
xīnɡ jì kōnɡ jiān
  • interstellar space;interplanetary space
  1. 采用一维时变MHD模型,系统地研究了压力扰动在行星际空间的传播。

    This paper presents a systematical study of the propagation of pressure disturbances in the interplanetary space by using a one dimensional , time dependent MHD model .

  2. X射线脉冲星导航(X-rayPulsar-basedNavigation,XPNAV)是近几年空间导航领域研究的热点,可为近地轨道、深空及星际空间飞行的航天器提供位置、速度、姿态和时间等全面的导航信息。

    As a hot spot on the research of space navigation in recent years , X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation ( XPNAV ) can offer abundant navigation information , such as position , velocity , attitude and time etc. for the spacecrafts in near-Earth orbit , deep space and interplanetary space .

  3. 行星际空间MHD模拟激波跃变关系分析

    Analyzing of the interplanetary simulation MHD shock with the shock jump condition

  4. 在一维球坐标系下模拟了1998年11月4日至5日3个连续日冕物质抛射(CME)在行星际空间的传播和相互作用并最终形成复杂抛射的日地传输过程。

    The solar-terrestrial transit process of three successive CMEs during November 4-5 , 1998 has been investigated numerically in one-dimensional spherical geometry .

  5. 反应的中间体CH2在星际空间里起着非常重要的作用。

    In the interstellar medium , CH2 plays an important role in the carbon chemistry .

  6. 行星际空间中激波加速的宇宙线粒子能谱的解析表式

    Analytic Expressions of Shock-accelerated Cosmic Ray Spectra in the Interplanetary Space

  7. 星际空间中的从恒星发出的质子流。

    Interstellar space including streams of protons moving from the stars .

  8. 恒星是疏散在星际空间的物质凝聚而成的。

    Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space .

  9. 日冕和行星际空间中的太阳射电Ⅱ型爆发

    Solar Radio Type ⅱ Burst in the Corona and Interplanetary Medium

  10. 相反,我们可以把鼹鼠都堆在星际空间中。

    Instead , let 's gather the moles in interplanetary space .

  11. 遍及星际空间的微粒或气体组成的云。

    Clouds of particles or gases occurring throughout interstellar space .

  12. 我们就进入了星际空间。

    we 're actually going now out into interstellar space ,

  13. 星云的残余气体充斥星际空间。

    The remnant nebular gas pervades the interplanetary space .

  14. 茫茫星际空间并不是一无所有真正意义上的真空。

    The vast interstellar space is not real vacuum .

  15. 星际空间中宇宙线重新加速的研究

    A Study of Cosmic-Ray Reacceleration in the Interstellar Space

  16. 恒星际空间根本不是人们凭空想象的虚空。

    The space between the stars is not some mythical void at all .

  17. 行星际空间慢激波的演化

    Evolution of slow shocks in the interplanetary space

  18. 在星际空间还有其它恒星。

    There are other suns in outer space .

  19. 行星际空间系统的低维迹象

    Indication of low dimensionality in interplanetary space system

  20. 木星电子在行星际空间的传播

    Propagation of Jovian Electrons in the Interplanetary Space

  21. 在星际空间中的一种无边的由气体(主要成分为氢)和灰尘组成的云。

    An immense cloud of gas ( mainly hydrogen ) and dust in interstellar space .

  22. 强磁场结构在行星际空间膨胀的数值模拟

    A numerical simulation on the expansion of strong magnetic field structure in the interplanetary space

  23. 光兴许会被水和棱镜影响,但是星际空间本身不就是空的吗?

    Light might be affected by water or prisms , but isn 't interstellar space emptiness itself ?

  24. 星际空间非常寒冷,但在太阳(或地球)附近其实是非常热的!

    Interstellar space is very cold , but space near the Sun-and near Earth-is actually incredibly hot !

  25. 现在已是第40个年头了,“航行者”号仍在继续发回有关星际空间边界的信息。

    Now in their fourth decade , they are sending back information about the borderlands of interstellar space .

  26. 太阳风有它自己的磁场,这个磁场会随著外流的太阳风电浆一起流入星际空间。

    The solar wind has its own magnetic field , which travels with the outflowing plasma into interplanetary space .

  27. 随着数字宇宙,埃马尔特和海登天文馆可以考虑到星际空间飞行任务观众深。

    With Digital Universe , Emmart and the Hayden Planetarium can take viewers deep into space on interstellar missions .

  28. 另外,质子化反应是化学和生物学中最简单但是又是最重要的反应之一,尤其是一些重要中性分子的质子化反应在离子化学条件下和星际空间中都是非常关键的反应。

    Furthermore , the protonation processes of some important neutral species are especially important in ionic environments or interstellar space .

  29. 那些逃逸到行星际空间的质子流就构成了太阳质子事件。

    The energetic proton stream escaping from the flare site into the interplanetary space will produce a solar proton event .

  30. 它必须穿过星际空间。穿过地球的大气层,中途还有可能被水蒸气吸收,

    It had to come through intergalactic space , through the Earth 's atmosphere , where water vapor can absorb it ,