
  • 网络Mathematical Model;Theoretical model
  1. 在柔性逻辑的不确定推理中,N范数是一级运算的数理模型。

    N-norm is the mathematic model of1-level operation in uncertain reasoning .

  2. 本文建立了LiBr/H2O双效吸收式制冷机的热力计算与传热计算的数理模型。

    A thermal and heat transfer model of LiBr / H_2O double-effect absorption chiller ( LDAC ) is founded .

  3. 文中首先讨论了多光谱图像分类前需要进行的图像几何配准和大气辐射校正等预处理方法,然后根据kmeans算法的数理模型,重点讨论了分类的技术过程。

    The preprocessing method of geometrical image match and atmospherical image correction for multispectral image classification was briefly introduced , with the emphasis on image classification based on the mathematical and physical model of K-means .

  4. 在DR系统中,基于上述数理模型建立了灵敏度模型,利用输出场强可以很好的再现输入场强。

    In the laboratory 's DR system , based on the mathematical function , the sensitive model is obtained , so the input field intensity is effective recovery using output field intensity .

  5. 在实验室已做工作的基础上,对PCR微芯片热传导过程进行了分析,深入研究了芯片传热过程的数理模型;

    The topics of this dissertation are presented below : 1 . On the basis of the work in our laboratory , heat conduction mechanism for PCR microchip is explored , and mathematical model is studied ;

  6. 对某Laval缩放喷管内的湿蒸汽自发凝结流动的数值模拟结果表明,本文所采用的数理模型及计算方法是有效和可靠的。

    A wet flow inside Laval nozzle was calculated and the results showed a good agreement with experimental data .

  7. 本文主要由三个部分组成:首先,简述EIT成像原理和数理模型,深入分析了重建图像的病态性;

    Firstly , the mathematical and physical models of the image reconstruction in EIT are discussed , and the ill-conditioned is researched deeply .

  8. 理论研究和模拟试验表明,本论文中的极化干涉SAR系统的定标数理模型的正确性。本论文提出的极化干涉SAR系统定标的改进算法比传统算法有很大的优越性。

    By the theory research and simulation experiments , it has been proved that the Polarimetric SAR interferometry calibration model is correct and the performances of the new improved algorithm is better than the conventional algorithm .

  9. 根据平行光透过玻璃管的折射规律,提出用CCD成像在线测量玻璃管外径及壁厚的新方法,并用计算机进行模拟,导出了数理模型;

    Based on the refraction principle of the transmission of parallel light through a glass tube , a new method using CCD for measuring the external diameter and wall thickness of a glass tube is described .

  10. 企业管理者在企业管理中应用CAS理论需要具备务实灵活的哲学观念、分析精确的数理模型、开放的系统思维、求实动态的物理工具和开阔的社会视角;

    The application of CAS theory in the business administration requires flexible philosophical ideas , accurately-analyzed mathematical models , open systematic thinking , mobile physical tools and broad social perspectives .

  11. 其次详细地论述了神经系统的基本原理,介绍了神经网络的基本概念和实现它的光学方案。主要介绍Hopfield数理模型及有关的光学系统、光学神经网络实现所面临的主要困难。

    Then the principle of the neural network and optical implementation , Hopfield model and its optical systems and the main difficulty of implementation of the optical neural networks are also presented .

  12. 根据细胞的放射生物学效应,我们建立了131I治疗甲亢甲状腺滤泡细胞数变化的动力学数理模型并求得了其解。

    According to cell biological radiation effects , we have established dynamics mathematical mode according to the number of thyroid cells and get its solution .

  13. 考虑到非活性肿瘤细胞对临床CT肿瘤体积有实质性贡献,结合LQR模型和非活性肿瘤细胞消亡动力学建立了肿瘤放疗体积演化的数理模型。

    Since inactive cells in tumor have substantial contribution to tumor volume in CT image , the mathematical model of tumor volume evolution in radiotherapy was built by combining the dynamic of inactive tumor cells with LQR model . 3 .

  14. 根据CNN网络结构特点和数理模型,详细分析了CNN的动态范围和稳定性,并介绍了图象处理中CNN输入与输出的量化方法及基本思想。

    According to the network construction character and mathematical physics model of CNN , the CNN dynamic range and stability is analyzed in detail , and the quantization method of CNN input and output in image processing and the basic principle of CNN applied to image processing is introduced .

  15. 基于润滑近似理论和Nusselt液膜流动理论建立了一个描述固体相变材料在热球体外表面上接触融解的数理模型。

    Based on the theories of lubrication approximations and Nusselt liquid film flowing , a model describing close contact melting of phase change solid around a hot sphere is developed by applying a more stringent energy balance relation at the two phase interface .

  16. 提出了带有PV的新型Trombe墙结构,建立了二维的光伏玻璃板以及PV-Trombe墙系统的数理模型,获得了系统的温度场、太阳电池的电性能和室内得热。

    A novel Trombe wall with PV cells is presented in this paper . A two-dimensional model of PV glass panel and the model of the PV-Trombe system are established . The temperature distribution , electrical performance and heat gain of the PV-Trombe wall system are obtained respectively .

  17. 电场作用下自蔓延高温合成过程的数理模型

    A Mathematic Model of SHS Process Under an External Electric Field

  18. 完成了发射过程数理模型的建立。

    And the mathematical-physical model during the launching has been established .

  19. 建立了碳纳米管场发射环境下电子与气体碰撞的数理模型。

    A mathematical and physical model of electron-gas collisions is constructed .

  20. 该方法用计算机进行模拟导出了数理模型。

    A mathematical model is developed and computer simulation carried out .

  21. 射线平板探测器成像系统的数理模型

    Mathematical model based on X-ray imaging system of flat panel detector

  22. 热水间歇供暖加热过程数理模型

    Model of the intermittent heating process of a hot water heating system

  23. 燃料乙醇争粮与争地问题的数理模型分析

    Analysis on Mathematical Model of Competition for Grain and Land of Bio-ethanol

  24. 公司业绩与财务政策的数理模型分析

    Mathematical Model Analysis on Firm 's Performance and Financial Policy

  25. 一个改进的肾上腺皮质分泌调节系统的数理模型

    An improved mathematical model of the adrenal cortex secretory system

  26. 建立非公立医院综合竞争力评价的数理模型。

    Create a mathematical model of the competitive assessment of non-public hospitals .

  27. 黑龙江省中高级人才优化配置数理模型研究

    Disposition schemes ' optimization of high-ranking and medium-ranking talent of Heilongjiang Province

  28. 该软件所采用的数理模型为气体动力学中的特征线方法,主要研究从气道段至缸内这一段的流动。

    Method of characteristic line is applied to the software .

  29. 考虑分布式电源的智能电网备用市场交易模型脑神经电偶极子电势分布的数理模型及仿真

    Reserve Market Direct Transaction Platform Model for Smart Grid Considering Distributed Generation

  30. 下丘脑、腺垂体、性腺轴内分泌调节控制系统的数理模型

    A Model of the Hormones Secretion in the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonad Axis in Man