
duàn qiáo cán xuě
  • Snow on the Broken Bridge
  1. 断桥残雪是著名的西湖十景之一,是西湖冬季的一处独特景观。

    Broken Bridge Canxue sites is one of the famous West Lake , West Lake , the winter is a unique landscape .

  2. 春去春又来,独留己赏华丽的烟花绽放在天际,仅一刹那又灰飞烟灭,忆起那断桥时候的残雪,是否还有过你的温柔我的泪。

    Spring has gone again , leaving already enjoy gorgeous bloom of fireworks in the sky , only the moment and wiped out , and remember that when the snow bridge , if I still had your soft tears .