
  • 网络document translation;literature translation;documentary translation;Translation of Literature
  1. 多元视角析中国近现代经济文献翻译史

    A Multi-Perspective Analysis of Economic Literature Translation in China , 1840-1949

  2. 语境差别与文献翻译中的语境补全

    Contextual Difference and Supplying of Contextual Elements in Literature Translation

  3. 而术语翻译尤其是专利文献翻译的一个重要部分。

    Term translation is an important part of patent documentation translation .

  4. 引言部分介绍了政治文献翻译及本文的研究背景和研究方法。

    The introduction is the background and overview of political translation .

  5. 机器翻译与科技文献翻译有着非常密切的关系。

    Machine translation is closely-tied with the translation of Sci-tech document .

  6. 增词与减词在法律及经贸文献翻译中的应用

    The Application of Additions and Omissions to Legal and Business Translation

  7. 译者在中国政治文献翻译中的干预

    The Translator 's Interference in China 's Political Document Translation

  8. 医药英语文献翻译与写作。

    Translation and writing of English literature on medicine and pharmacology ii .

  9. 日语科技文献翻译的汉字词与外来语《日耳曼历史文献》

    Chinese-Character Words & Loan Words in Japanese-Chinese Scientific Translation ;

  10. 国际商务文献翻译批评论

    On Translation Criticism on the Literature of International Business

  11. 从法律语言结构分析简明英语对法律文献翻译的影响

    Plain English on Legal Translation from Legal Language Structures

  12. 功能对等理论视角下的汉语政治文献翻译

    On the Translation of Chinese Political Essays from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence

  13. 语用预设理论在科技文献翻译中的应用

    The application of pragmatic presupposition to translating scientific literature

  14. 科技文献翻译的各种版本

    Classification of translation editions for foreign sci tech literatures

  15. 如何做好图书馆的文献翻译服务

    How to Provide High Quality Translation Services in Libraries

  16. 因此政治文献翻译研究也颇为重要。

    Therefore the study of political documents translation is all the more necessary .

  17. 英语体育科技文献翻译方法与技巧

    The Translation Skill for English Sports Scientific Literature

  18. 晚清西医学文献翻译的特点及出版机构

    Features of Translation of Western Medical Literatures and Publishing Institutions in Late Qing Dynasty

  19. 论外文文献翻译与研究的现代转型

    On the Translation and Research on Foreign Literature

  20. 从十六大英译文看重要文献翻译的准确性

    Accuracy in the Translation of Key Documents

  21. 并且获得有关国际商务英语中法律文献翻译技巧方面的知识。

    , and acquire a knowledge of translation techniques for legal documents of international business English .

  22. 本研究结果将对奈达的动态对等理论在中医文献翻译上的进一步应用有所裨益。

    This thesis attempts to contribute to the application of Nida 's theory of equivalence to TCM translation .

  23. 诺德也提出了四种文本类型本和文献翻译及工具翻译。

    Nord claimed four text types and two translation strategies as well : documentary translation and instrumental translation .

  24. 根据这两种理论,翻译是意识形态和权力操纵下的改写过程,这一点在政治文献翻译中尤为突出。

    In light of their theories , translation is essentially a process of rewriting manipulated by power and ideology .

  25. 但总观林业文献翻译现状,违背这一标准的现象却屡见不鲜,这势必会影响我国林业的对外交流。

    However , the phenomenon of violating this criterion is quite common in the present English translation of forestry literature .

  26. 目前,在语言学领域还没有一个主流的用来指导法律文献翻译的翻译理论。

    In the field of linguistic study , there is no special translation theory used to guide the translation of legal texts .

  27. 中央音乐学院院长办公室副主任,译审,中央音乐学院音乐文献翻译专业硕士研究生导师。

    He is the assistant director of Dean 's Office and professor of Translation for Musical Literature in Central Conservatory of Music .

  28. 论文首先将探讨功能论的核心理论与思想,以期对政治文献翻译实践提供指导。

    First of all , the main principles of the functionalism will be discussed , which will provide guidance for translating political documents .

  29. 中医文献翻译的难度主要是来自于语言和文化的障碍以及中西医学的差异。

    Difficulties in TCM translation are mainly posed by the cultural and linguistic barriers as well as the differences between TCM and Western medicine .

  30. 最后本文就如何在海事文献翻译教学及法律翻译中应用本文的研究结果提出建议。

    Finally , some suggestions are made on how to apply the findings in the teaching of maritime documents translation and the law translation .