
  • 网络Generation;new generation;next generation;New Age
  1. 台湾新世代诗歌与现实主义创作潮流

    Poetry of the New Generation in Taiwan and the Trend of Realist Creation

  2. 这节课堂将集中讨论社运进入新世代的各种议题。

    This session will focus on the new generation of social movement in Hong Kong .

  3. 新世代办公室Horwath公司室内设计

    New Age Office in Horwath Company

  4. 新世代钢结构桥梁之设计与施工(Ⅰ)

    Design and Construction of Steel Bridges in a New Era (ⅰ)

  5. 那个方向也许是可以流行于新世代的潮流。

    This direction will probably be the trend even in the next-gen console .

  6. 新世代定会带来更多欢乐!

    This new season would bring joy once more !

  7. 这些丝状物质最终将会再次轮回构成新世代的星体。

    This filamentary material will eventually be recycled into building new generations of stars .

  8. 兴起刚强的新世代之基础,在于经营一个美满的婚姻。

    The foundation for raising up a strong new generation is to manage a happy marriage .

  9. 失焦的乡土叙事&台湾新世代乡土小说论

    " Out of Focus " Native Narrative & Of the Native Novels by Taiwan 's New Generation

  10. 在科技与人文互为竞合之新世代,结合艺术与科学之建筑学正是得以结合两者分歧之学识。

    In the new generation of science and humanities competing , architecture with art and science combine both differences .

  11. 巴特克斯最近刚获得张两百万美金的开发合约,是替美国海军设计新世代喷射战机。

    Bartex was recently awarded a two hundred million dollar design contract for the next generation of carrier fighter jets by the US navy .

  12. 新世代透过一种建构在虚拟空间里的角色扮演,在层出不穷的互动之下,自我的认同也不断变化着。

    The self-identity of the new generation is also constantly changing due to its endless interactive role-playing games ( RPGs ) constructed in cyberspace .

  13. 在北京举办的“新世代厕所博览会”上,盖茨在演讲时,手持一罐透明杯子所装的人类粪便,强调改善卫生设施的重要性。

    During a speech at the Beijing event , Gates held up a clear jar of human faeces to illustrate the importance of improving sanitation .

  14. 关于数字时代对新世代交流行为的影响,还无法下定论,但就有可能减弱在面对面沟通方面的能力。

    Maybe it 's too early to assess the effect of digital habits , but is the Gen Y losing the ability to interact face-to-face ?

  15. 爱尔兰共和军政治党亚当斯说,协议“标志着新世代的开始”。

    Adams , who heads the political wing of the Irish Republican Army , said the deal " marks the beginning of a new era . "

  16. 柯统辉获选台湾应材“新世代半导体种子培训营”及“矽谷科技之旅”成员!

    Tung-Huei Ke is elected to attend the " New-generation semiconductor seed camp " and " Technology trip to silicon valley " held by Applied Materials , Taiwan .

  17. 盖茨基金会已为“新世代厕所”投入大约2亿美元,并预计在厕所大范围投入使用之前,还将再投资2亿美元。

    Gates " foundation has committed roughly $ 200 million to the toilet project and expects to spend the same amount again before the toilets are viable for wide-scale distribution .

  18. 根据最近公布的一项调查显示,能够储存大量个人资讯的手机及可携式装置盛行,已经制造出一批记不住简单事物的新世代。

    According to a survey released recently , the boom in mobiles and portable devices that store reams of personal information has created a generation incapable of memorising simple things .

  19. 台湾新世代作家则塑造了一个集民间、私我和异彩文化等诸多因子交汇的都市场域,包容了更大的阐释空间。

    And the New-generation writers of Taiwan figured an urban field domain with a good many factors such as the folk and the private , which includes a bigger elucidative space .

  20. 这群年轻主管把焦点放在生活风格产品上,还有完整的库克套装产品。他们说,他们想要保留旧世界的简朴风格,把它与吸引新世代的元素融合在一起。

    Still , with a focus on lifestyle products , and the complete Krug package , these young execs say they want to maintain the Old World simplicity with new generation appeal .

  21. 盖茨表示,在数年研发后,“新世代厕所”即将推向市场。这项新科技是全球最大的私人慈善机构比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会资助的研究项目产物。

    The toilet , which Gates said was ready for sale after years of development , is the brainchild of research projects funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , the world 's biggest private philanthropy organization .

  22. 作为微软公司的创始人之一,盖茨还在前一天亮相上海进博会,是本届进博会的重量级嘉宾之一。他还称赞了使这项“新世代厕所”科技成真的全球化和自由贸易体制。

    The Microsoft Corp co-founder , who a day earlier was one of the high profile guests at a major trade event in Shanghai , also lauded the globalized and free trade systems that made the toilet technology possible .

  23. 培育具备世界观的新世代,打造国际化的教育,以顾客服务导向之教育理念,建构「全球接轨」之学校,才能让台湾之教育展现国际竞争实力,耀眼国际舞台。

    Only via cultivating the future generation with international aspects , constructing internationalized education and building schools that connect with the world with customer-oriented service , can taiwan 's education keep competitive and be in the spotlight on the world stage .

  24. 台湾新世代都市文学表现对田园怀旧主义的批判,描绘复杂暧昧的都市感性,又以亲睐公寓与大东区这一都市空间为自己的一个重要的表现特征。

    Urban literature by writers of the new generation is characterized by its criticism of pastoral nostalgia , by its descriptions of the complicated and ambivalent urbanity , and by its adoption of the apartment and the big East End for its representation .

  25. 新的世代抛弃前一代的业绩,好像它们是些搁浅的船。

    One generation abandons the enterprises of another like stranded vessels .

  26. 有权势的地主和服劳役的农民之间的关系,对罗马前辈来说曾经是古代世界毫无出路的没落形式,现在对新的世代来说则是新发展的起点。

    The relation of powerful landowners and subject peasants which had meant for the ancient world the final ruin , from which there was no escape , was for them the starting-point of a new development .

  27. 胚代表新孢子体世代的开始。

    The embryo thus represents the beginning of the new sporophytic generation .

  28. 研究以新狼山鸡12个世代的入孵头照白蛋率、孵化期死亡率、育雏期死亡率和育成期死亡率为基础材料,作为探讨新狼山鸡死亡当量的依据。

    To study the lethal equivalent of New Langshan Chicken , we collected the data of hatch rate at first check time , death rate in hatching time , and mortality after hatching .

  29. 美国亿万富翁兼慈善家比尔-盖茨本周二在北京推介了最新研发的未来派“新世代厕所”,无需使用水,也不用连接下水道,仅使用化学物质就能将人类粪便转化为肥料。

    US billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates unveiled on Tuesday in Beijing a futuristic toilet that doesn 't need water or sewers and uses chemicals to turn human waste into fertilizer .