
  • 网络The New Deal;Roosevelt's New Deal
  1. 黄金时代之后迎来进步时代,咆哮的二十年代(RoaringTwenties)的过分行为引发大萧条(Depression),而大萧条又引出罗斯福新政(NewDeal)。

    The gilded age led to the progressive era , the excesses of the Roaring Twenties led to the Depression , which in turn led to the New Deal .

  2. 试论罗斯福新政与黑人民权问题

    Franklin . D. Roosevelt 's New Deal and Black Civil Rights

  3. 从罗斯福新政(newdeal)到墨索里尼,政府机构向暂时处于困境的健全非金融公司发放贷款或予以收购,已有各种先例。

    There are also all kinds of precedents , from the new deal to Mussolini , of state agencies lending to or acquiring sound non-financial companies in temporary difficulties .

  4. 在哈罗德·格雷(HaroldGray)的原版《孤女安妮》(LittleOrphanAnnie)漫画中,沃巴克老爹是个反对罗斯福新政的保守主义者,他的慈善机构是富兰克林·D·罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)的新政之外的另一个选择。

    In Harold Gray 's original " Little Orphan Annie " comic strip , Warbucks was also an avatar of anti-New Deal conservatism , his charity an alternative to the policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt 's New Deal .

  5. 论罗斯福新政的金融政策

    On the Financial Policy of the Roosevelt 's New Deal

  6. 罗斯福新政对我国当前宏观经济调控的启示

    " Rooseeevelt new policy " inspiration to China present macro economy control

  7. 试论罗斯福新政的就业政策

    On the Employment Policy in F.D. Roosevelt 's New Deal

  8. 新凯恩斯主义经济学罗斯福新政与凯恩斯主义


  9. 罗斯福新政时期的联邦最高法院(1933-1939)

    The Supreme Court in the Period of Roosevelt 's New Deal ( 1933-1939 );

  10. 罗斯福新政是西方社会反经济危机政策成功的典范。

    Roosevelt 's New Deal is the model that Western society succeeds against economic crisis .

  11. 文章最后一部分为结语,主要是总结概括罗斯福新政中金融政策的历史地位。

    It summed up the historic status of the financial policy of the New Deal .

  12. 通过罗斯福新政,他在发展与安全之间找到了一条可持续的中间路线。

    He delivered the new deal to plow a lasting middle ground between growth and security .

  13. 第三部分分析罗斯福新政对美国经济的总体影响。本文主要通过国民生产总值、个人收入、投资和储蓄、就业失业人数、物价水平这五个经济指标来比较新政前后的美国经济。

    The paper mainly compares the American economy before and after the " New Deal " .

  14. 从罗斯福新政看美国政府如何应对经济危机

    On the US Government 's Handling of Economic Crises form the Perspective of Roosevelt ' New Policy

  15. 罗斯福新政、劳工运动与劳方、资方、国家间的关系

    Franklin roosevelt 's " new deal ", labor movement and relations among employees , employers and the state

  16. 罗斯福新政是为了挽救垂危的资本主义,在资本主义体系内进行的一次系统的、激进的改革。

    New Deal was a systematic , radical reform within the capitalist system in order to rescue dying capitalism .

  17. 在罗斯福新政期间,让低收入家庭购买自有住房的措施,似乎是一项合适的政府目标。

    During the New Deal , measures to enable low-income households to buy their homes seemed a proper government objective .

  18. 美国老年社会保障制度奠定于20世纪30年代罗斯福新政时期。

    American social welfare system for the aged was established during the period of Roosevelt 's New Deal in the 1930 's.

  19. 和现在许多的社会安全保障网一样,当下的失业保险制度也是富兰克林•罗斯福新政时制定的。

    Like much of the social safety net , the current UI system was a product of Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal .

  20. 关于这个问题的争论也许还会持续75年,就如同现在,经济学家们依旧在争论罗斯福新政是否真的对1930年代的经济大萧条有所帮助。

    Economists will probably still be debating this issue in75 years'time , just as they still discuss whether Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal programme was effective in the1930s .

  21. 他还无视罗斯福新政和二战的影响,将1950年美国强大的经济实力归功于哈耶克主义。

    He also credits Hayekian ideas for America 's economic might in 1950 , thereby ignoring the impact of both the New Deal and the second world war .

  22. 自罗斯福新政开始的国际实践经验表明,财政政策是克服需求不足和经济衰退的一个最为主要的手段。

    Beginning from the Roosevelt New Policy , the international practice showed that fiscal policy has been the most important mean to surmount scant demand and economic recession .

  23. 罗斯福新政在政治、经济、社会等领域的创新是对美国传统宪政体制的突破,它要求一次宪法革命。

    The innovation of the New Deal in the politics , economy and society is a breakthrough of American traditional constitutional system , which is in need of some sort of " Constitution Revolution " .

  24. 从罗斯福新政开始一直到二十世纪九十年代,美国不断通过立法来解决这一问题,从而形成了覆盖整个社会的就业培训体系。

    From the beginning the New Deal until the twentieth century , the nineties , the United States continue to pass legislation to resolve this problem , thereby forming a whole the employment training system .

  25. 法西斯的兴起使罗斯福新政这个看似纯粹国内的调整改革,没有也不可能摆脱国际事务、国际形势及其发展的影响。

    D. Roosevelt 's New Deal , which seemed to be the pure domestic adjustment and reform , impossible to be free from the impact from the then international affairs , international situation and its development .

  26. 介绍了发生在罗斯福新政时期的法院改组计划案的始末,指出罗斯福法院改组计划的失败并不是偶然的,而是有其深刻的经济、政治和文化原因。

    Having elaborated the whole " Court-packing Plan " during the period of President Roosevelt 's New Deal , the paper attempts to indicate that the failure of the Plan is incidental but caused by its economics , politics and culture .

  27. 为了挽救美国经济,1933年新上任的美国总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福在美国实施了大规模的改革,这些具有资本主义改良性质的改革措施被统称为罗斯福新政。

    For the sake of saving American economy , Franklin D. Roosevelt , the new President of 1933 , brought a large-scare reform into effect in America . Because these reform measures had characters of capitalistic improvement , this reform was called Franklin D.

  28. 然而,当代右翼将这种不信任发挥到了荒唐的极致,不仅寻求将时钟拨回到罗斯福“新政”(newdeal)之前,而且还要退回到20世纪伊始的进步时代之前。

    The contemporary right has taken this , however , to an absurd extreme , seeking to turn the clock back not just to the point before the new deal , but before the progressive era at the turn of the 20th century .

  29. 尽管遭到反对,罗斯福及其新政仍然颇受欢迎。

    In spite of the opposition , Roosevelt and his New Deal were popular .

  30. 罗斯福“新政”社会福利救济措施的背景及作用

    The background and functions of the social welfare relief measures of roosevelt 's " new deal "