
jiù xí
  • old habit/custom
旧习 [jiù xí]
  • [old customs or habits] 旧的习惯或习俗(多指不好的)

  • 旧习深重

  1. 而在这里独创艺术就像是谋杀了旧习的杀手。

    Artistic originality here is likened to the murderer of convention .

  2. 见女士弯腰致礼已是昔日旧习。

    Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom .

  3. 他的新婚妻子规劝他改掉喝酒的旧习。

    His new wife persuaded him to forsake his old drinking habits .

  4. 卡米拉:是的,但旧习难改。

    Camila : Yeah , but old habits die hard .

  5. 人们应当革除各自的旧习。

    The individual must strip himself of old habits .

  6. 有些人永远摆脱不了陈规旧习。

    Some people never get out of their ruts .

  7. 然而,诚如杰斐逊之前的发现,旧习难改。

    As Jefferson had discovered earlier , however , old practices die hard .

  8. 至今他仍不改旧习,还在做冒犯我的事!

    Now , he is still not changed , also doing stereotypes offended me !

  9. 该篇小说打破旧习的主题将鲁迅推到了1919年新文化运动的中心位置。

    Its iconoclastic premise propelled him to the center of the New Culture Movement of the late 1910s .

  10. 甚至非词语民俗也沿用陈规旧习,如习惯、手势、服装式样、图案设计等。

    Even non-verbal folklore makes use of stereotyped habits , gestures , patterns , designs , and the like .

  11. 几十年的旧习、迷信和规矩最近又开始风行,人们盲目地跟风而不去质疑这样做的理论依据。

    Decades of old beliefs , superstitions and rituals are being performed these days and are followed blindly without questioning their rationale .

  12. 陈规旧习是保存认知性资源并快速解读的捷径,即使这种资源可能是不准确,不公平且有害的。

    Stereotypes are shortcuts that preserve cognitive resources and enable faster interpretations , albeit ones that may be inaccurate , unfair , and harmful .

  13. 在一出有14名不同角色参演的单人剧中,这部作品将街上的宗派口号及陈规旧习带到了舞台上。

    In a one-man play with 14 different characters , the production has brought sectarian slogans and stereotypes from the street to the stage .

  14. 通过危机,强者得到褒奖,病态浮出水面,机遇得以创造,旧习能够根除,释放久积之力,捣毁商业陈旧模式。

    They reward strengths and expose weaknesses , create new opportunities and kill old habits , release pent-up energy and destroy old business models .

  15. 传统观念上女人婚后都会辞掉工作,但是现在,她们打破了这一旧习,即使结了婚也仍然出来工作。

    Women traditionally would leave the workplace after getting married , but finally women are pushing the glass ceiling and staying in the work place .

  16. 首先,加快研究和推行具有广泛使用意义的具体会计准则,企业尤其是广大会计人员应摒弃旧习,更新观念,接受新会计核算方法;

    First , we should research and push accountant rules , enterprise especially the accountant should renew their mind and learn the new means of accountant verification ;

  17. 用经济学的话来说,美国尝试的是在一个泡沫之上再吹起一个泡沫,中国则在戒除依赖出口的旧习。

    In economic terms , the US has tried to blow a bubble on top of a bubble , while China is weaning itself off its old export-dependent habits .

  18. 1899年,鲁迅成为众多胸怀大志中国青年中的一员,他们抛弃了会将中国引入政治灾难的旧习。

    In 1899 , Lu Xun became one of many young , ambitious Chinese men who turned their backs on traditions that seemed to have led China into political disaster .

  19. 分析了山西省退耕还林还草环境建设过程中的关键性问题,并针对关键性问题提出了改变区域耕牧传统旧习和舍饲畜牧业等较为科学和适应发展的对策。

    Therefore , to find the key problems and ways at the right time , erosion control should be performed by planting trees and grass to construct the right environment .

  20. 有时这些砖石瓦砾会被骡车运走,突兀地显出中国在大步奔向未来的时候,一些农村旧习仍难消除。

    These are sometimes carted away by mule-drawn carriages , a jarring metaphor for the way in which China holds onto an agrarian past even as it speeds into the future .

  21. “养虎为患”的“现代性”不断地自己反对自己的传统,自己超越自己的旧习,永不停歇地追逐,没有终极的未来。

    Like a snake warmed in the bosom , the " modernity " just keeps on opposing its own traditions and exceeding its own old habits in a ceaseless pursuit to a future with no destination .

  22. 在人心风俗方面,他对中国的旧习进行了剖析,并详细考察了西方的风俗体系,提出借鉴西方之俗改造中国虚骄之气的新观点,为近代国民性改造引进了新思路。

    In social customs , he analyzed the old Chinese customs , and made a detailed investigation on the system of western social customs , bringing new way of thinking on the transformation of the contemporary nation 's nature .

  23. 最后,尽管中国已经在关于女性的官方法规和公共声明方面进步很大,尽管如此,在实践中,在几个世纪以来的历史和传统基础上,依然是旧习难除。

    To conclude , though China may have taken great leaps forward in official statutes and public pronouncements concerning women , nonetheless , in practice , backed by centuries of history and tradition , the old ways die hard .