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  1. 我们无乐不作,在瓶瓶瓮瓮上画着傻气的图案,有时候还画在彼此身上。

    We joked around , painted silly things on vases , and occasionally on each other .

  2. 无乐之乐,乐之至也&陶渊明性不解音解读

    Music without Sound is the Best Music Interpretation of Tao Yuan - ming 's Being Unable to Understand Music

  3. 荀子无美而乐与虚静的美学思想辨析

    An Analysis of Xun Kuang 's Aesthetics of Pleasure without External Beauty Source and Void and Quietness

  4. 总的说来,与夺目的电影和歌剧业相比,“16世纪无伴奏合唱乐”作曲家们的活计形不成有前途的行当。&我的理解和楼主有不同。

    THE lives of16th-century composers of unaccompanied madrigals do not by and large make promising subjects for lurid films and operas .