
  • day cream;Multi-Active Day
  1. 这款日霜可以滋润你的皮肤并且有防晒功能,防晒指数是8。

    This day cream will moisturize your skin and it has a sun block rating of8 .

  2. 而且我们还有特别配方的日霜,可以滋润皮肤并且保护它不被日光晒伤。

    We 'll also apply some of our special day cream that will moisturize our skin and protect it from the sun .

  3. 对治敏感性皮肤可选用微酸性洁面品,多补充维他命C,日霜忌用控油配方。

    To sensitivity skin can choose acidic taste , more cleansing cream to supplement vitamin C , avoid oil-control formula .

  4. 用漂亮蓝瓶装的娇兰特效水凝清爽保湿霜(TheGuerlainSuperAqua-Crème)既有日霜(售价70英镑),也有晚霜(售价81英镑),用后效果很爽,压根不会有油腻感;

    The Guerlain Super Aqua-Cr è me - it comes in a day gel ( £ 70 ) and a night balm ( £ 81 ) in pretty blue pots - is very pleasant and not at all greasy-feeling ;

  5. 也可于早上使用,使用后可涂抹日霜。

    Can be used in the morning and then daub day cream .

  6. 娇兰特效水凝清爽保湿日霜70英镑

    Guerlain Super Aqua-Cr è me Day Gel £ 70

  7. 太爱这个了,所以现在我还买了日霜。

    Love this product , and now I am buying the day version as well .

  8. 含防晒成分的日霜对你的皮肤是非常棒的,提供防止阳光照射的保护。

    Everyday face lotions with SPF are great for your skin and provide protection against incidental sun exposure .

  9. 只需要轻轻涂抹在清洁并滋润后的皮肤上,或者涂于你的日霜之上!

    To apply just smooth on over cleansed and toned skin , or on top of your day cream .

  10. 如果您是油性皮肤,那么鸵鸟油日霜效果却不会让人感到油腻。

    If you skin is more greasy then Emu Oil day cream will have a similar , less oily effect .

  11. 这是一款最神奇的日霜,它让我看起来十分动人,这么些年里,让我第一次感觉自己的皮肤像丝绸般顺滑。

    This is the most amazing product , my skin looks and feels like silk for the first time in years .

  12. 干燥皮肤者,可先使用“生物蛋白再生霜”或“活肤养颜晚霜”,吸收后,在最外层涂“保湿美白日霜”。

    Apply " bio-protein Cream " or " active essential night cream " then moisturizing " whitening day cream " one dry skin .

  13. 她建议使用含有舒缓成分的日霜,如葵花油、荷荷巴油等有助于保护和改善皮肤保护层的成分。

    She recommends using a day cream containing soothing ingredients like sunflower oil and jojoba to help protect and strengthen the barriers of the skin .