- Star Trek

Joyce Bryt is a devoted Star Trek fan .
Star Trek is about a spacecraft which travels faster than the speed of light .
And Star Trek 's idea of life in the future is a lot of fun .
If the acting doesn 't improve , Star Trek won 't last for more than one series .
The ideas are interesting , and in my opinion there 's only one problem with Star Trek : the acting .
a swap meet for collectors of Star Trek memorabilia 《
and " Enterprise " ( 2001 to 2005 ) .
Wow , he really went where no man has gone before .
And they 're mostly happy with their Star Trek-like devices .
Nimoy also appeared in the 2013 follow-up , Star Trek Into Darkness .
A motion picture franchise followed , as did the TV spinoffs " Star Trek : The Next Generation " ( which ran from 1987 to 1994 ) ;
Voice recognition for commands is still buggy , and the industrial design resembles a Star Trek prop .
He has featured in Star Trek , The Simpsons and many other television shows .
In particular , there 's been a lot of interest in turning iPhones into something like the Star Trek medical tricorder .
Star Trek fans will protest that the power of Q comes from the Q Continuum but I 'll ask them to go with me on this one .
The new Looney Tunes-meets-basketball movie will also be produced by Black Panther director Ryan Coogler and Star Trek Beyond director Justin Lin.
In Star Trek , for example , Captain Kirk lives in what can be described as a " post capital " economy .
The name of Microsoft 's HoloLens headset is a salute to the holodeck , a simulation room from " Star Trek . "
Star Trek , which had its premiere on NBC on Sept. 8 , 1966 , made Nimoy a star .
Here 's Spock 's head with no body .
The original " Star Trek " series , created by Gene Roddenberry , ran on NBC from 1966 to 1969 .
Ok , it 's like a Star Trek door or something OK , so I 'm backstage now and here 's my friend Ron .
Before that , she recalled , astronomers worried that maybe the Star Trek picture of the universe was not right , and there is no life anywhere else .
One partner memorably likened the culture to the Borg , an alien race in the Star Trek series : The Borg is a collective .
Before that , she recalled , astronomers worried that " maybe the Star Trek picture of the universe was not right , and there is no life anywhere else . "
This simple scene showed that CGI was not just useful for the SFX spectacle of films such as Star Trek - it could be used to create characters entirely .
' Star Trek : Into Darkness ' easily topped the domestic box-office charts this weekend , but its real accomplishment was to boldly go where the 47-year-old science-fiction franchise has never successfully gone before : overseas .
CBS said that the new " Star Trek " series would begin in January 2017 with a " special preview " episode shown on the network .
Untold thousands of Trekkies may choose to bid online when such lots as a model of the Starship Enterprise ( $ 15000 - $ 25000 ) go under the hammer at Rockefeller Center .
' At long last I could have something that was even remotely like the communicators on ' Star Trek , ' ' he said , recalling his initial reaction to the phone .