
  1. 与2003年感恩节与圣诞节期间,隧道窑被拆除以腾出位置将铺设新窑。

    Between Thanksgiving and Christmas of2003 , the tunnel kiln was demolished and removed , and the site was prepared for the new kiln .

  2. 新窑煤矿在综采工作面支架回撤中成功应用支架装车站快速装车技术,解决了综采工作面搬迁中支架装车速度慢、安全隐患多的问题。

    The fast loading technology with the support loading station is successfully applied in the support withdrawing at the fully mechanized coal face in Xinyao Coal Mine .

  3. 如果换成是今天,她想获得1200索尔的贷款、启动几年前买下的一个新窑区,结果可能会让人失望。

    If she were trying today to get the loan of 1,200 sol for a new kiln that she secured a few years ago , she would be disappointed .

  4. 确有碗豆青色的汝州新窑器;陶器又以罐类为主,其次为釜、钵、簋、盘、碗等。

    There existed the pea-blue porcelain made for ministers ; Jar prevails in the pottery forms , followed in secession by cauldron , bo-bowl , gui-vessel , plate and wan-bowl .

  5. 首先分析研究了新窑沟隧道工程地质条件和围岩变形破坏机制,将围岩的破坏形式归纳为抽心、膨胀破坏、挤压破坏、基岩裂隙水破坏、滑动破坏五种类型。

    Firstly , after the analysis on the engineering geological condition and wall rock distortion destroy mechanism , the author reduced the wall rock destroy shape to five style : taking out the center , bulging destruction , entrusting destruction , radicals cranny water destruction , sleeking destruction .

  6. 来自英国特伦特河畔斯托克市康布里其区DIS窑炉公司的工程师对该窑炉设计进行了一些改造,并随同新间歇窑安装一并完成。

    Engineers from DIS Kilns of Cobridge , Stoke-on-Trent , UK , designed changes to the kiln , to be implemented along with the installation of the new periodic .

  7. 然后是翻新旧间歇窑,安装新间歇窑。

    The old periodic was then refurbished , and the new periodic kiln was installed .

  8. 韶钢新石灰窑烟气除尘技术的应用

    Application of flue gas control technique at the new limekiln of Shaoguan Iron & Steel Group Co. , Ltd

  9. “项目方在2004年底找到我们,问我们能否为申河水泥厂的一个新水泥窑设计一个余热回收发电装置。”张福滨回忆说。

    " The project initiators approached us in2004 , asking us to design a waste-heat power-generation facility for Shenhe Cement 's new kiln ," Zhang recalls .

  10. 阐述了一种新的回转窑焙烧方法。

    A new method of roasting in the rotary furnaces was discussed in detail .

  11. 新世纪水泥回转窑的燃烧技术和装备

    Burning technique and device to cement rotary kiln in new century

  12. 拥有目前最新的高温隧道窑、煤气电脑窑炉及新型陶瓷成型生产线。

    Own currently the latest heat tunnel kiln , the coal gas computer kiln stove and new porcelain and ceramics to model a production line .

  13. 因此,新世纪水泥回转窑的燃烧技术和装备,必将是节能型的、环保型的、资源利用型的。

    Therefor , burning technique and device to cement rotary kiln in new century must be energy saving type , environmental protective type and resource utilizing type .