
  • 网络daily motion
  1. 对于周一无肉日运动,这可是个大事。

    For the Meatless Monday movement , this is a big deal .

  2. 留日运动与社会主义思潮在中国的传播

    Movement of Studying in Japan and Dissemination of Socialist Ideological Trend in China

  3. 椭圆轨道上行星绕日运动时间公式的另一种推导方法

    An alternatively derivation of time formula of a planet in an elliptical orbit around the sun

  4. 以视日运动轨迹为捕捉范围,拍摄到图像之后进行处理。

    Depending on the trajectory is a capture range , to capture the images after processing .

  5. 留日运动对中国人接受社会主义思潮的影响。

    Influence of Movement of studying in Japan on Acceptance of Socialist Ideological Trend by the Chinese .

  6. 在8月30日运动之后将于9月27日以及11月初进行多轮免疫接种。

    The campaign on30 August will be followed by additional immunization rounds on27 September and early November .

  7. 非理性借鉴:晚清留日运动中的速成热

    Irrational Studying : The " Quick And Good " Hot of Studying in Japan During The Late Qing dynasty

  8. 最后,国民政府和蒋介石介入,才将北平的反日运动打压下去。

    Finally , direct intervention by the national government and Chiang Kai-shek himself suppressed the anti-Japanese movement in Beiping .

  9. 随之兴起的加拿大排日运动反过来又阻滞了其同化与融合的进程。

    In turn , the rise of anti-Japanese movement blocks the process of Japanese immigrants ' assimilation and integration in the Canadian Society .

  10. 通过分析行星在椭圆轨道上的绕日运动,得到任意两点间的运动时间和运动周期。

    By analyzing the movement of a planet in an elliptical orbit around the sun , the time between any two points and period are obtained .

  11. 国民政府的基本立场不在于反对和管制反日运动本身,它反对的是超越管制力的反日运动。

    What the National Government opposed was the anti Japanese activities beyond the limits of control rather than the anti Japanese movement itself this was its basic stance .

  12. 由此可见,留日运动对中国思想界的转变即社会主义思潮的兴起,产生了不可忽视的巨大影响。

    Thereupon the movement of studying in Japan had a unneglectful influence on the change of Chinese ideological circle , that is , the presence of socialist ideological trend .

  13. 太阳能自动跟踪系统有压差式、光电式、视日运动轨迹式等多种方法,各有优缺点。但在跟踪精度和智能化方面,都存在不足之处。

    Solar automatic tracking system with differential pressure type , photoelectric , depending on track type and so on many kinds of methods , each have its advantages and disadvantages .

  14. 系统采用的追踪策略是以视日运动轨迹追踪为基础,采用倾角传感器进行误差校正,保证了系统的精确性和稳定性。

    The tracking strategy base on sun position calculation tracking mode and angle sensor is adopted to improve the error correction and to ensure the accuracy and stability of the system .

  15. 在追捧小项目运动明星方面美国银行并非首开先河者。椭圆轨道上行星绕日运动时间公式的另一种推导方法

    Bank of America isnt the first marketer to hitch its wagon to athletes from low-profile sports . An alternatively derivation of time formula of a planet in an elliptical orbit around the sun

  16. 尽管2010年世界无烟日运动将侧重于向妇女促销烟草的问题,但也将顾及保护男性免受烟草公司种种花招影响的需要。

    Although the World No Tobacco Day2010 campaign will focus on tobacco marketing to women , it will also take into account the need to protect boys and men from the tobacco companies'tactics .

  17. 在捕获太阳之后,对系统进行自修正,使视日运动轨迹跟踪的定位更加准确,提高系统对环境的适应性。

    In the sun after the capture , the system self correcting , so that as the day of trajectory tracking of a more accurate positioning , improve the system adaptability to the environment .

  18. 本文以1885年至1924年移居美国的日本人为对象,梳理其移民历程与分析其同化和融合的状况,并联系美国排日运动探讨两者之间的联系。

    This dissertation takes the Japanese immigrants from 1885 to 1924 as the object of the study , illustrating their immigration process , analyzing their assimilation and integration in the American Society , and exploring the relationship between the Japanese immigrants and anti-Japanese movement in the United States as well .

  19. 中日维新运动社会基础比较

    The Comparison of the Social Basis of the Sino-Japanese Reform Movement

  20. 亲爱的陈先生:3月28日有关运动服装函收悉。

    Dear Mr. Chen , Thank you for your letter of March 28th concerning your Sports Wear .

  21. 本文分析了金九与韩国反日独立运动左翼派别的关系,以对这段鲜为人知的历史有更深刻的认识。

    Kim Koo and the left wing of Korean Anti-Japan Independent Campaign to achieve a more profound understanding of this period of less known history .

  22. 中国民间对日索赔运动的顺利开展,给中日关系带来的不是负面影响,而是促进了中日关系朝着良性方向发展。

    The smooth operation of the civil lawsuit against Japan which bring Sino-Japanese relations are not negative impact , but for the two sides relations toward a benign direction .

  23. 墨西哥的卫生部长何塞科尔多瓦,他推出了一项新的2月25日健康运动,对此表示同意,他说:“我们必须制止住肥胖问题。”

    Mexican Health Secretary Jose Cordova , who launched a new health campaign Feb.25 , agrees : " We have to put the brakes on this obesity problem . "

  24. 发表在12月15日《运动失调杂志》上的一篇文章称,帕金森病患者病患者同样比没患此病的人更少服用降胆固醇药。

    Parkinson 's patients were also less likely to take cholesterol-lowering drugs than people without the disease , said the study , which was published online Dec.15 in the journal Movement Disorders .

  25. 最近,基金会发起了另一项叫做"全国红领巾日"的运动,在这一天,人们捐献20美元,戴红围巾来支持加拿大的运动和帮助无家可归的人。

    More recently , the foundation began another campaign called National Red Scarf Day — a day when people donate $ 20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada ` s campaign and homeless .

  26. 新加坡中华总商会与1963年新加坡对日不合作运动

    The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the Local Non-Cooperation Movement towards Japan in 1963

  27. 于是,在朝鲜各地掀起了以爱国儒林为指挥、以农民群众为基础的反日义兵运动。

    Thus , in North Korea set off around a patriotic Confucian scholars for the command to the masses of farmers based on the anti-Japanese soldiers justice movement .

  28. 在日、汪和平运动中,他仍然企图实现蒋、日和平;

    With the development of the " Peace Campaign " between Japanese and WANG , he was continuously hoping to realize " Peace " between JIANG and Japanese .

  29. 脱离汪精卫,是其从事和平交涉的主观出发点与日、汪和平运动的进展相矛盾的必然结果。

    His disengagement from WANG was the necessity of the contradiction between his subjective intent for peace and the progress of the " Peace Campaign " between Japanese and WANG .

  30. 上万名抗议者参加了6月30日周六的运动,督促美国政府让美墨边境分开的上千孩子与父母相见。

    Thousands of people took part in a rally on Saturday 30 June as protestors urged the US government to reunite hundreds of children separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border .