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Research on literature and history 's of university mathematical teaching contents and methods
From the major point of view , Literature and History Students ' life satisfaction was significantly higher than that of Science and Engineering students .
The school adjustment of college student have differences in major .
Self-concept of arts students is lower than science students as well as normal students .
It has significant difference in reverse understanding and reverse response factors , and the science students scored higher than liberal arts .
There is different in academic achievement between different gender and majors . The academic achievement for girls is higher than boys and technology students are higher than history student . 4 .
It studies the relationship between schema theory and English listening comprehension , especially the influence of schema theory to the English listening comprehension of non-English major college students majored in arts and science .
The necessity of advanced mathematical teaching reform in the category of literature and history in colleges and universities was stated . Researching and studying the setting of higher-math teaching contents in these categories were studied .
On the use of positive emotion regulation strategies , the non-only children are significantly more than the only children , the art students are significantly fewer than the literature and history and science and engineering students ;
Arts body type of college students ' scores higher than of literature of science and engineering , and the agriculture cure kind ; Junior to " exploratory " in the score higher than a freshman and sophomore students .
In the three dimensions of learning burnout , sports undergraduates ' depersonalization is the most serious . The emotional exhaustion is less serious than that of liberal arts undergraduates . The lack of personal accomplishment is more serious than that of science undergraduates .
Significant difference in positive response factor , and students of liberal arts scored higher than the Science students . Third , interpersonal trust has significant difference in gender , and female was higher than male , but the extent of interpersonal trust in general are not high in all .
Different from the students of arts or science majors , students in the major of journalism and communication have unique features .
More sports undergraduates are burnt-out in learning psychology than liberal arts undergraduates and science undergraduates , but the burnout level is lower than that of liberal arts undergraduates .