
lǚ xínɡ chē
  • station wagon
  1. 我在一辆旅行车旁边找到了一个车位。

    I found a place to park beside a station wagon .

  2. 把旅行车和SUV揉在一起就是一辆克莱斯勒太平洋。

    Put a station wagon and an SUV together and you get a Chrysler Pacifica .

  3. 对于很多人来说,他们显然可以作为一般旅行车的替代品。

    For many they clearly represent an alternative to run-of-the-mill estate cars .

  4. 13岁时,朗尼把一台旧发动机安装在了一辆自制的旅行车上。

    At 13 , Lonnie put an old engine on a homemade go-cart .

  5. 我有一部1966年代ABC版的旅行车需要一个分电盖。

    I 'm trying to find a distributor cap for my1966 ABC station wagon .

  6. 奔驰B级车型(高车座家用旅行车)在2011年经过了重新设计,一直未在美国市场出售(但在墨西哥和加拿大有售)。

    Redesigned in 2011 , the B-Class ( tall family wagon ) has been unavailable in the U.S. ( but yes for Mexico and Canada ) .

  7. Jones的选择是一辆本田奥德赛旅行车,他相信它的保值将比其它汽车要更好。

    Jones'choice of a vehicle was a Honda Odyssey minivan , which he believes will hold its value better than some other vehicles .

  8. 特斯拉ModelS是一辆七座旅行车,而宝马i3只能容纳四人,而且只适合城市周边短途旅行。

    The model s is a seven-passenger luxury touring car while the I3 carries just four passengers and is designed for quick trips around town .

  9. 这边走,你会看见旅行车,迷你货车还有SUV。

    Walk this way and you 'll see our station wagons , mini-vans , and SUVs .

  10. 比如克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的厢式旅行车和福特(Ford)的探路者(Explorer)四门SUV,它们身上既有一鸣惊人的神来之笔,又有不落窠臼但最终却黯然退场的新理念。

    For every Chrysler minivan or Ford Explorer four-door SUV , there are dozens of one-hit wonders and new concepts that failed to catch on .

  11. 福特公司表示,其目前在四款车型上提供气囊安全带,分别为Explorer、Flex旅行车和林肯(Lincoln)MKT。

    Ford says it currently offers bag-in-belt systems on four models & the Explorer , the Flex wagon and the Lincoln MKT .

  12. 维克多开着一辆蓝色福特旅行车,同行的还有民谣乐手保罗·克莱顿(PaulClayton)和记者彼得·卡尔曼(PeterKarman)。

    Victor took the wheel of a blue Ford station wagon , also joined by the folk musician Paul Clayton and the journalist Peter Karman .

  13. 现在Jeannie就在旅行车里Jeannie你在哪儿呢

    And Jeannie is out there in the Seaggin ' Wagon right now . Jeannie , where are you ?

  14. 他Jeannie和他们两家的亲人在我们的旅行车里现在就在Stephanie家不远处

    He , Jeannie and bot of their families are on our Swaggin Wagon , around the corner from Stephanie 's house right now .

  15. 这整季我们让Jeannie跟我们的旅行车绕遍全国给我们的观众们带去惊喜

    All season long we have been sending Jeannie and our Swaggin ' Wagon around the country to surprise my viewers .

  16. 详细介绍日本丰田大霸王(PREVIA)旅行车巡航系统的电源电路、指示灯电路、执行器电路、速度传感器电路以及巡航系统中各个开关电路的故障检测方法。

    The fault inspection ways on the circuits of the cruising system on TOYOTA PREVIA are introduced in details here , such as the circuits of power , indicator light , actuator , speed sensor and each switch .

  17. 这款问世于1973年的旅行车采用了Peterbilt轿车的前格栅,五月花(Mayflower)MPV的后厢造型,因此具有相当大的载物空间。

    Introduced in 1973 , the 240 was the ur-volvo , with the front grille of a Peterbilt and the rear compartment of a Mayflower van that ingested enormous amounts of cargo .

  18. 以丰田子弹头(PREVIA)旅行车为代表,阐述用可逆电动机作执行器的巡航控制系统的结构、运作、电路原理、主要部件及故障检修方法,对指导实际维修有一定意义。

    Based on TOYOTA PREVIA travelling car , this paper expounds the structure , operation , circuit principle , main component and fault maintenance methods of cruising control system with reversible motor as actuator . It is of practical value to maintenance .

  19. 四川旅行车制造厂合资战略研究

    The Analysis of Joint Venture Strategy for Sichuan Passenger Car Factory

  20. 欢迎来到我们的旅行车这就是这辆车

    Welcome to the Swaggin Wagon , this is the car .

  21. 我们坐在教练的旅行车里,还记得么?

    And we got in coach 's station wagon , remember ?

  22. 我们买了一部旧的旅行车并且用它旅行到加州。

    We bought an old van and toured California in it .

  23. 我看着她驾着那老旧的、木质面板的旅行车离去。

    I watched her drive away in this old wood-paneled station wagon .

  24. 早餐后,我们分乘两量旅行车。

    After breakfast , we split into two Safari vehicles .

  25. 丰田大霸王旅行车巡航系统电路故障的检测方法

    Circuit Fault Diagnosing Method to Cruising System on TOYOTA PREVIA

  26. 乐声飘渺,在我的吉普赛旅行车中缭绕。

    His music will fill the air of my gypsy wagon indeterminately .

  27. 她使劲刹住她的那辆旅行车。

    She slammed her station wagon to a stop .

  28. 不知道,旅行车吗

    I don 't know . A station wagon ?

  29. 这种宁静的日子给我的旅行车注入了一种从容坦荡的气度。

    The repose of these days and nights fills my wagon with calmness .

  30. 它是雪白的尖桩篱笆,是工作,是厢式旅行车;

    It 's the white picket fence , the job and the minivan .