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zǎo qiū
  • early autumn
早秋 [zǎo qiū]
  • [early autumn] 入秋不久;刚过立秋之时

  1. 那是早秋时节,树叶正在变黄。

    It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow .

  2. 早秋如老虎,酷热起火灾。

    Early autumn such as tiger , extremely hot catch fire .

  3. 人们通常赶在冬季的MBA申请之前,于早秋参加GMAT考试。

    Early autumn is a popular time to take the GMAT , in advance of winter MBA applications .

  4. 在二月底,我们发布了第一个版本。如果没有RationalRapidDeveloper的话,我想可能会等到早秋至少是仲夏才能实现。

    We released a first version at the end of February , and without Rational Rapid Developer , I think it would have been a mid-summer implementation , if not an early fall one .

  5. 就拿她本人来说,身为蔻依和丝蔻(SeeByChloe,蔻依的副牌——编注)的创意总监,她每年要监制八个系列,包括一个度假系列和一个早秋系列。

    For example , as creative director at Chlo é and See By Chlo é , she oversees the creation of eight collections a year , including resort and prefall .

  6. 叶球单球质量1.75kg,抗病毒病和黑腐病,不易裂球,品质优,适于华北、东北、西北地区早秋种植。

    It is resistant to both virus disease and black rot , with characteristics of tolerance to head dehiscence and good quality . It is suitable for early-autumn planting in north China , northeast and northwest parts of China .

  7. 早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。

    The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn .

  8. 在早秋时会有较小的果实,但都不成熟。

    Attractive miniature fruits follow in early autumn but seldom ripen .

  9. 燕子在早秋时节开始向南方移栖。

    Swallows begin their migration south in early autumn .

  10. 这些昆虫总是出现在温暖潮湿的天气,即初夏和早秋。

    These insects appear in warm wet weather , viz early summer and early autumn .

  11. 适应性广,可作早夏、夏、早秋栽培。

    Wide adaptability and can be used for early summer , summer and early autumn planting .

  12. 描述:木质藤本,晚春、夏和早秋时在新枝上开花。

    Description : Woody climbers flowering on young shoots in late spring and summer into early autumn .

  13. 其集群的种群数量从冬季到夏季逐渐扩大,早秋开始后下降。

    For the colony , the population was grown from winter to summer and descended after early autumn .

  14. 通常是大的、多汁、深黄色、圆的、南瓜科植物的果实,夏末或早秋成熟。

    Usually large pulpy deep-yellow round fruit of the squash family maturing in late summer or early autumn .

  15. 在晚春,夏季和早秋时节,你最好带蚊虫喷剂和涂防晒霜。

    It is recommended that you bring insect spray and sun screen in late Spring , Summer and early Fall .

  16. 果实于早秋成熟,置于温暖干燥处可保存数月。

    Pumpkins mature in early autumn and can be stored for a few months in a dry , warm place .

  17. 这是在我初一年级的早秋,我的老校友已经离得很远了。

    It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school , and my old school was far away .

  18. 早秋为主农牧结合&洛川县种植业结构调整问题初步研究

    Combination of Agriculture with Animal Husbandry , Focusing More Attention on Early Autumn Crops & A Primary Study of the Problem of Adjustment of Crop Plantation Structure in Luochuan County

  19. 时序虽然还停留在热情缤纷的春夏,时尚圈早已领先炎热的气温迈入早秋!

    Though time sequence still stays in the hospitable spring and summer in riotous profusion , enclose and already lead the hot temperature and march toward early autumn in fashion !

  20. 夏天结束了,已是早秋天气,已经过了秋节,但是那年收成晚,我们的田有些还没有清除完毕。

    Summer drew to an end , and early autumn : it was past Michaelmas , but the harvest was late that year , and a few of our fields were still uncleared .

  21. 大约在早秋,几个妇女发现了一群正飞过永定河旁一个小水湾的野鸭子,于是她们用边缘系着卵石的网子扔向鸭群。这个原始部落的男子们几乎每天都可猎获一头公牛。

    In an early autumn , some women found a flock of wild ducks gliding across the small inlet near Yongding River , and then they flung the net with savage tribe could hunt a bull almost every day .

  22. 这正是林语堂最为偏爱苏东坡之所在,也是他自己一生不懈的追求,或可视为林氏的东坡情结,而这东坡情结恰恰源于林氏自己标榜的早秋精神。

    This is Lin Yutang 's most partiality for Su Shi , also is his life unremitting pursue , may regard as Lin Yutang 's " DongPo Complex ", " DongPo Complex " originates " the early autumn spirit " which Lin Yutang flaunts .