
  • 网络new finance
  1. 因此,新金融是一把双刃剑。

    Therefore , new finance is a double-edged sword .

  2. 新金融工具准则在国内上市银行实施现状的规范研究

    New finance tool principle 's regulative research on China listed bank realization Position

  3. 或许具有讽刺意味的是,新金融法规对美联储(fed)的挑战,甚至会大于其对金融机构的挑战。

    Perhaps ironically , the new financial legislation will challenge the Federal Reserve even more than it does financial institutions .

  4. 新金融工具:委托租赁业务探讨

    New Financial Instrument : Study of Trust Renting Business Leasing

  5. 如果这件事能促使人们对新金融战略进行思考的话。

    An event which stimulated some comprehensive new strategic thinking .

  6. 新金融效率观与金融效率实证评估框架

    The New Financial Efficiency Perspective and the Practical Financial Efficiency Appraisal Frame

  7. 然而,日本地震无疑会加大爆发新金融地震的风险。

    But the Japanese disaster unquestionably increases the risk of new financial tremors .

  8. 科学发展观视角下的新金融安全观

    New Concept of Financial Safety from the Perspective of Scientific Theory of Development

  9. 新金融发展理论的构建与中国效率型金融变革

    Construction of New Theory of Financial Development and Chinese Financial Innovation of Efficiency

  10. 世界金融危机与新金融革命

    Global Financial Crisis and the New Financial Revolution

  11. 新金融产品:股价连动债券

    A New Financial Product : Stock-price Indexed Bonds

  12. 泰国新金融震荡:分析与启示

    The Analysis of the Causes of New Financial Shock in Thailand and Its Enlightenments

  13. 新金融及其风险防范

    The New Finance and Its Risk Precautions

  14. 新金融中介理论述评

    Comments on the New Financial Intermediary Theory

  15. 新金融为经济繁荣注入了活力,同时也为经济孕育了风险。

    New finance injects vitality into economic prosperity , and also breeds risks for economy .

  16. 开展新金融革命,是消除世界金融危机的最佳途径。

    To develop the new financial revolution will be the best way to clear up the crisis .

  17. 日本政府的最新金融制度改革方案及效果评价

    The Latest Plan of the Japanese Government to Reform Its Financial System and Evaluation of Its Effect

  18. 第三,日本政府支持中小企业发展的最新金融措施,分析新形势下转变观念,更新支持方式的必要性;

    The third part introduces the latest financial measures employed by the Japanese government to support the development of medium-and-small enterprises .

  19. 关于新金融监管结构的辩论,不应干扰各国政府利用现有工具、应对这些新兴风险的努力。

    Debates about new financial regulatory structures should not distract governments from using tools they have to counter these emerging risks .

  20. 东欧地区的新金融保护主义最为严重,这是政府插手银行业的自然结果。

    Eastern Europe is at the sharp end of the new financial protectionism , a natural consequence of government involvement in banking .

  21. 新金融环境中,企业投资决策的科学与否是关系到企业能否生存和发展的重大问题。

    In the new financial environment , whether the enterprise 's invest decision is scientific or not relates to the development of the enterprise .

  22. 新金融涉及多个领域,如心理学、物理学、复杂适应系统和人工智能等。

    Anomalies are attracting significant interest across a broad range of disciplines such as psychology , physic , complex adaptive system and artificial intelligence .

  23. 美国中央银行界人士认为,基于创新的新金融工具的爆炸式增长,对市场效率是一个巨大的有利因素。

    The view in US central banking circles was that an innovations-based explosion of new financial instruments was a huge plus for market efficiency .

  24. 在这方面,也有种种迹象表明情况正朝着正确的方向发展。新金融产品为中国储户带来了跑赢通胀率的回报。

    Here too , there are signs of a move in the right direction , with new financial products offering China 's savers inflation-beating returns .

  25. 自2006年新金融工具会计准则颁布以来,它便成为我国会计界讨论的热点话题之一。

    Since 2006 , the new financial instrument accounting standards have issued , and it becomes one of the hot topics to be discussed by accountants .

  26. 因此,既存法律制度的革新是新金融情势下的必然要求。

    Considering the features , in the coming innovation , the traditional legal reform and fresh legislation must be based on the features of internet banking .

  27. 作为融资机制的创新,资产证券化致力于现有的资产重组,创造了各种应收账款再融资、资产流动性改善的新金融机制。

    As the innovative institution of circulating funds , Asset Securitization focuses on restructuring asset and creates new financial institution , which improves the liquidity of asset .

  28. 对新金融理论研究之后,本文认为金融学新体系的建立,其核心的内容便是对基础的权益(股票)市场动力学机制的确立。

    After studied on the literatures , we point out that the key issue of new finance theory is building the dynamics mechanism of security ( equity ) market .

  29. 近些年来,鉴于对以信贷危机为核心的新金融危机的防范,商业银行加强了风险管理,尤其是信贷风险管理。

    In order to prevent a new financial crisis with credit risk as its core , commercial banks have enhanced risk management in recent years , especially credit risk management .

  30. 只有加强信用制度建设,才能更好地开放金融市场,引进更多的国外资金,先进的管理方法以及新金融产品;

    Only by strengthening the construction of credit system that we can better open the finance market , import more foreign funds and advanced managing methods and new financial products .