
luó mǎ jiào tínɡ
  • Roman Curia;Vatican;Holy See
罗马教廷 [luó mǎ jiào tíng]
  • [Holy See] 以罗马教皇为首的国际天主教领导中心,设在罗马城西北梵蒂冈。教皇拥有最高权力,下设有教廷国务卿等,力图控制世界各地天主教会,中世纪时是西欧封建社会的主要支柱

  1. 罗马教廷对堕胎的教义非常清楚:这是罪过。

    The Vatican 's teaching on abortion is clear : it is a sin

  2. 除非涉及一些有争议的选举,罗马教廷一般不会干预各教派的内部事务。

    Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections .

  3. 自二十世纪二十年代起他每周广播,直到被罗马教廷的等级制度禁止。

    There his weekly broadcasts were aired from the1920s until he was silenced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church .

  4. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,委员会希望能确定,2002年经罗马教廷批准后,梵蒂冈记录的儿童保护文件是否与联合国反虐待委员会的相一致。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the committee wants to determine whether the Vatican record on child protection well links to UN Convention against Torture ratified by The Holy See in 2002 .

  5. 梵蒂冈罗马教廷已经敦促信徒们抵制这部电影。

    The Vatican has urged the faithful to boycott the film .

  6. 罗马教廷对“野蛮的”十字军东征改变了看法。

    Vatican had a change of heart over ' barbaric ' Crusades .

  7. 你是说罗马教廷因为这个盒子而杀人?

    You 're saying the Vatican is killing people for this box ?

  8. 罗马教廷以前所未有的速度获得了发展。

    The Roman Church was developed at an unprecedented rate .

  9. 这就像派一个主教成员去监督罗马教廷。

    That 's like sending an Episcopalian to oversee the Vatican for20 years .

  10. 罗马教廷面临着前所未有的信仰危机。

    The Vatican faces a crisis of faith unprecedented .

  11. 4.adj.教皇的,教皇职位或权力的,罗马教廷的,教皇任期的支持或和教皇至上教义有关的

    relating to or supporting the doctrine of papal supremacy

  12. 亨利八世为甚麽多次娶妻,又与罗马教廷决裂?英国国王亨利八世从天主教会中分离出来。

    King Henry the Eighth of England had separated from the Roman Catholic Church .

  13. 同时,罗马教廷也一直在调查其真实性。

    And Vatican has been examining her claim .

  14. 中国教会在1957年与罗马教廷断绝了关系。

    The Chinese Church broke with Rome in1957 .

  15. 罗马教廷统治罗马天主教会的中央管理机构。

    The central administration governing the church .

  16. 此后,罗马教廷不得不批准中国教团采取了一些将天主教中国化的措施。

    Later the Vatican was forced to approve some sinicization measures in the Chinese Church .

  17. 这次罗马教廷以为自己必能胜利了,而改革家的工作也必然停止。

    Here at last Rome would triumph , and the Reformer 's work would be stopped .

  18. 梵蒂冈(罗马教廷)也已经要求各国支持这个事实上支持了一个反堕胎立场的宣言。

    The Vatican has also urged support for the declaration , which essentially backs an anti-abortion position .

  19. 立基于罗马教廷,罗马教皇和大主教主持的基督教。

    The Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy .

  20. 一名罗马教廷的发言人声称,那名试图扑向教皇汽车的男子显出精神失衡的征兆。

    Vatican spokesman says the man who tried to jump onto the Pope mobile showed signs of mental imbalance .

  21. 许多朝圣者都是效忠罗马教廷的地下教会而不是国家认可的天主教堂。

    Many of the pilgrims are loyal to an underground church which claims closer ties with Rome than the state-approved Catholic church .

  22. 教皇是罗马教廷和梵蒂冈的最高首脑,享有最高立法、司法和行政权。

    The Pope exercises supreme legislative , executive , and judicial power over the Holy See and the State of the Vatican City .

  23. 罗马教廷指责这次评选的组织者们无视基督教的纪念物,因为它们无一入选前二十名。

    The Vatican in Rome accused the competition 's organizers of ignoring Christian monuments , none of which was featured among the20 finalists .

  24. 弗朗西斯教皇邀请了参加他每周在罗马教廷说课的两位信徒,与他一起乘坐教皇座驾。

    Pope Francis invited two blessed who attended his weekly audience at the Vatican to hitch a ride on the famous Pope mobile .

  25. 由于罗马教廷坚持为十六世教皇本尼迪克特开脱而引起愤怒狂潮,性丑闻正在淹没天主教会。

    Sex scandals are breaking over the Catholic church with such fury that the Vatican has felt bound to defend Pope Benedict XVI himself .

  26. 1693年至1722年,为康熙皇帝与罗马教廷就中国礼仪进行论战的阶段。

    The Period from 1693 to 1722 . It was a period marked by the polemic between Emperor Kangxi and the Pope over the Chinese rites .

  27. 罗马教廷称,在罗马举行的一场会议上,坎特伯雷大主教和教皇同意寻求圣公会和天主教更近一层的关系。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope agreed to seek closer relations between Anglicans and Catholics at a meeting in Rome , the Vatican has said .

  28. 但是由于梵蒂冈对基督军团决定的不信任,罗马教廷任命了两名有改革头脑的顾问在基督军团管理委员会内任职。

    But in the sign of Vatican mistrust of the legion 's decisions , the Holy See appointed two reform-minded advisors to serve on its governing council .

  29. 传说在十五世纪一个恶劣的贵族为了逃避罗马教廷的追杀逃到了这个地方并且建立了城堡。

    Legend has it a notorious robber baron from the15th century escaped the revenge of the Holy Roman Emperor with his family and they settled in this castle .

  30. 近年来,在教皇本笃十六世引导下,关系有所改善。关于中国官方教堂主教的任命争端,使得罗马教廷希望将主教分成几个不同等级。

    However , Guo Jincai was ordained as bishop of northern Chengde city in November without the pope 's approval , the last appointment that the Vatican disputed .