
  • 网络old house
  1. 她住在一栋旧房的顶层。

    She lives on the top floor of an old house .

  2. 以旧房作抵押很难获准。

    It 's difficult to get a mortgage on an old house .

  3. 私房主会感到更安心,可能愿意变卖旧房购买更贵的房子。

    Homeowners will feel more comfortable and they may feel ready to trade up .

  4. 旧房改造工程中的投资决策-VE及AHP的应用

    Practical Application of Decision with VE and AHP about Reformation Engineering of Old Buildings

  5. 通过建立净收益现值法评价公式并用工程实例说明在旧房改造经济评价中的应用方法,证明其应用更为方便。Net的Web页面布局和装饰服务。

    An evaluation formula of net income approach is introduced in this paper , and its application to economic evaluation of old building reconstruction is explained with engineering cases .

  6. 本文对旧房建设处理的决策是针对南京某大学于1974年所建的住宅楼所作。乃用价值工程(VE)与层次分析(AHP)法进行,具有普遍的应用价值。

    The decision about the old building was made against a flat constructed by Nanjing University in 1974.It is of universal valuable in its application as it is proceeded by VE and AHP , meanwhile it is used in scientific management for old building .

  7. 犹他州盐湖城的一名男子JoshFerrin前些天买了一幢二手房,举家搬进去之后,他开始审视旧房,在阁楼上,他发现了一堆塞满了钞票的盒子和罐子。

    A man in Utah discovered $ 45000 ( £ 28000 ) stuffed into tins and boxes in the attic of the new home he had just bought - and gave the money back to the previous owner 's six children . Josh Ferrin was exploring the house he had just bought when he made the discovery .

  8. 电子中介在旧房市场中的交易模型研究

    Research on Trading Model of Electronic Broker in Second-hand Apartment Market

  9. 家居设计中旧房室内空间改造的思考

    Considerations on interior renovation design of old building in house decoration

  10. 旧房改造中基础结构加固方法

    A method to reinforce the basic structure in transforming old houses

  11. 砖砌体旧房的直接增层法

    The Direct Increase of the Floor Levels of the Old Masonry Buildings

  12. 浅谈旧房加层改造工程的墙体加固

    Talking about the Wall Reinforcement in Old-building 's Storey-adding Transformation

  13. 他靠买旧房整修翻新赚钱。

    He makes money by buying old houses and doing them up .

  14. 北京市危旧房改造的多目标分解模式

    Mode of goal decomposition in old and dilapidated housing renewal of Beijing

  15. 武汉针棉织品商场旧房加固改造设计

    Reinforcing and Transforming Design for the Old Buildings of Wuhan Knitwear Market

  16. 我们可以将这座旧房改造成一个车库。

    We can adapt this old house for use as a garage .

  17. 此外,政府将加快棚户区改造和危旧房改造。

    The government will speed up renovation of shantytowns and dilapidated buildings .

  18. 喀什历史文化名城保护与老城区危旧房改造

    The kashgar historical and cultural cities protection and old city dangerous house reformation

  19. 在旧房交易中,产权证是最重要的。

    In the old building transactions , property card is the most important .

  20. 浅层旧房基障碍物雷达定位探测

    Radar Probing in Locating Obstacles of Shallow Building Foundation

  21. 旧房改造主体结构施工质量的监理控制

    Supervisory Control of Construction Quality for the Main Structure of Existing Factory Building

  22. 预应力技术在旧房改造中的应用

    Application of Prestress Technology in Rebuilding of Old Building

  23. 评估标的物为旧房时,成新率对评估值的影响要确定权数。

    The newness rate is crucial When the subject is an old house .

  24. 那幢旧房的屋顶塌下了。

    The roof of the old house caved in .

  25. 最后我们选中了那栋新房,而不是那栋旧房。

    At last we plumped for the new house rather than the old one .

  26. 旧房改造的建筑选型与技术经济性评价

    Architectural design plan selection of transforming engineering of old building and technical economic norms appraisal

  27. 那些悬而未决的交易将会发表在四月和五月的《旧房销售》上。

    Those pending deals will be reported in the existing-home sales for April and May .

  28. 议会宣告这间旧房报废了。

    The Council condemned the old house .

  29. 寻找一种可行的方法使在征收物业税时,新旧房能够良好的衔接;

    Find out one feasible method how to levy the property tax of old room ;

  30. 旧房装电梯多层住宅新话题超高层建筑的客梯设置探讨

    Small Discussion on Construction Management of Elevator Installation New Topic Elevator Installation in Old Building