
  • 网络Wireless;wireless application
  1. 基于XML和JAVA的无线应用服务平台

    Wireless applications service platform based on XML and JAVA

  2. Oracle还可提供设计、实施和托管无线应用程序等方面的专业技术。

    And Oracle offers expertise in designing , implementing and hosting your Wireless Applications .

  3. 基于移动Agent的无线应用软件测试系统

    Testing Mobile Wireless Application Based on Mobile Agent

  4. 这篇文章将探讨无线应用协议WAP在GPRS终端上的运行原理。

    This article discusses the operating principium of wireless application protocol WAP over GPRS .

  5. J2EE的普及和推广使得构建更加复杂的无线应用系统成为可能。

    Until the prevalence and popularization of J2EE , it can be capable of building more complex wireless application systems .

  6. 无线应用协议WAP技术及其体系结构,并对。

    The radio application protocol technique and the system structure are stared and .

  7. 另一方面则是WAP相关的无线应用的飞速发展。

    On the other hand , WAP related wireless applications are developing rapidly .

  8. WAP全称为无线应用协议,它是一个用于向无线终端设备进行智能化信息传递的无线网络协议。

    WAP is abbreviation to Wireless Application Protocol .

  9. 探讨了JAVA和XML两大技术结合的优点,并基于这两种技术研究和实现了一种无线应用服务平台。

    The paper discusses the strong points of integrating JAVA technology with XML technology and the realization of a wireless application service platform based on the two technologies .

  10. 无线应用程序协议WAP编程技术

    Wireless Application Protocol Programming Technology Discussion

  11. 概述了TCP拥塞控制的基本原理,详细分析和研究了无线应用中各TCP拥塞裁决技术,给出了各拥塞裁决技术所对应的拥塞控制机制。

    This paper first introduces the principles of TCP congestion control , and several kinds of TCP congestion verdict are analyzed and discussed in detail .

  12. 在无线应用环境中,无线Mesh网将面临很多的安全问题,尤其路由层面的安全问题。

    However , in the wireless application environment , Wireless Mesh Networks will face a lot of security problems , in particular , the routing-level security issues .

  13. 伴随Internet和移动通信的快速发展,用于连接Internet和移动设备的WAP(WirelessApplicationProtocol,即无线应用协议)技术近年来得到了迅猛发展。

    With the fast developments of Internet and mobile communication , the WAP ( Wireless Application Protocol ) technique has maken great progress in recent years which connects Internet and the mobile equipments .

  14. 近年来,随着Internet的发展,XML获得了巨大发展,广泛应用于电子商务、网络发布、无线应用、内容管理等领域。

    In recent years , with the development of Internet , XML made great progresses and was widely applied in the field of electronic business , network publication , wireless application and content management .

  15. 分析了WAP(无线应用协议)网关的功能和特点,并设计了一个功能强大的测试器。

    The function and specialty of WAP Gateway are analysed , and a powerful tester for WAP Gateway is designed .

  16. 作为企业最重要的商务系统之一的客户关系管理(CRM),更加需要无线应用模式来实现用户和企业之间快速高效的信息交互。

    As one of the most important business systems , CRM need the wireless mode to realize the information interaction between people and enterprises much more .

  17. 介绍了移动终端网络应用的现状及无线应用协议和WWW两种网络编程模式。

    The paper has introduced Internet application situation of mobile equipment and two programming models accessing Internet , which are WAP and WWW.

  18. 然后,阐明了无线应用协议WAP的原理和体系结构,以及移动设备的安全技术和移动电子商务的应用领域;

    Then we expound the principle and architecture of WAP , security of mobile devices and application fields of mobile electronic commerce .

  19. 作为事实上的业界标准,WAP对于无线应用程序开发和无线数据服务的发展具有重要的意义;

    Being the industrial standard , WAP is of significant importance to the development of wireless application program and wireless data services ;

  20. 无线应用协议(WAP)融合了因特网技术与移动通信技术的优势,成为事实上的业界标准。

    Wireless applications protocol ( WAP ) which combines the superiority of Internet technology and mobile communication technology becomes a de facto industry standard .

  21. J2ME平台由于自身的特点,己经成为当前业界流行的无线应用开发支柱平台。

    The J2ME platform as a result of own characteristic , oneself after becomes the current field popular wireless application development prop platform .

  22. 但J2EE所提供的技术还不能完全满足无线应用方面的需求,因此有必要对其进行扩展,以实现将企业计算扩展到无线应用领域。

    But not all demands to be provided for Wireless application by J2EE technology . In order to spread enterprise computing to wireless application field , its need to extend J2EE framework .

  23. 本文采用J2EE技术框架和无线应用技术(WAP),设计了县级森林火险数据报送系统。

    In this paper , a data transmit system for county-level forest fire prevention is designed , which based on J2EE framework and Wireless Application Protocol ( WAP ) .

  24. 介绍了无线应用协议(WAP)的工作原理、体系结构以及WAP的新应用&WAP手机无线授时的模拟实现。

    The working principle , systematic structure of wireless application protocol ( WAP ) and its application to wireless time service via mobile telephone are introduced .

  25. 文中对GPRS/CDMA无线应用的内网联网组网方案和基于Linux操作系统的接入方式进行了讨论,并通过实验验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。

    Some key methods are discussed in detail such as how to build network inside GPRS / CDMA , and how to access GPRS / CDMA network under Linux OS . The approach is validated by experiments .

  26. 当然,也有移动的无线应用,如,从移动办公到在仓库周围走动的人们用PDA更新库存,等等,都是这方面的应用。

    But of course , there are also the true mobile , wireless applications , ranging from the portable office to people walking around a store with a PDA doing inventory .

  27. 无线应用协议(WAP)用于从无线通信网访问国际互联网,并实现两者之间的信息交互。

    Wireless Application Protocol ( WAP ) is used as a bridge of interchanging information between Internet and wireless communication networks , which includes several industry wide standards and specifications .

  28. 在无线应用协议(WAP)技术的无线应用环境部分,本文提出一种嵌入移动终端的微浏览器的设计方案。

    In this paper , a micro-browser design scheme for a kind of embedded mobile terminal used in the wireless application environment under the Wireless Application Protocol ( WAP ) technique is presented .

  29. 本文首先介绍了无线应用协议(WAP)的基本原理、协议结构和技术实现方式,然后介绍了WAP的技术发展和应用前景,最后简介了中国移动通信的WAP业务开放情况。

    This paper first give a introduction of the basic working principle , protocol structure and network structure of wireless application protocol , and its development and service prospect . At last briefly introduces the WAP service launched by China Mobile .

  30. 研究无线应用协议(WAP)栈中客户端无线事务协议(WTP)的功能,提出了一种基于WIN32环境的设计和实现方案,并指出了在设计和实现过程中涉及到的关键技术。

    This paper discusses the function of client WTP in WAP stack and proposes a plan of design and implementation based on WIN32 environment . At the same time , it points out the critical technique during the design and implementation .