
  • 网络Data permissions;Data Authority
  1. 提出了角色、业务及动态流转中都可具有GIS的功能和数据权限。

    Secondly , the author puts forward that the role , business and the dynamical flow of work all can have GIS function and data authority limits .

  2. 面向过程的产品数据权限管理研究

    Process-oriented product data authority management

  3. 并给出了数据权限计算、功能权限计算的核心算法。最后,运用本文的研究成果,在已提出的模型、功能说明、算法的基础上,完成PDM系统访问控制功能的实现工作。

    Algorithms such as function permission calculation and data permission calculation have also been proposed . Finally , PDM system access control function has been implemented based on proposed model , functions and algorithms .

  4. 一种通用数据库数据权限系统的设计及实现

    The Design and Realization of A Data Jurisdiction System for General Databases

  5. 基于统一基础网格的空间数据权限管理模型研究

    A Spatial Data Privilege Management Model Based on Spatial Grid

  6. 通过维护用户的访问控制列表来提供功能和数据权限。

    Provide functional and data entitlement by maintaining access control lists of users .

  7. 对权限平台的配置可以控制页面的访问权限及数据权限,使人事系统中不同角色的权限管理变的简单。

    Permission platform can be configured to control access to pages and data access rights management of the different roles of the personnel system simple .

  8. 主要研究了解决复杂数据权限的问题,最后验证此权限模型的正确性和通用性。

    The main purpose of this study is to solve complex data permission issues and verify whether the permission model is correct and universal or not .

  9. 其中,游戏类应用获取用户隐私数据权限的比例增幅最大,由2017年下半年的43.1%增至2018年上半年的88.9%。

    Of them , game apps saw the biggest increase in gaining access to users ' private data , from 43.1 % in the second half of last year to 88.9 % in the first half of 2018 .

  10. select权限可授予在表中查看数据的权限,但不授予变更数据的权限。

    The select permission grants authority to look at data in a table , but does not give permission to alter it .

  11. 基于Oracle实现数据行权限控制的新方法探讨

    One new method discussion of realizing authority control of data lines based on Oracle Database

  12. 同一个API也可用于管理用户查询或写入数据的权限。

    The same API can also be used to manage permissions of the user querying or writing data .

  13. delete、insert和update权限授予修改表中数据的权限。

    The delete , insert , and update permissions grant the authority to modify the data in a table .

  14. 然后该方法会为用户打印出URL,以授予用户访问存储在Twitter上的数据的权限。

    The method then prints out the URL for the user to authorize access to his or her data stored on Twitter .

  15. 据预计,这家中国搜索巨头将为Uber提供访问其大量数据的权限和核心地图服务。

    The Chinese search giant is expected to provide Uber with access to its huge amount of data and its core map service .

  16. 用于访问外部表的权限由IDS通过外部表上的用户访问特权治理,还受到由操作系统管理的数据文件权限的治理。

    The permissions used to access external tables is governed by the user access privileges on the external table by IDS as well as the data file permissions managed by the operating system .

  17. 在发表的声明中,谷歌称将限制外部开发者访问安卓智能手机和Gmail的用户数据的权限。

    In its announcement , the company said it is curtailing the access it gives outside developers to user data on Android smartphones and Gmail .

  18. 将会从Twitter请求请求令牌,然后用户将被重定向到Twitter,以授予代码读/写用户Twitter数据的权限,参见图2。

    A request token will be requested from Twitter , and then the user will be redirected to Twitter for authorizing our code to the user 's Twitter data with read / write access ; see Figure 2 .

  19. 它有多渠道接入、开放的SOA体系、通用业务回退、数据级权限、纯业务接口,隐式传参、模型驱动开发、基于POJO的轻量级开发、组件多态发布、应用服务器无关等特点。

    The architecture has the characteristic of multi-channel access , open SOA system , fallback of common business , authority of data level , pure business interface , implicit participation , model-driven development , lightweight development based on POJO , component polymorphism , independent of application server , etc.

  20. 要实现Flitter,必须扩展Drupal数据库,以便包含一个新的Flitter表;访问Flitter数据的权限,或flit;编辑flit的表单;操作数据库的代码。

    To realize Flitter , you must extend the Drupal database to include a new Flitter table ; permissions to access Flitter data , or flits ; a form to edit a flit ; and some code to manipulate the database .

  21. 仍然需要谨慎,以免不小心通过LocalDomainServers或其他一些组授予所有服务器访问所有数据的权限,因此制定此类模型之后应小心地进行测试。

    You still need to be careful that you don 't unintentionally grant all servers access to all data through LocalDomainServers or some other group , so test carefully after rolling out such a model .

  22. 有几个新的管理权限级别,其中两个是DATAACCESS和ACCESSCTRL,分别用来给予用户访问数据的权限或授权别人访问数据的权限。

    There are several new administration authority levels , two of which are : DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL , that you can use to give users the authority to access data or grant access to data , respectively .

  23. 如何授予访问获得的数据的权限?

    How can permission to access the data be obtained ?

  24. 统一空间数据仓库权限管理分析与设计

    Analysis and Design for Uniform Access Control Strategy in Spatial Data Warehouse

  25. 基于规则的产品数据访问权限管理研究

    Rule Based Access Research in Product Data Management

  26. 没有拥有相同的数据访问权限会导致测试周期延长。

    Not having the same access to the data causes a longer test cycle .

  27. 基于工作流的数据存取权限管理

    A New Model of Data Access Superiority Management Data Access Superiority Management Based On Work Flow

  28. 换句话说,它是用来授予数据访问权限的智能化、粒度化方法。

    In other words , it â™ s an intelligent and granular method for granting data access .

  29. 管理员通过向导可以为用户配置数据服务权限,管理数据服务层的权限。

    Administrator can configure the data-services ' permission by wizards and manage the permission in data-service layer .

  30. 引入角色机制控制数据访问权限,有效的保证了数据的安全性、完整性和一致性;

    With the introduced access limit to the data control , the safety , integrity and unanimity can be effectively guaranteed ;