
sǎn qǔ
  • Sanqu;a type of verse;a type of verse popular in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with tonal patterns modelled on tunes drawn from folk music
散曲 [sǎn qǔ]
  • [a type of verse] 曲的一种体式,没有宾白科介,便于清唱:内容多为抒情,写景,有小令和散套两种形式。盛行于元、明、清三代

散曲[sǎn qǔ]
  1. 明散曲史研究

    Studies on the History of Non-dramatic Songs in the Ming Dynasty

  2. 元代哈剌鲁人伯颜宗道新史料伯颜及其诗歌散曲创作论

    Bo Yan and His Poem and Non-dramatic Song Creation Theory

  3. 20世纪散曲学史

    History of Vernacular Song Scholarship of the 20 th Century

  4. 概述清代湖湘散曲的创作状况。

    Second , summarize the creation condition of the Qing dynasty genre .

  5. 道家道教对元代文人散曲的影响

    Influence of Taoism on Non-dramatic Songs of the Yuan Dynasty

  6. 论散曲对古典诗歌传统的颠覆

    On the Subversion of Non-dramatic Songs to the Tradition of the Ancient Poetry

  7. 如此一来,对于文人来讲,编写杂剧已与散曲创作区别不大。

    As a result , Writing dramas and creating Qu had little differences .

  8. 英语世界中的元散曲翻译及研究

    Translations of and Researches on Yuan " San-Ch ' ü" in English World

  9. 元散曲与元剧曲之文学功用比较

    Comparison of the Literary Functions of San Qu and Ju Qu in Yuan Dynasty

  10. 隐逸思想是元散曲的重要主题之一。

    Reclusive idea was one of important themes in lyric verses of Yuan Dynasty .

  11. 元散曲中的陶渊明形象

    The Image of Tao Yuanming in Yuan Opera

  12. 在中国古代诗歌艺术中,散曲占有重要一席。

    The non-dramatic song occupies a very important place in the Chinese classical poetic art .

  13. 她的散曲多是直抒胸臆,恣肆奔放,以豪放的北曲为主要创作方式。

    Her works is bold and unrestrained , and this is the mainly creation tendency .

  14. 元散曲是一种特殊的诗体形式,在当时的社会里有着特殊的意蕴,引入尼采的酒神精神来解读这些作品,给人以新的感受。

    We will get fresh feeling when using Nietzsche 's Dionysiac Spirit to analyse these works .

  15. 散曲是中国诗歌的第三种也是最后一种古典体式。

    Sanqu Poem is the third , also the ultimate , classic style of Chinese Poetry .

  16. 乔吉散曲中有积极入世的儒士思想,又有消极避世的隐士情怀。

    In Qiao Ji 's Sanqu , he shows both positive and pessimistic attitudes to life .

  17. 本文拟从文化、作家和文体几个层面切入,试图对张可久散曲风格成因作初步探析。

    The paper will try to make simple analysis to it from culture , writer and style .

  18. 从全知叙事视角、限知叙事视角和转换叙事视角等三个维度,探讨元代散曲套数的叙事视角。

    Study the narrative perspectives from the three dimensions : omniscient perspective , limited perspective and perspective-shift .

  19. 在《全元散曲》中,有关妓女的散曲约350首(套)。

    There are about 350 verses written for prostitutes in " All Verses in the Yuan Dynasty " .

  20. 其散曲的艺术风格主要体现在三个方面:隐逸情怀,清新淡雅;

    The Qu-Poetry and artistic style is reflected in three aspects : Secluded feeling , fresh and elegant ;

  21. 理性与非理性是其精神情感特征,而直陈与变形,是谐谑散曲主要的表现手法。

    Rationality vs irrationality is the spiritual and emotional features with its main expressive skills being direct statement and change .

  22. 试论元散曲爱情闺怨描写与元代多元文化交流

    On the Description of Love Stories in Yuan Dynasty 's Dramas and the Communication of Plural Cultures in This Era

  23. 第二章中着重介绍了伯颜、不忽木、阿鲁威、字罗、童童、杨景贤等六位蒙古族散曲作家的生平经历及其作品。

    Chapter two introduces six Mongolian writers of non-dramatic songs describing their lives and the content of their important works .

  24. 该方法利用了离散曲率内在的形状特征,在给出多边形的离散曲率插值变形算法的基础上提出了局部修改算法。

    We propose a local modification algorithm on the basis of giving the algorithm for morphing polygons via discrete curvature interpolation .

  25. 散曲是歌词,而且是通俗歌曲的歌词,它的特性是:娱乐性、世俗性和谐谑性。

    The Verse is words of songs and the words of pop songs whose character is amusing , worldly and jokingly .

  26. 冯子振是元代湖南本土作家中唯一一位从事散曲创作的诗人。

    Feng Zi-zhen is the only poet who created lyric verses among Hunan 's native writers of Yuan Dy - nasty .

  27. 它不仅应该受到今人的高度重视,也迫使我们重新评价明代散曲的地位。

    This achievement should be highly valued and it also makes us reevaluate the position of the non-dramatic songs in Ming Dynasty .

  28. 20世纪在元明清诗歌(指广义,还包括词、散曲)研究中涌现了许多著名的学者与学术成果。

    In the 20th century , many well-known writers gained tremendous achievements in the studies of yuan , Ming and Qing Poetry .

  29. 就元散曲中存在着的隐逸主题作一分析,并试探其形成的原因和特质。

    On analyzing the hermit phenomenon in Yuan lyrics , this article tempts to make a further study on its origin and characters .

  30. 清代湖湘散曲作品数量虽不多,却有其独特的思想内涵。

    Three , the Qing dynasty works , though the number of Hunan province works is a small but has its unique connotation .