer .

  13. 在现实题材类主旋律电影中,主人公往往是时代英雄或者普通劳动者的典型形象,以主人公面临困难,解决困难的模式进行,并且出现了英雄人物平民化的转变。

    However , in realistic main-melody movies , protagonists are often typical images of era heroes or ordinary laborers , who would face certain difficulties and solve them .

  14. 电视剧《寻常人家》是一曲爱情的绝唱,是普通劳动者人性美、心灵美的颂歌。

    The TV drama " An Ordinary Family " is a poetic masterpiece of love as well as an ode to the human nature and heart of ordinary labourers .

  15. 当然,中国私有房产的销售对象是富裕的精英阶层,而不是普通劳动者。因此,衡量住房可承受能力的传统指标可能并不适用。

    Of course , private property in China is geared towards the rich elite , not the common worker , so traditional measures of housing affordability may not be appropriate .

  16. 禅宗典籍中其“目不识丁”的形象可能是有意突出南宗禅“不立文字”的特征和普通劳动者的典型性。

    " Hliteracy " is probably only a symbol of Zen Buddhism 's deliberate dismissing of the written language and the manifestation of the laborer 's image emphasized by Zen Buddhism .

  17. 人的劳动力具有资本性质,不仅要承认特定岗位上的人的人力资本价值,而且要承认普通劳动者的人力资本。

    Labor has the nature of the capital , not only to recognize the human capital value of the person on the specific-job , but also to recognize the value of the ordinary laborers .

  18. 引导他们正确认识与评价自己,把自我价值的实现与国家的发展、社会的需要结合起来,用一个普通劳动者的平常心去选择自己未来的职业,很有必要。

    Moreover , we have to guide them to recognize and evaluate themselves properly , by means of combinating the realization of individual value with the development of our country and need of society .

  19. 丁玲的《访美散记》和《文学天才意味着什么》两部著作,从某些侧面反映了丁玲热诚的爱国情怀和作为一名普通劳动者的小草精神。

    Ding Ling 's works Essays on the Visiting to the USA and What Do Literary Talents Mean reflect from certain aspects Ding Ling 's zealous patriotic feelings and plain spirits as an ordinary person .

  20. 以40年的时间段来看,富国普通劳动者生产率长期低迷的影响要超过不平等程度上升或者2008年的金融危机。

    Taking a 40-year perspective , the impact of this long productivity malaise on typical workers in rich countries is greater than that of the rise in inequality , or of the financial crisis of 2008 .

  21. 因此,如何让普通劳动者真正分享到改革开放的成果,调整利益格局,缩小收入差距,已引起了全社会普遍关注。

    Therefore , how to let ordinary workers to share the fruits of reform and opening up genuine , adjust the pattern of interests and narrow the income gap has attracted wide attention from the entire society .

  22. 此时,科学技术是第一生产力,倍受折磨的知识分子重新回到了社会中心位置,知识分子与普通劳动者的身份地位亟需转换。

    At this time , science and technology is the first productivity , the intellectuals who endured so much torment have returned to the social center and the status between intellectuals and ordinary workers needs to shift .

  23. 而另一部分专家学者则认为人力资本是凝聚在劳动者身上的体能、知识、技能和经验,因此包括普通劳动者在内的所有员工身上都具有人力资本。

    Another part of the experts and scholars believe that human capital is a pool of workers in the physical body , knowledge , skills and experience , including ordinary workers , all employees have the human capital .

  24. 如果我们只是普通劳动者,那我们应该在享受科技伟人给我们带来幸福的同时,应该真诚地在心里说声“谢谢”,这也是一种感恩吧!你说是吗?

    If we are just ordinary workers , then we should enjoy technology has brought us great happiness at the same time , should be honest in my heart to say " thank you ", this is a Thanksgiving it !

  25. 上海或北京的一间豪华公寓可能要花费超过一个普通劳动者在中国130年的收入,据21世纪网引述的发布在美国在线房地产研究公司上的一份报告。

    A luxury apartment in Shanghai or Beijing could cost more than 130 times the annual income of an ordinary wage earner in China , according to 21cbh.com , citing a report released by a US online property research company .

  26. 在普通美国劳动者看来,一年享有10周假期听起来很不切实际。

    The idea of taking 10 weeks holiday a year sounds unreal to the average American worker .

  27. 部分学者认为人力资本有特定的含义,他们认为人力资本不是一般的或普通的劳动者,而是企业中一部分特殊的个体。

    Some scholars believe that human capital has a specific meaning , that human capital is not an ordinary or common laborers , But part of the business in a special individual .

  28. 我们中国经济并没有建立起那种发达的经济体所必需的共享经济体,资本部门利益被最大化,可是我们的普普通通的劳动者却被严重剥削了。

    We Chinese economy did not establish the sharing economy required that developed economies , capital department benefit is maximized , but our ordinary workers are serious exploitation .

  29. 经济学家艾尔丁说,埃及的工资体系需要全面改革。艾尔丁认为,在普通的埃及劳动者可以挣到一份足以糊口的工资之前,政府补贴不能取消。

    Economist Hanaa Kheir el-Din says the entire wage system needs to be overhauled , and the food subsidies cannot be removed until ordinary working Egyptians can earn a living wage .