
  • 网络temporal logic;LTL;tense logic;ctl
  1. 虽然,不同应用背景涉及不同方面的特性描述,但是线性时态逻辑描述软件特性方式上具有共性。

    The descriptions of software properties based on LTL formulas have common patterns although different applications background have to depict different software properties .

  2. 模型检测基于时态逻辑(TemporalLogic),包括线性时态逻辑和计算树逻辑。

    Model Checking Based on Temporal Logic , including linear temporal logic and computational tree logic .

  3. 基于线性时态逻辑的Petri网模型检测研究

    Research on Model Checking of Petri Nets Based on Linear Temporal Logic

  4. 最后介绍了线性时态逻辑特性模式在SPIN中的应用。

    At last , the application of Property patterns of LTL formulas was given in SPIN tool .

  5. 研究了线性时态逻辑公式表达UML模型性质的特点和形式。

    The characteristics and forms of describing properties of UML models with linear temporal logic are also studied .

  6. 为了说明简化网保持了原网的外部功能,利用基于时序Petri网的时态逻辑规则进行了证明。

    Temporal logic rule of temporal Petri nets was used to illuminate the exterior functionality of simplified net .

  7. 最后基于时序Petri网的时态逻辑证明了简化Petri网的功能性。

    Finally , the functionality of the reduced net was proved by the temporal logic of the temporal Petri net .

  8. 提出了一个关于时态逻辑CTL的符号化模型检测算法。

    This paper gives a symbolic model checking algorithm for the temporal logic CTL ~ .

  9. 基于面向对象着色Petri网模型和时态逻辑方法,对自动化仓库输送系统运行过程的调度问题进行研究。

    The scheduling problem of the running process of transporting system in an automated warehouse is studied using the object oriented colored Petri nets model and the temporal logic method .

  10. 基于全局时态逻辑(GTL)的验证和测试生成研究

    GTL-based Verification and Test Generation

  11. 其中,命题时态逻辑PTL是最为常用的一种。

    Propositional temporal logic ( PTL ) is one of the best known temporal logics .

  12. 用带时钟变量的线性时态逻辑扩充Object-Z

    Adding linear temporal logic with clocks to Object-Z

  13. 更进一步,提出了服务触发规则(STR规则),它具有丰富的语义,并由于结合时态逻辑,能够提供强大的表达能力。

    Furthermore , a new kind of rule called service trigger rule is presented , which carry rich semantics as well as have strong expressive ability .

  14. 其次,验证规范通过可计算树逻辑(CTL)或线性时态逻辑公式(LTL)表示出来。

    Then the specification is described in computation tree logic ( CTL ) or linear temporal logic ( LTL ) formula .

  15. 建立了系统的面向对象着色Petri网模型,讨论了该过程的死锁分析问题,给出了系统行为的时态逻辑规范和死锁避免的最大允许反馈控制策略。

    The process is modeled with object oriented colored Petri nets . The deadlock analysis problem is discussed , and its specification with temporal logic and the maximally permissive feedback control strategy for deadlock avoidance are presented .

  16. 时态逻辑断言推理及其在SIDSS中的应用

    Assertion Inference Based on Temporal Logic and Its Application in SIDSS

  17. 在使用Petri网构建工作流行为结构模型的同时,使用时态逻辑描述工作流模型的需求与特性,则具有描述能力强、灵活方便的优点。

    Using the Petri net to build the behavioral model of workflow , the temporal logic is used to specify the requirements and properties of the workflow model . This method has more descriptive power and is flexible , easy to be used .

  18. 以实时线性时态逻辑作为逻辑框架,以时控自动机作为计算模型,扩展了软件体系结构环境Armani的行为规范说明与验证的能力。

    This paper extends the software architecture environment Armani wit h the ability of behavioral specification and verification in a real-time linear temporal logic framework using timed automata as computing models .

  19. 利用时态逻辑公式检验转换后的面向方面的Petri网模型的正确性,通过分析Petri网的执行序列来检验方面织入时机的合理性。●提出了基于着色Petri网的面向方面的建模技术。

    The correctness of transformed aspect oriented Petri nets can be verified by temporal logical formulations . The validity of weaving time can be checked via the execution sequence of Petri nets . A technique of aspect oriented modeling based colored Petri nets is established .

  20. SPIN使用PROMELA作为验证的模型语言,并使用线性时态逻辑(LTL)公式描述属性,应用自动机理论实现系统的模拟运行和正确性验证。

    SPIN makes use of PROMELA as the verification model language , LTL formula to describe attributes , and automatism theory to realize the systemic simulation and correctness verification .

  21. 针对目前绝大多数形式化描述技术在处理协议的活性等方面存在的不足,提出一种新的基于公平性假设的时态逻辑技术描述协议,并给出AB协议的形式化描述实例。

    Most formal description techniques have some drawbacks in processing liveness of protocols . In view of this situation , a new temporal logic technique based on fairness hypothesis to describe protocols is proposed and an example of Alternating Bit protocol presented .

  22. 阐述了时态逻辑CTL及其子逻辑CTL、LTL的语法及语义,然后分析运用时态逻辑描述并发系统性质,最后给出一个应用实例。

    This paper states the syntax and semantics of CTL ~ and its sub-logics : CTL and LTL , and analyzes how to state the properties of concurrent system , and finally the application example is given .

  23. 提出了将线性时态逻辑(LTL)技术和电网故障模拟量信息引入高压输电线系统故障诊断的新思想。

    A new idea is presented to introduce the linear temporal logic ( LTL ) technology and analog information into a fault diagnosis system for high voltage ( HV ) transmission lines .

  24. 针对PNO模型存在的分析验证问题,本文将时态逻辑引入PNO模型,提出了相应的建模及验证方法。

    Aiming at the problems of verifying PNO , this paper introduces temporal logic to PNO model and presents a modeling and verifying method based on PNO with precise marking .

  25. 建模方法使用精确标识PNO描述系统体系结构模型,并通过时态逻辑定义模型上的需求和限制。

    The modeling method defines the decisions about the architecture of a software system with Petri nets , and specifies the requirements and constraints imposed on the software architecture with temporal logic .

  26. 介绍了断言推理和时态逻辑断言的基本概念,并以工资智能决策支持系统(SIDSS)为例,讨论时态逻辑断言规则的设计、形式化描述与Java代码实现。

    This article introduces the assertion inference and the basic concepts of temporal logic assertions . Taking the intelligent decision support system of salary ( SIDSS ) for example , it discusses the rules design , the formalization description , and the Java implementation in temporal logic assertions .

  27. 提出一种新的时态逻辑&一阶间隔时态逻辑(FOITL),它是扩充了间隔时间算子的一阶时态逻辑。

    This article presents a new kind of temporal logic & first order interval temporal logic ( FOITL ) . It is first order logic augmented by interval operator in which there is no explicit reference point about time .

  28. 一阶时态逻辑系统及其在程序中的一个应用

    Systems of first order temporal logic and an application to programs

  29. 用于描述和验证数字电路的一阶间隔时态逻辑

    First Order Interval Temporal Logic for Describing and Verifying Digital Circuits

  30. 基于时态逻辑技术的高压输电线系统故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis Based on Temporal Logic Technology in HV Transmission System