
  • 网络open oven
  1. 我路过一家餐馆就进去了,点了明炉烤牛肉三明治和一块煎炸牛排。

    I order the open-hot-roast-beef sandwich and a side of French .

  2. 莲苑中餐厅超值特价菜,白切清远鸡、脆皮乳鸽、潮式明炉鲈鱼、笼仔荷叶虾等,每份只需人民币10元。

    Lotus Court features special dishes of RMB10 only , Poached Chicken , Steamed Perch Chaozhou Style , Steamed shrimps in Lotus Leaf , etc.

  3. 钢丝明火加热炉的研制与开发微机自控燃油钢丝明火热处理炉设计

    Design of Oil-firing Open-flame Heat-treatment Furnace for Steel Wire Controlled Automatically by Computer